Sir Alfred (A. J.) Ayer 2
Henri Bergson
Sir Isaiah Berlin
Niels Bohr 3
Georg Cantor 5
Noam Chomsky
Jacques Derrida
Albert Einstein
Sigmund Freud
Edmund Husserl
Saul Kripke
Thomas Kuhn
Moses Maimonides
Karl Marx
Philo of Alexandria (Philo Judaeus)
Sir Karl Popper
Hilary Putnam
Baruch (Benedict) de Spinoza
Alfred Tarski
Ludwig Wittgenstein 19
Isaac Abravanel
Judah Abravanel (Leone Ebreo)
Alfred Adler
Felix Adler
Mortimer Adler
Theodor Adorno 1
Samuel Alexander
Günther Anders
Hannah Arendt
Aristobulus of Paneas
Raymond Aron
Sir Alfred (A. J.) Ayer 2
Yehoshua Bar-Hillel
David Baumgardt
Paul Benacerraf
Julien Benda
Walter Benjamin
Gustav Bergmann
Henri Bergson
Eliezer Berkovits
Sir Isaiah Berlin
Paul Bernays
Max Black
Ernst Bloch
Ned Block
Leonard Bloomfield
Franz Boas
George Boas
David Bohm
Niels Bohr 3
George Boolos 4
Leon Brunschvicg
Martin Buber
Georg Cantor 5
Ernst Cassirer
Stanley Cavell
Noam Chomsky
Hermann Cohen
Morris Raphael Cohen
Jonas Cohn
Hasdai Crescas
Arthur C. Danto
Jacques Derrida
Hubert Dreyfus
Emile Durkheim
Ronald Dworkin
Paul Edwards
Albert Einstein
Solomon Feferman
Herbert Feigl
Arthur Fine
Alain Finkielkraut
Ludwik Fleck
Jerry Fodor
Abraham A. Fraenkel
Adolphe Franck
Philipp Frank
Semyon Frank
Sigmund Freud
Erich Fromm
Solomon Ibn Gabirol (Avicebron)
Ernest Gellner
André Glucksmann
Alvin Goldman
Sir Ernst Gombrich
Theodor Gomperz
Nelson Goodman 7
Kurt Grelling 8
Adolf Grünbaum
Hans Hahn
Judah Halevi
Gilbert Harman
Zellig Harris
Herbert L. A. Hart
Jeanne Hersch
Abraham Joshua Heschel
Douglas Hoftstadter
Sidney Hook
Max Horkheimer
Edmund Husserl
Isaac b. Solomon Israeli
Edmond Jabès
Roman Jakobson
Vladimir Jankélévitch
Richard Jeffrey
Hans Jonas
Horace Kallen
Jerrold Katz
Felix Kaufmann
Walter Kaufmann
Hans Kelsen
Raymond Klibansky
Kurt Koffka
Aurel Kolnai
Alexandre Koyré
Georg Kreisel
Saul Kripke
Paul Kristeller
Leopold Kronecker
Richard Kroner
Thomas Kuhn
Imre Lakatos
Emmanuel Levinas
Claude Lévi-Strauss
Bernard-Henri Lévy
Lucien Lévy-Bruhl
Adolf Lindenbaum
Karl Löwith
Gyorgy Lukács
Isaac Luria
Moses Maimonides
Karl Mannheim
Gabriel Marcel 9
Ruth Barcan Marcus
Herbert Marcuse
Karl Marx
Fritz Mauthner
Alexander Men
Moses Mendelssohn
Emile Meyerson
Marvin Minsky
Ludwig von Mises
Richard von Mises
Michel de Montaigne 10
Sidney Morgenbesser
Ernest Nagel
Thomas Nagel
Leonhard Nelson
John von Neumann
Otto Neurath 11
Robert Nozick
Martha Nussbaum 12
Arthur Pap
Philo of Alexandria (Philo Judaeus)
Michael Polanyi
Richard Popkin
Sir Karl Popper
Emil Post
Moritz Presburger
Ilya Prigogine
Hilary Putnam 13
Ayn Rand
Wilhelm Reich
Hans Reichenbach 14
Abraham Robinson
Franz Rosenzweig
Saadiah Gaon
Edward Sapir
Israel Scheffler
Max Scheler 15
Alfred Schutz
Lev Shestov
Abner Shimony
Georg Simmel
Herbert Simon 16
Peter Singer
Joseph Soloveitchik
Baruch (Benedict) de Spinoza
Edith Stein
William Stern
Leo Strauss
Alfred Tarski
Teresa of Ávila, Saint 17
Ernst Tugendhat
Juan Luis Vives 18
Jean Wahl
Friedrich Waismann
Éric Weil
Simone Weil
Paul Weiss
Max Wertheimer
Morton White
Norbert Wiener
Eugene Wigner
Ludwig Wittgenstein 19
1. Jewish father, non-Jewish mother.
2. Jewish mother, non-Jewish father; see
3. Jewish mother, non-Jewish father.
4. Half-Jewish, according to a private communication from a distinguished former colleague of the late Prof. Boolos.
5. In Men of Mathematics, Eric Temple Bell described Cantor as being "of pure Jewish descent on both sides," although both parents were baptized. In a 1971 article entitled "Towards a Biography of Georg Cantor," the British historian of mathematics Ivor Grattan-Guinness claimed (Annals of Science 27, pp. 345-391, 1971) to be unable to find any evidence of Jewish ancestry (although he conceded that Cantor's wife, Vally Guttmann, was Jewish). However, a letter written by Georg Cantor to Paul Tannery in 1896 (Paul Tannery, Memoires Scientifique 13 Correspondance, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1934, p. 306) explicitly acknowledges that Cantor's paternal grandparents were members of the Sephardic Jewish community of Copenhagen. Specifically, Cantor states in describing his father: "Er ist aber in Kopenhagen geboren, von israelitischen Eltern, die der dortigen portugisischen Judengemeinde..." ("He was born in Copenhagen of Jewish parents from the local Portuguese-Jewish community.") In a recent book, The Mystery of the Aleph: Mathematics, the Kabbalah, and the Search for Infinity (Four Walls Eight Windows, New York, 2000, pp. 94, 144), Amir Aczel provides new evidence concerning the ancestry of Cantor's mother in the form of an excerpt from a letter that was written by Georg Cantor's brother Ludwig to their mother [reproduced in its entirety, but in French translation from the original German, by Nathalie Charraud in her book Infini et Inconscient: Essai sur Georg Cantor (Anthropos - Economica, Paris, 1994, p. 8)]. This letter begins [in the original German, a fragment of which appears in Georg Cantor: 1845-1918, by Walter Purkert and Hans Joachim Ilgauds (Birkhäuser, Basel, 1987, p. 15)]: "Mögen wir zehnmal von Juden abstammen und ich im Princip noch so sehr für Gleichberechtigung der Hebräer sein, im socialen Leben sind mir Christen lieber ..." The translation of this sentence is: "We may be descended from Jews ten times over and I (may be) in principle ever so much for the equal rights of the Hebrews, (but) in social life I prefer Christians...," or equivalently: "Even though we are descended from Jews ten times over and I am in principle ever so much for the equal rights of the Hebrews, in social life I still prefer Christians..." Charraud renders the (complete) sentence in a slightly different manner as follows: "Même si c'est dix fois vrai que nous descendons de juifs et si je suis en principe entièrement pour l'égalité des droits avec les Hébreux, dans la vie sociale je préfère les chrétiens et je ne me sentirai jamais à l'aise dans une société exclusivement juive." Later on in the same letter, Ludwig states: "Mais nous sommes, bien que je possède moi-même un nez juif, dans nos principes et nos habitudes tellement non-juifs...," which translates as: "But we are - even though I myself possess Jewish features - so non-Jewish in our beliefs and customs..." In other words, Ludwig is arguing that even though the family is ethnically Jewish, it is culturally non-Jewish. What is significant about this letter, as Aczel first pointed out, is that it was written to the mother of Georg Cantor and would, therefore, have made little sense if she hadn't herself been of Jewish descent. According to Ismerjük''oket?: zsidó származású nevezetes magyarok arcképcsarnoka, by István Reményi Gyenes (Ex Libris, Budapest, 1997, pp. 132-133), Cantor's maternal great uncle (i.e., the brother of his maternal grandfather), the great violin pedagogue Josef Böhm, was a Jew by birth. [N.B.: There are now erroneous translations of the sentence: "Mögen wir zehnmal von Juden abstammen..." appearing elsewhere on the Internet. The sentence has the basic structure "even if A and B, nevertheless C," where the enumeration of A and B is clearly intended to mitigate the expression of prejudice in C, i.e., the term "even if" is employed in the sense of "even though." These other translations attempt to render the sentence: "Even if it were the case A and even though it is the case B, nevertheless C." Since the term "Mögen" (which generates the "even if" expression) appears only once in the original German, it must assume the same meaning in both cases if it is distributed over A and B in translation (i.e., if the sentence is rendered: "Even if A and even if B, nevertheless C."). Furthermore, in our translations of the sentence, we gave the word "zehnmal" its literal meaning, viz., "ten times," which, of course, does not make literal sense when used to modify the term "descended from." It is fairly clear that the word is employed in this context to signify "overwhelmingly" or "completely"; perhaps the best translation of the word in this context is "one thousand percent." From that standpoint, even if the "we" in the sentence was somehow intended to refer to the Cantor children only (and not to their mother, to whom the letter is addressed), it would still imply that she was "descended from Jews."]
7. Jewish father, non-Jewish mother.
8. See
9. Jewish mother, non-Jewish father. See Metzler Philosophen Lexikon, edited by Bernd Lutz (Metzler, Stuttgart, 1989, p. 503).
10. Mother of Spanish-Jewish descent, non-Jewish father; see Genius: A Mosaic of One Hundred Exemplary Creative Minds, by Harold Bloom (Warner, 2002, New York, p.44) or
11. Jewish father, non-Jewish mother; see Vienna and the Jews: 1867-1938, by Steven Beller (Cambridge, 1990, pp. 15-16).
12. Convert to Judaism; see
13. See A Certain People, by Charles E. Silberman (Summit Books, New York, 1985, pp. 247-248). Putnam has described himself as a "practicing Jew." See also Hilary Putnam's Jewish Philosophy as a Guide to Life: Rosenzweig, Buber, Levinas, Wittgenstein (Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2002, p. 2).
14. Jewish father, non-Jewish mother; see
15. Jewish mother, non-Jewish father; see Encyclopaedia Judaica, Vol. 14 (Keter, Jerusalem, 1972, p. 952).
16. Jewish father, mother of partial Jewish ancestry; see Models of My Life by Herbert A. Simon (BasicBooks, New York,NY, 1991, pp. 3, 17, 112, 262).
17. Father and grandfather were both tried and convicted by the Inquisition for secretly practicing Judaism; see "Teresa's Jewish Roots":
18. See Encyclopaedia Judaica, Vol. 16 (Keter, Jerusalem, 1972, p. 197).
19. Jewish father, half-Jewish mother; see, e.g., Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius, by Ray Monk (Penguin, New York and London, 1990, pp. 4-7).
Sir Alfred (A. J.) Ayer 2
Henri Bergson
Sir Isaiah Berlin
Niels Bohr 3
Georg Cantor 5
Noam Chomsky
Jacques Derrida
Albert Einstein
Sigmund Freud
Edmund Husserl
Saul Kripke
Thomas Kuhn
Moses Maimonides
Karl Marx
Philo of Alexandria (Philo Judaeus)
Sir Karl Popper
Hilary Putnam
Baruch (Benedict) de Spinoza
Alfred Tarski
Ludwig Wittgenstein 19
Isaac Abravanel
Judah Abravanel (Leone Ebreo)
Alfred Adler
Felix Adler
Mortimer Adler
Theodor Adorno 1
Samuel Alexander
Günther Anders
Hannah Arendt
Aristobulus of Paneas
Raymond Aron
Sir Alfred (A. J.) Ayer 2
Yehoshua Bar-Hillel
David Baumgardt
Paul Benacerraf
Julien Benda
Walter Benjamin
Gustav Bergmann
Henri Bergson
Eliezer Berkovits
Sir Isaiah Berlin
Paul Bernays
Max Black
Ernst Bloch
Ned Block
Leonard Bloomfield
Franz Boas
George Boas
David Bohm
Niels Bohr 3
George Boolos 4
Leon Brunschvicg
Martin Buber
Georg Cantor 5
Ernst Cassirer
Stanley Cavell
Noam Chomsky
Hermann Cohen
Morris Raphael Cohen
Jonas Cohn
Hasdai Crescas
Arthur C. Danto
Jacques Derrida
Hubert Dreyfus
Emile Durkheim
Ronald Dworkin
Paul Edwards
Albert Einstein
Solomon Feferman
Herbert Feigl
Arthur Fine
Alain Finkielkraut
Ludwik Fleck
Jerry Fodor
Abraham A. Fraenkel
Adolphe Franck
Philipp Frank
Semyon Frank
Sigmund Freud
Erich Fromm
Solomon Ibn Gabirol (Avicebron)
Ernest Gellner
André Glucksmann
Alvin Goldman
Sir Ernst Gombrich
Theodor Gomperz
Nelson Goodman 7
Kurt Grelling 8
Adolf Grünbaum
Hans Hahn
Judah Halevi
Gilbert Harman
Zellig Harris
Herbert L. A. Hart
Jeanne Hersch
Abraham Joshua Heschel
Douglas Hoftstadter
Sidney Hook
Max Horkheimer
Edmund Husserl
Isaac b. Solomon Israeli
Edmond Jabès
Roman Jakobson
Vladimir Jankélévitch
Richard Jeffrey
Hans Jonas
Horace Kallen
Jerrold Katz
Felix Kaufmann
Walter Kaufmann
Hans Kelsen
Raymond Klibansky
Kurt Koffka
Aurel Kolnai
Alexandre Koyré
Georg Kreisel
Saul Kripke
Paul Kristeller
Leopold Kronecker
Richard Kroner
Thomas Kuhn
Imre Lakatos
Emmanuel Levinas
Claude Lévi-Strauss
Bernard-Henri Lévy
Lucien Lévy-Bruhl
Adolf Lindenbaum
Karl Löwith
Gyorgy Lukács
Isaac Luria
Moses Maimonides
Karl Mannheim
Gabriel Marcel 9
Ruth Barcan Marcus
Herbert Marcuse
Karl Marx
Fritz Mauthner
Alexander Men
Moses Mendelssohn
Emile Meyerson
Marvin Minsky
Ludwig von Mises
Richard von Mises
Michel de Montaigne 10
Sidney Morgenbesser
Ernest Nagel
Thomas Nagel
Leonhard Nelson
John von Neumann
Otto Neurath 11
Robert Nozick
Martha Nussbaum 12
Arthur Pap
Philo of Alexandria (Philo Judaeus)
Michael Polanyi
Richard Popkin
Sir Karl Popper
Emil Post
Moritz Presburger
Ilya Prigogine
Hilary Putnam 13
Ayn Rand
Wilhelm Reich
Hans Reichenbach 14
Abraham Robinson
Franz Rosenzweig
Saadiah Gaon
Edward Sapir
Israel Scheffler
Max Scheler 15
Alfred Schutz
Lev Shestov
Abner Shimony
Georg Simmel
Herbert Simon 16
Peter Singer
Joseph Soloveitchik
Baruch (Benedict) de Spinoza
Edith Stein
William Stern
Leo Strauss
Alfred Tarski
Teresa of Ávila, Saint 17
Ernst Tugendhat
Juan Luis Vives 18
Jean Wahl
Friedrich Waismann
Éric Weil
Simone Weil
Paul Weiss
Max Wertheimer
Morton White
Norbert Wiener
Eugene Wigner
Ludwig Wittgenstein 19
1. Jewish father, non-Jewish mother.
2. Jewish mother, non-Jewish father; see
3. Jewish mother, non-Jewish father.
4. Half-Jewish, according to a private communication from a distinguished former colleague of the late Prof. Boolos.
5. In Men of Mathematics, Eric Temple Bell described Cantor as being "of pure Jewish descent on both sides," although both parents were baptized. In a 1971 article entitled "Towards a Biography of Georg Cantor," the British historian of mathematics Ivor Grattan-Guinness claimed (Annals of Science 27, pp. 345-391, 1971) to be unable to find any evidence of Jewish ancestry (although he conceded that Cantor's wife, Vally Guttmann, was Jewish). However, a letter written by Georg Cantor to Paul Tannery in 1896 (Paul Tannery, Memoires Scientifique 13 Correspondance, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1934, p. 306) explicitly acknowledges that Cantor's paternal grandparents were members of the Sephardic Jewish community of Copenhagen. Specifically, Cantor states in describing his father: "Er ist aber in Kopenhagen geboren, von israelitischen Eltern, die der dortigen portugisischen Judengemeinde..." ("He was born in Copenhagen of Jewish parents from the local Portuguese-Jewish community.") In a recent book, The Mystery of the Aleph: Mathematics, the Kabbalah, and the Search for Infinity (Four Walls Eight Windows, New York, 2000, pp. 94, 144), Amir Aczel provides new evidence concerning the ancestry of Cantor's mother in the form of an excerpt from a letter that was written by Georg Cantor's brother Ludwig to their mother [reproduced in its entirety, but in French translation from the original German, by Nathalie Charraud in her book Infini et Inconscient: Essai sur Georg Cantor (Anthropos - Economica, Paris, 1994, p. 8)]. This letter begins [in the original German, a fragment of which appears in Georg Cantor: 1845-1918, by Walter Purkert and Hans Joachim Ilgauds (Birkhäuser, Basel, 1987, p. 15)]: "Mögen wir zehnmal von Juden abstammen und ich im Princip noch so sehr für Gleichberechtigung der Hebräer sein, im socialen Leben sind mir Christen lieber ..." The translation of this sentence is: "We may be descended from Jews ten times over and I (may be) in principle ever so much for the equal rights of the Hebrews, (but) in social life I prefer Christians...," or equivalently: "Even though we are descended from Jews ten times over and I am in principle ever so much for the equal rights of the Hebrews, in social life I still prefer Christians..." Charraud renders the (complete) sentence in a slightly different manner as follows: "Même si c'est dix fois vrai que nous descendons de juifs et si je suis en principe entièrement pour l'égalité des droits avec les Hébreux, dans la vie sociale je préfère les chrétiens et je ne me sentirai jamais à l'aise dans une société exclusivement juive." Later on in the same letter, Ludwig states: "Mais nous sommes, bien que je possède moi-même un nez juif, dans nos principes et nos habitudes tellement non-juifs...," which translates as: "But we are - even though I myself possess Jewish features - so non-Jewish in our beliefs and customs..." In other words, Ludwig is arguing that even though the family is ethnically Jewish, it is culturally non-Jewish. What is significant about this letter, as Aczel first pointed out, is that it was written to the mother of Georg Cantor and would, therefore, have made little sense if she hadn't herself been of Jewish descent. According to Ismerjük''oket?: zsidó származású nevezetes magyarok arcképcsarnoka, by István Reményi Gyenes (Ex Libris, Budapest, 1997, pp. 132-133), Cantor's maternal great uncle (i.e., the brother of his maternal grandfather), the great violin pedagogue Josef Böhm, was a Jew by birth. [N.B.: There are now erroneous translations of the sentence: "Mögen wir zehnmal von Juden abstammen..." appearing elsewhere on the Internet. The sentence has the basic structure "even if A and B, nevertheless C," where the enumeration of A and B is clearly intended to mitigate the expression of prejudice in C, i.e., the term "even if" is employed in the sense of "even though." These other translations attempt to render the sentence: "Even if it were the case A and even though it is the case B, nevertheless C." Since the term "Mögen" (which generates the "even if" expression) appears only once in the original German, it must assume the same meaning in both cases if it is distributed over A and B in translation (i.e., if the sentence is rendered: "Even if A and even if B, nevertheless C."). Furthermore, in our translations of the sentence, we gave the word "zehnmal" its literal meaning, viz., "ten times," which, of course, does not make literal sense when used to modify the term "descended from." It is fairly clear that the word is employed in this context to signify "overwhelmingly" or "completely"; perhaps the best translation of the word in this context is "one thousand percent." From that standpoint, even if the "we" in the sentence was somehow intended to refer to the Cantor children only (and not to their mother, to whom the letter is addressed), it would still imply that she was "descended from Jews."]
7. Jewish father, non-Jewish mother.
8. See
9. Jewish mother, non-Jewish father. See Metzler Philosophen Lexikon, edited by Bernd Lutz (Metzler, Stuttgart, 1989, p. 503).
10. Mother of Spanish-Jewish descent, non-Jewish father; see Genius: A Mosaic of One Hundred Exemplary Creative Minds, by Harold Bloom (Warner, 2002, New York, p.44) or
11. Jewish father, non-Jewish mother; see Vienna and the Jews: 1867-1938, by Steven Beller (Cambridge, 1990, pp. 15-16).
12. Convert to Judaism; see
13. See A Certain People, by Charles E. Silberman (Summit Books, New York, 1985, pp. 247-248). Putnam has described himself as a "practicing Jew." See also Hilary Putnam's Jewish Philosophy as a Guide to Life: Rosenzweig, Buber, Levinas, Wittgenstein (Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2002, p. 2).
14. Jewish father, non-Jewish mother; see
15. Jewish mother, non-Jewish father; see Encyclopaedia Judaica, Vol. 14 (Keter, Jerusalem, 1972, p. 952).
16. Jewish father, mother of partial Jewish ancestry; see Models of My Life by Herbert A. Simon (BasicBooks, New York,NY, 1991, pp. 3, 17, 112, 262).
17. Father and grandfather were both tried and convicted by the Inquisition for secretly practicing Judaism; see "Teresa's Jewish Roots":
18. See Encyclopaedia Judaica, Vol. 16 (Keter, Jerusalem, 1972, p. 197).
19. Jewish father, half-Jewish mother; see, e.g., Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius, by Ray Monk (Penguin, New York and London, 1990, pp. 4-7).