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The Life of Catching Salmon 1,000 Years Ago: Exploring Sapporo's "Abrasive Culture" Ruins-2
Abundant fall salmon fishing and traces of trade with Honshu society have also been unearthed. We also imagine the existence of tensions that gave rise to the Abenohirau expedition. The...
The site is about 4.5 km from my house, which is an hour's walk or less than 10 minutes by car. It is truly "dark under the lighthouse," and I am amazed at my own foolishness in walking from place to place all over Japan (laughs). But, well, such is life. I would like to rethink this in a positive direction. I would like to start thinking about the economic activities and livelihood in those days in an environment that has the advantage of a guaranteed climatic identity.
The period from the late 600s to the 1100s AD in Hokkaido was the period of the Abrahamic Culture.
The site was a concrete visualization of "salmon fishing" as many piles were found in the river bottom topography. The site is located along the Kototoi River, a tributary of the Ishikari River. The ease of catching salmon and the abundance of fishing must have been an important factor in determining the best location for the people of this period to make a living. The illustration shows a river that is estimated to be about waist-deep in water. Considering the width of the river, this area must have been an optimal environment.
The main product of the area is thought to have been large quantities of processed dried salmon. The traces found in the above figure indicate a large number of animal protein sources and plant nutrients. I will discuss the numerous sources of plant nutrients later tomorrow, but the traces of a truly rich dietary life have emerged.
It has been confirmed that a large settlement was established in this area facing the Kototoi River.
Wooden tools for daily life, made from cedar and other wood that was incompatible with the vegetation of the area at the time, have even been found at the ruins. This visualizes the establishment of "trade" with Honshu society.
Rivers were naturally connected to the transportation network by boats. It is natural to imagine on what scale and with what kind of network these trading relationships were conducted. According to the research of Mr. Takuro Segawa, an acquaintance of Hokkaido archaeology, these trade relations with Honshu society were strained by the "Okhotsk culture people" who later advanced into the area, which triggered the northern expedition of Abenohirau. There are also traces of a struggle between Abeno's army and the Okhotsk culture people on Okushiri Island.
If we believe this theory, it would be evidence that the trade relationship between Honshu society and the Abrahamic societies had already been established by the mid-600s. In this context, what was the position of these communities in the Sapporo area?
Although this is the "history" of Hokkaido, where no written records have survived, and where the geographical location of my family is very close, we can imagine a variety of circumstances when we consider trade as the main axis.