


2023-11-05 06:04:32 | 日記


English version⬇

[Nishiki autumn deepens with each rainfall, carpets of fallen leaves]
After experiencing a complete change in my work environment, I have not been able to finish sorting out the remaining work (tears). I can't seem to free up the pace of my work. ...

Until yesterday, I was writing an article about an exploration of an old house in Fukusaki, Hyogo Prefecture. In my blog, I intend to continue to write a series of in-depth articles on the relationship between architecture and human beings, mainly houses, in accordance with the basic theme of "houses and people.
 A large number of photos documenting my visits to houses and architecture all over Japan have been found in the Mac environment during my holidays. I would like to summarize the experience of such visits. In between, I would like to insert a blog as a break from the blogging. Thank you in advance.
 The photo shows Maruyama Park, Sapporo, a few days ago. It had been raining since the day before and I was wondering how it would turn out, but as I expected, the leaves have fallen all at once and it looks like it is heading straight for winter.
 In the Honshu area, the dunes in Tottori reached a temperature of 28 degrees Celsius, which is unusually high for November. In Sapporo, too, the trend of high temperatures continues, with the highest temperature reaching 20 degrees Celsius, but this year's Sapporo is characterized by a large number of "snow bugs" anyway. It is obvious that the unusually hot summer is probably connected to the massive outbreak of snow bugs.
 In previous years, it was unthinkable that snow bugs would be present for a period of only a few days, and that they would even jump into our eyes, but apparently, our eyes are flickering, so we think that minute specks of them may be getting into our eyes. When I observe people walking on the street, they often make a gesture of paying attention in front of them.
 In past years, I would have been able to immerse myself in the atmosphere of autumn, but this year is different.
 After I have finished my work-related matters, I would like to go to work on setting up a new company as my future environment, but I am informed that it takes a lot of time and effort to "get things in order. However, I am informed that it takes a lot of time and effort to "get organized." It is an unavoidable inconvenience because it is not about me alone, but about many relationships.
 It is often said that it takes more than twice as much effort to organize a company as it does to create it, and I am learning that firsthand. Well, I guess there is no such thing as a clean environment. Perhaps it is important to live with such resignation.
 The insects are telling me about the season, but I am hoping to be fully active in the new environment before the real snow starts to fall.


