〜しばしも休まず 槌うつ響き 飛び散る火花よ 走る湯玉 ふいごの風さえ 息をもつがず
仕事に精出す 村の鍛冶屋
あるじは名高い 働き者よ 早起き早寝の やまい知らず 永年鍛えた 自慢の腕で
打ち出す鋤鍬(すき くわ)心こもる〜「童謡・村の鍛冶屋」

「あるじは名高い 働き者よ」というのは、日本社会がこういった競争を生産者に強いた表現の一種であるのかも知れない。日本の市場が歴史的に培ってきた生産者への創造力刺激パワー。
English version⬇
[The "town blacksmith," a manufacturer who forges day and night - Kusado Senken 2023 Revisited-8
It continued to stimulate the spirit of "monozukuri" (manufacturing) in both rhythm and melody, the best of all the nursery rhyme songs. The core of the Japanese spirit. ...
〜The sound of hammering, the echo of hammering, the sparks flying, the running balls of hot water, even the wind from the blowpipe, breathless...
The village blacksmith, hard at work
A master blacksmith, renowned for his hard work, early to rise, early to bed, never getting sick, his skill trained over many years
The plow and hoe he hammers out, with all his heart - "The Village Blacksmith," a children's song
In the history of Japan's "monozukuri" (manufacturing) industry, it is rare to find an occupation that has been passed down through the generations in a children's song like this one. The tempo of the melody and the crisp lyrics. I remember being strongly inspired while singing this song in elementary school.
I must have loved it. I think I was made to respect it strongly in the sense that it continued to demonstrate to Japanese children the pride of craftsmen who were "making things" through real labor. Even in the photo, the image of the craftsman using a shimenawa to express a boundary against the main fire power rises to the surface as he strives to make things right in his heart and earnestly, once in a lifetime.
In ancient history, Japan was deeply involved in the struggle for power on the Korean peninsula, including the Battle of Hakuchon River, indicating that above all, the production and securing of iron was a major mission of the Japanese state power and that securing the industry itself was a core theme. Iron manufacturing in Japan is said to have begun in earnest in the 5th and 6th centuries.
When did "tatara iron manufacturing" begin in the Chugoku region? Using the raw iron produced there, "blacksmithing" must have been established as a local industry in areas closer to consumption areas to meet the respective demands.
Basically, it is presumed that agricultural ironware existed as an entity that dramatically increased the productivity of agricultural engineering, and at the same time, military uses such as swords developed in parallel. I strongly believe that this is the industrial foundation of Japan that has led to today's car industry.
The first and foremost reason for the establishment of Kusado-Senken would have been to provide agricultural machinery to the surrounding agricultural areas. The raw iron produced in the mountainous areas of the Chugoku region was transported to Kusado-Senken at the mouth of the river using the Ashida River system, processed and commercialized at this "ironworks", and spread to the surrounding areas, and then to large consumption areas such as Sakai through trade on the Seto Inland Sea.
Each product formed its own specialty area, and the kitchen knives of Izumi Sakai, carpenters' tools of Harima Miki, sickles of Echigo Sanjo and Echizen Takefu, and wood saws of Omi Koga and Tosa Yamada became representative of these areas. Trade probably provided the best testing ground and fair competitive opportunities to stimulate such competition between production centers. Japanese manufacturing industries have always innovated and developed through such fierce competition among domestic industries.
The phrase, "Aruji wa kamihaso hirusha" ("Aruji is a famous worker") may be a kind of expression of the Japanese society that forced producers to compete in this way. The Japanese market has historically cultivated the power to stimulate creativity among producers.