

【古墳から仏教寺院建築へ・龍角寺③ 東国三社探訪-10】

2023-08-14 04:23:05 | 日記



English version⬇

From Kofun Tumulus to Buddhist Temple Architecture, Ryukakuji Temple (3): Exploring the Three Shrines of Eastern Japan - 10
The form of manifestation of power changed from ancient burial mounds to Buddhist temples. The area around Ryukakuji Temple is a pinnacle of this ancient period. The temple is located in the vicinity of Ryukaku-ji Temple.

The area around the Ryukakuji Temple is one of the most concentrated areas of kofun tumuli in the Kanto region. The tombs date from the late Kofun period (6th century) to the end of the Kofun period (7th century). The total number of confirmed kofun tumuli is currently 115. In the Kanto region, the Kamimono clan, based in Kozuke, is the dominant force, but the area around Ryukakuji Temple is also by far the largest tumulus cluster in the Kanto region. On the edge of the plateau facing Obanuma, there is a row of 6th-century round mounds and posterior-rectangular mounds.
 Many of the tombs are well preserved within the grounds of the Chiba Prefectural "Boso no Mura," one of the largest old private gardens in the Kanto region. The designated area includes 93 burial mounds.
 It is assumed that this tumulus group is closely related to the nearby Ryukakuji Temple, which was founded in the Hakuho Period. So the background of this kofun tumulus group and the surrounding ruins suggests that a powerful tribe based on the northern coast of the Inba Marsh to the southern coast of the Katori Sea acquired a position as an agent of the central royal power in the process of establishing the Yamato royal power's rule in the East, and became a local power that played a part in the state structure after the Ritsuryo state was established.
 The photo is from the "Reconsidering Shimousa Ryukakuji Temple" symposium held at the Aizu Yaichi Memorial Museum of Waseda University in October 2022. The tumulus is the exterior of the Ryukakuji Tumulus Group 101.
 The tumulus culture declined sharply after a certain stage in the history of Japan, but I believe that this represents a shift in the culture of authority of the royal power, which was replaced by "temple architecture" in many cases. At the same time, this is in contrast to the 8 million deities who have taken refuge in the nature in which they dwell.
 The "prestige architecture" of the eight million nature-worshipping "religions" that took refuge in the natural environment of the archipelago may have been the mound structures modified by nature and their shapes as symbols of authority, but in the next new era, Buddhist temples and their architectural temple styles became symbols of authority.
 As such symbols of authority, the main Buddha image and its facial expression are more easily understood than the shape of the kofun tumulus, and it can be assumed that they "visualized" the support of authority. The religious nature of nature worship that had existed up to that point was replaced by the humanized religion of Buddhist thought.

It is stimulating to the imagination to see how people of Jomon origin reacted to and accepted the "divinity" that had a concrete expression. The Jomon had previously displayed kofun as a concrete expression of local kingship, but at some point in history, this was suddenly replaced by Buddhist monasteries, and "mihotoke" appeared with a more concrete human expression.
 What has developed in actual Japanese history is the symbiotic coexistence of the eight millions and Buddhism. What would have been a continental trend toward a bias toward one or the other, in Japan they coexisted. In the eastern part of the Kanto region, the Kashima Shrine, the Katori Shrine, the ancient burial mounds, and the Ryukakuji Temple were all religious entities that coexisted with each other. The same is true of the later Naritasan Shinsho-ji Temple.
 It must be said that the intertwining of royal power and religiosity was a complicated process.


