

【イザナギと花の窟・米作起源譚 皇統神話と熊野の旅-22】

2024-01-26 06:10:27 | 日記



English version⬇

Izanagi and the Cave of Flowers, Tale of the Origin of Rice Cultivation: Imperial Mythology and a Journey to Kumano - 22
Izanagi appeared in the tale of the introduction of rice to the archipelago. A folk tale of rice cultivation that developed on the beach of Hana no Kutsu in the divine era. Is this the root of the belief in the three mountains of Kumano? Kumano Sanzan

 The above illustration is a woodblock print believed to be from the Edo period. The main shrine is dedicated to Susanoo, the son of Izanagi and Izanami, and the Hana-no-Kutsu Shrine is dedicated to Izanami, the mother of the main shrine.
 The myth of the transition from the Jomon to the Yayoi period, which I mentioned yesterday, is said to have been preserved here. The following is a text signed by Hitoshi Yamakawa, the chief priest of the shrine. The source is a note titled "Folktales of Mie-Higashi-Kishu.
 〜Legend of the arrival of rice farmers to the sea
 Izanagi no Mikoto went fishing on the beach in front of Hana-no-Kutsu and was trying to catch his dinner as usual with a bamboo pole.
 It was a winter day with mild waves and a mild spring day, but he was bored because he could not catch any fish. Suddenly, I looked at the edge of the waves and noticed a green encrusting object floating in the water. So I used my fishing rod to pull the packet of driftwood and picked it up. When I opened it, I found many golden-colored grains inside. I took one out, peeled it, and chewed it. It tasted just like the milk my mother gave me when I was a child, and as I chewed one more and one more, my body suddenly felt full of energy.
 So he took the yellow golden grains home and threw them here and there in the nearby swamp. The green leaves that wrapped the package were leaves of the hamayu plant, and it seems that the package also contained hamayu nuts.
 Winter has passed and spring has arrived. Izanagi looked around the swamp and noticed that what appeared to be golden grain sprouts were emerging in a green color, so he removed all the surrounding weeds and took care of them diligently. In the fall, I found that the golden grains had borne fruit identical to the golden grains that I had tossed into the swamp. Realizing that these grains were the source of their energy, they decided to cultivate, care for, increase, and eat them.
 These golden grains were the very rice.
  They also realized the importance of offering this precious rice straw and dedicated it as a "shimenawa" (sacred straw rope), which is the large shimenawa at Hana-no-kutsu.
 In search of seeds of vitality, many people from the surrounding area came to live in this area. The work of sowing rice, weeding, harvesting, threshing, and hulling rice required a lot of manpower, so the community grew and grew. Children were born and the village grew larger and larger. ~Quotations and more.

This is the first time I have encountered such a story, and I am deeply surprised.
 The description of the Jomon way of life, "thinking of gathering fish for dinner," and the description of the first time the archipelago people encountered rice, "suddenly their bodies became energetic," are all very interesting. The story clearly depicts how the Jomon people developed a social structure called a "village or hamlet," which was based on collective labor as an indispensable condition. Yatagarasu eventually begins to coexist with humankind.
 Izanagi and Izanami are depicted as the main characters. The creation of the nation and the age of the gods are expressed as an integral part of the introduction of rice cultivation. This is an important "folk tale" that is easier to understand than the legend of Urashima Taro.

【日本書紀に記述の「花の窟神社」 皇統神話と熊野の旅-21】

2024-01-25 07:11:05 | 日記

 で、その神社のなかで「最古」と伝承されているのがこの「花の窟<いわや>神社」 。

 日本書紀には以下の記述。「 一書曰伊弉冉尊火神(いざなみのみこと)を生み給う時に灼(や)かれて神退去(さり) ましぬ 故(か)れ紀伊国 熊野の有馬村に葬(かく)しまつる 土俗(くにびと)此神の魂(みたま)を祭るには 花の時に花を以って祭る 又鼓 吹幡旗(つづみふえはた)を用て歌い舞いて祭る」

English version⬇

The "Hana no Kutsu Shrine" described in the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan): A Journey to Kumano and the Myth of the Imperial Family - 21
Although the name "Izanami" does not give me a sense of reality, I think there is something irresistibly true about a festival that symbolizes the "sea road" of the origin of rice cultivation in the archipelago. The myth of Izanami is not very realistic.

Japanese shrine worship always has a custom called "shimenawa. This shimenawa is thought to have a very strong connection with rice cultivation. The manual work of making up the rice straw inevitably involves the use of the palms together. I feel an intuitive linkage between such bodily movements and the construction of the work.
 The "Iwaya Shrine" is said to be the "oldest" of these shrines.
 In the coastal landscape facing the Pacific Ocean in Arima-cho, Kumano City, Mie Prefecture, a unique cave outcropping (hana no kutsu (flower rock)) has been revealed, and is enshrined as a natural shrine. The deity is Izanami, the mother goddess of the nation. Legend has it that she gave birth to gods with her husband Izanagi, but when she gave birth to Kagutsuchi-no-Kami, the god of fire, she was burned to death by the fire.
 The "Onawa-kake ritual" has been held in spring and fall on February 2 and October 2 as a shrine ritual to maintain this legend of the birth of the nation. This is a strange festival in which a shimenawa, said to be the longest in Japan, is strung 170 meters from the top of the Hana-no-Kutsu Cave to the beach of the Pacific Ocean where the shrine building is located.
 According to an explanation found inside the shrine building, this ritual is a solemn expression of the "arrival of rice from the sea" as a way of transmitting rice cultivation to the Japanese archipelago.
 The "primitive nature" of the shrine building seems to clearly show the nature worship of the Jomon period people of this archipelago as a remnant of their nature worship, and it may suggest a certain "truthfulness" in the tradition of the creation of the nation. In other words, it seems to tell the story of the transition of the archipelago's society from the Jomon to the Yayoi period.
 In other words, I feel that it represents the "truthfulness" depicted in the mythology of the imperial lineage. Of course, this is not a scientific standpoint, but it is a visualization of the world of imagination, the middle ground between history and folklore. We can see that the shimenawa, which symbolizes rice cultivation, is connected from the sea to the outcropping of the Hana no kutsu, and that there are people who have repeatedly done this in successive generations.

The Chronicles of Japan contains the following description. The god was burned when he gave birth to Izanami no Mikoto, and was therefore buried in the village of Arima in Kumano, Kii Province.
 The Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan) is said to have been written in 720, but this is evidence that this "shrine" was already established in that time. The origin of shrine belief is unknown, but Hana-no-Kutsu Shrine is said to be the oldest of its kind. As a Hokkaido native, I am sometimes taught by the gap between myth and reality.
 The trip to Kumano is connected to something about the origin of Japan.


2024-01-24 07:33:43 | 日記

 〜実はマッサージチェアは医療機器として認証されていて「あんま、マッサージの代用 疲労回復、血行の促進、筋肉の疲れをとる、筋肉のこりをほぐす、神経痛・筋肉痛の痛みの緩解」の効果が認められています。 使う人がそれぞれ自分好みのマッサージコースを設定できるほか、筋肉を心地よくのばすストレッチ機能を搭載したモデルも登場。〜というような背中押しがあるので、マッサージ器に関心が向いてきております。

English version⬇

Aging and "Body Pain" Coping Methods & Massage Chairs
I was at a loss when the massage parlor I trusted went out of business. Do we develop new relationships or choose a massage device that is also certified as a medical device? ...

As I get older, "aches" rise up from all over my body (I cry). In my case, since I was in my 50s, I sometimes went to a convenient massage parlor to have a massage once every 2-3 months. To tell the truth, it was only once every few times that I felt good, but each time I went, I felt that the massage had a "reasonable" effect, so when I felt "I'm feeling a little tired lately," I would go to the massage parlor.
 Well, I thought that was enough to deal with the pain in my body. There, I was asked about the "cause of the pain" as a medical practice. Each time, I responded that it was a response to snow removal due to snowfall.
 However, the massage parlor suddenly went out of business about a year ago and was replaced by a completely different "osteopathic chain store. I found out that the area of "osteopathy" is easily recognized as a medical practice, so the massage function seems to be treated as an "incidental" service act.
 I felt a bit uncomfortable listening to the guidance at that store, so I have since distanced myself from massage. Massage is based on a kind of trust in human beings, and I wonder if the aging of the human body makes people a little resistant to stepping out and "surrendering" from a state without such trust.
 However, pain sometimes occurs in the body. I have had no choice but to deal with them by stretching and doing other appropriate things.
 My way of life, which involves walking around a lot, such as house-hunting and historical visits, is getting more and more exciting, such as the Kumano and Tategasaki visits that I have been introducing in this blog. The momentum and pain in my body are also increasing and becoming more routine. However, I am far from a medical institution such as a full-fledged plastic surgery clinic. First of all, it is difficult to explain the cause-and-effect relationship of a direct accident to a doctor.
 The following is a description of a web search guide.
 〜Massage chairs are certified as medical devices and are approved to relieve fatigue, promote blood circulation, relieve muscle fatigue, relieve muscle stiffness, and relieve pain from neuralgia and muscle pain. In addition to allowing users to set their own preferred massage courses, models with a stretch function that comfortably stretches muscles are also available. 〜We are becoming more and more interested in massagers because of the back-pressure like "I'm going to get a massage!
 Until recently, I used to feel a sense of rejection like, "Oh, that's such a big guy," but the barriers have narrowed comparatively.
 At the moment, my situation is being discussed on the family line, and my daughter is taking the lead in the investigation activities. As a father, I am happy to see that the role of chief health officer is gradually rejuvenating (laugh).
 Now, I am at a critical crossroads in my life, whether to accept massage equipment, which is a symbol of the aging population, or to continue to depend on masseurs and develop new clients. I'm obviously overreacting (laughs).

【50年超の「南紀白浜」との再会 皇統神話と熊野の旅-20】

2024-01-23 06:50:52 | 日記


 王朝時代の昔から熊野詣の行路にこの白浜はあたっていたのでしょう。「雪のいろにおなじしららはまちどり こえさえさゆるあけぼののそら」寂念法師(不木和歌抄・巻第十七冬部二より)という和歌も遺されている。しらはまという地名はここで謳われた「しららはま」が由来。

English version⬇

[Reunion with "Nanki-Shirahama" over 50 years: Imperial Mythology and Kumano Journey-20]
The extreme point of wandering of youth, the Southern Pure Land for Hokkaido people. The desire to encounter "beauty" boiled over in my brain (laughter). A period of "reflection" akin to penitence. ...

I'm sure everyone has sentiments like "the land of my dreams. The experience of actually going there may gradually fade away or, conversely, be beautified, so it doesn't really feel "as it was".
 I have a sense that I have come to the end of my journey, but my motivation for work is also rising again. The atmosphere of "rebirth" in the air of Kumano is perfect for such a mood. And as I was walking around Kumano, I suddenly remembered that Nanki-Shirahama is very close by. This was a unique experience for me. When I was in high school, during my "three years of rebirth" after taking a year off from school, some of my good-natured younger friends took pity on the fact that I could not go on a school excursion and encouraged me to go see the Osaka Expo.
 I didn't have any itch or regret about not being able to go on two school trips, but since it was my friend's offer, I said, "Thank you," and off we went.
 So, here we are, three high school boys on a rare road trip (laughs).
 When we arrived at Senri Hills, the Expo site, we were fed up with the crowds and decided, "Since we've come all this way, let's go to a different part of town.
 And for some reason, the place name "Nanki-Shirahama" filled my brain.
 Since I was a young high school student on a windy trip, I thought that if I took a swim in the sea, I could simply take a shower with sea water and feel refreshed. After all, he even remembers sleeping in the open air at the train station in Nara, not an elegant trip where he could stay in a proper inn or hotel. It was truly the wandering and wandering of youth.
 However, from the time I boarded the Seikan Liaison Boat, my intention was to interact with people of the same age regardless of sex (laugh). The trouble was, I was lucky enough to find someone I hit it off with (laughs). It was such a rare trip.
 So the sight of the "Nanki-Shirahama" beach was dazzlingly enviable in that kind of cerebral atmosphere. If all goes well, I might be able to encounter the immensely attractive and beautiful Bodhisattva "Maitreya" again.
 I am not sure if it was the blessings of Kumano Hongu Shrine or simply the route of the Kishu Road that brought back the whispers in my brain from more than half a century ago. However, I was motivated by the question, "What was that excitement in my brain? The station building was also somewhat familiar to me.
 I guessed that Shirahama had been on the Kumano Pilgrimage route since the olden days of the imperial era. There is also a poem written by Jakunen Houshi (from "Fuki Waka Sho," Volume 17, Winter Part 2): "Shirahama chidori koe sae sae yaru akebono no sora, the same color of snow. The name "Shirahama" is derived from "Shirahama," which was said to be one of the most famous beaches in Kansai.
 It was one of the best beaches in Kansai, and to a Hokkaido boy, it must have seemed like a paradise on earth, like a beach in Hawaii. In Buddhist terms, "Pure Land" is also a thing of the past.
 Recently, the composition of Shirahama has been changing, and I hear that there is a great deal of effort to maintain the beach as it was named. Seeing the beautiful scene, I deeply appreciate such efforts.

【ジオサイトと八百万「神奈備」 皇統神話と熊野の旅-19】

2024-01-22 06:30:44 | 日記


English version⬇

Geo-sites and Kannabis: Imperial Mythology and Kumano Journey-19
 The culture of the imperial lineage approximates the "reign but do not rule" of the British royal family. A non-dictatorial regime adapted to the diverse natural environment of the volcanic archipelago. ...

In the "spiritual history" of the people of the Japanese archipelago, natural formations must have been a very large part of their history. In this sense, when we walk around Kumano, Kii, and Nanki, we can find spots like the ones in the photos that can be compared to Onigajo, which I introduced yesterday.
 The photo above is "Hashigaiwa" near Kii Oshima, and the third one is "Shishi-iwa" in Kumano.
 The one of Hashigaiwa has an explanation of its formation: "A mysterious landscape created by magma. It is 15m wide and 900m long, and is aligned straight toward Kii Oshima Island like a bridge pier. The rocks scattered in the open eye are pieces of broken Hashikaiwa. It is believed that the large rocks that are located away from the Hashigake Iwa were carried here by the tsunami caused by a huge earthquake. 〜The description of the rock is as follows.
 Shishi-iwa, on the other hand, is a strange rock with a height of about 25 meters and a circumference of about 210 meters, created by the uplift of the ground and the erosion of the sea. It has been called "A" rock (male rock) in contrast to "Un" rock (female rock) in Shinzen-do Cave located to the south, and was revered as a guardian dog of Ohma Shrine located in the upper reaches of the Ido River. For this reason, there are no guardian dogs at Ohma Shrine even today. 〜The explanation is that the rock is a "guardian dog".
 In ancient times, when natural scientific analysis was still in its infancy, people who encountered these natural formations would have gone on a path such as Shugendo, or the path of asceticism.
 It is natural to assume that when Buddhism encountered the local landscape on such a spiritual foundation, it accepted it as a unique "nirvana" scene, leading to the Kumano Sanzan culture of Shinto and Buddhist syncretism.
 The Japanese archipelago is one of the most diverse environments in the world, with its oceans and volcanic formations, and the spiritual history of the people who lived there is a highly unique culture.
 To take a leap forward, it would be difficult to establish a "dictatorial" government in such a natural environment. The story of the origin of the Japanese imperial lineage, Emperor Jinmu, is that he advanced from Kumano to Yamato and occupied it, but it did not turn out like the Chinese dynasties of the past.
 In China, the "Chinese" regime was a violent dictatorship, and the only way to renew the regime was to have the "Yi Surname Revolution" break out. The Chinese mentality of declaring "we are the center of the world" is characterized by a strong sense of "imposition," which is annoying to the neighbors and other countries of the world. Such an attitude would eventually lead to a strong auto-addiction and bring about the Era of the Surname Revolution.
 The Japanese imperial lineage has the longest history in the world as an entity closely related to the "democratic" form of government known as the "reign but do not rule," which is in a sense the way the British royal family was known.
 As I have become more familiar with the natural landscape of Kumano, I have come to strongly imagine this.