


2024-04-04 05:54:26 | 日記


English version⬇
From "suspicion" in the barium test at a medical checkup to a gastroscopy examination.
The internal organ parts that I have been managing and controlling for all of my life time. You have done a great job up to now. I will take good care of you from now on. I will take good care of you from now on.

We have continued to have regular medical checkups once a year. I had done it every year in January, and although the company has changed this year, I had a checkup in January as well. As for the stomach, I had been doing various checkups for almost all my life time, having had an ulcer in my late 20s that was lightened by hospitalization and medication. He had been hospitalized and operated on many times in gastroenterology hospitals, and had been under management control.
 Under such circumstances, I had undergone a "barium test" again without any particular concern, but this time the result was "close examination required" and was sent to me along with an image of my stomach. The results of the barium test were sent to me along with an image of my stomach.
 I gave the mailed document to my doctor and asked him about it. He said, "Oh, the barium test is not very useful, so you should pass the checkup. As for the gastroscopy, there is a clinic specializing in gastroscopy that I also see, so I will refer you there.
 So, I went to see the doctor at the time of my appointment yesterday with an uneasy feeling in my heart.
 I had been checked for a gastroscopy at a hospital specializing in gastroenterology about a year ago, but there were no special precautions at that time, so I was relieved. However, the hospital's system had changed drastically, and the staff's attitude was questionable, which made me feel uncomfortable. I had also undergone a "H. pylori removal" surgery here about 7-8 years ago.
 Because of this background, I was also looking for a reliable specialist clinic. I went for a gastroscopy after giving them various information that I remembered as a patient.
 The results showed that "the probability of getting stomach cancer is very low. It is probably less than 5%. However, since the stomach deteriorates over time, we recommend regular checkups once a year.
 The doctor showed me images of the stomach while the camera was in and out of the stomach, and gave me explanations one by one, so I was able to get a clear understanding of the current situation and my concerns were eliminated. As a novice, I may have some unnecessary preconceptions when just looking at the images, so the doctor's explanations "guided" me to a calm decision, so to speak. The explanations are very scientific, so I can see the management policy for my own body.
 Therefore, when I go for my annual checkup at the company, I would like to skip the barium test from now on and focus on other tests. This calm judgment reminds me that I have had some difficult experiences with barium tests (laugh). In this regard, I realized after talking with the doctor that I am a person who "quickly forgets about the things that were difficult or unpleasant.
 I guess that is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. Hmmm.


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ピロリ菌除去の手術に驚いた (ニセコのおぢ)
2024-04-07 07:54:56
世間では、1週間の投薬で治療するのがピロリ菌除去けど… よっぽどすごいピロリ菌だったのでしょうね。医学界の常識を覆すピロリ菌、見てみたかったなぁ~

