
- 2023/12/24 07:32:05 Le Monde
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Où en est-on après un an et dix mois de guerre en Ukraine ? Comprendre en trois minutes
Ukraine : ce que les images disent de la stratégie d’attaque russe des bâtiments civils d’Avdiïvka
« Le Temps du monde », de Francis Wolff : métaphysique de l’énigme ultime
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Defense & Security
Japan’s Defense Ministry Punishes 245 SDF Members for Power Abuse, Sexual Harassment; GSDF General Receives Two-Rank Demotion
The Defense Ministry announced Friday that 245 Self-Defense Forces members have been punished for sexual harassment and other forms of power abuse fol...
Japan’s Defense Ministry Punishes 245 SDF Members for Power Abuse, Sexual Harassment; GSDF General Receives Two-Rank Demotion
The Defense Ministry announced Friday that 245 Self-Defense Forces members have been punished for sexual harassment and other forms of power abuse fol...
The government is set to cooperate with Saudi Arabia, which has strong financial resources, to ... - 2023/12/24 01:39:56 livedoor 海外
2023年12月23日 21時54分
【AFP=時事】ウクライナ空軍のミコラ・オレシチュク(Mykola Oleshch…
2023年12月23日 20時50分
フランスで6年行方不明だった英少年、帰国後の心境語る 「現実と思えない」
2023年12月23日 15時52分
プーチン氏側近、プリゴジン氏暗殺に関与か 主翼下部に爆発物 米紙
2023年12月23日 17時34分
2023年12月23日 10時3分
女性死亡 滑走禁止コースで発見
いじめいけないのか 校長発言か
人間とクジラ 20分の会話実現か
NHK記者クビ 前部長は泣いて弁明
どんな味? 檸檬堂「特別仕込み」
堀口恭司 朝倉未来に「苦言」
衛藤美彩が第2子出産 源田も喜び
やす子「今300連勤くらい」告白 - 2023/12/24 01:06:54 毎日新聞
Sunday, December 24, 2023
US Congress launches investigation into Osprey program after deadly crash in Japan
US Congress launches investigation into Osprey program after deadly crash in Japan
US Supreme Court rejects prosecutor's push to fast-track ruling in Trump election subversion case
Pivot to pre-COVID normalcy tests Japan's fiscal spending appetite
Figure skating: Shoma Uno wins 6th Japan title, books ticket to worlds
Baseball: Teen slugger Rintaro Sasaki narrows choice to about 5 US colleges
Freestyle skiing: Ikuma Horishima gets 2nd World Cup moguls win of season
Now you see it, now you don't: Banksy stop sign taken from London street soon after it appears
Now you see it, now you don't: Banksy stop sign taken from London street soon after it appears
Pivot to pre-COVID normalcy tests Japan's fiscal spending appetite
Figure skating: Shoma Uno wins 6th Japan title, books ticket to worlds - 2023/12/23 06:26:23 共産党
2023 Dec 13 - 19
LDP’s unreported profits from fundraising events cause drop in Cabinet support rating in all polls
JCP Secretariat Head Koike Akria said, “The main factor leading to a decline in all polls is the extreme corruption of the Liberal Democratic Party as seen in their suspected involvements in making off-the-book profits from their fundraising parties.”
Koike: To draw curtain on slush fund scandal with removal of 4 Cabinet members is unacceptable
Amid the off-the-book fund scandal mainly involving the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s largest faction, known as the Abe faction, Prime Minister Kishida Fumio replaced four scandal-hit Cabinet members, including the spokesperson.
Shii calls for a national movement seeking to put end to LDP rule
JCP Chair Shii Kazuo pointed out, “During the extra Diet session, the LDP showcased its corrupt nature, its subservience to the U.S., and its incapability to take effective measures to run Japan’s economy.”
JCP takes to the streets to increase public support for probe into LDP’s off-the-book funds scandal
Shii calls for a national movement seeking to put end to LDP rule
Law to monitor Unification Church assets enacted
Gov’t favorite decision-making boards will be installed in national universities
Koike: To draw curtain on slush fund scandal with removal of 4 Cabinet members is unacceptable
Gov’t seeks to open path to exports of lethal arms made in Japan under foreign license
LDP’s unreported profits from fundraising events cause drop in Cabinet support rating in all polls
Japan yet again receives ‘Fossil of the Day’ award for its reluctance to seriously tackle climate change
JCP Iwabuchi and Southeast Asian climate activists agree to oppose Japan’s stance sticking to fossil fuels
JCP welcomes the adoption of the UNGA resolution calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza
Y3.5 million handed to WFP from JCP for food aid in Gaza
To Our Readers
Due to the New Year holidays, the next issue will appear on January 12, 2024
Shii holds talks with Indonesian gov’t official regarding AOIP
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo (left), who is visiting Southeast Asia, held talks with I...