Happy English Yokohama days


New bag

2007-03-17 21:40:06 | Every day life

I bought this bag when Motomachi was in the sale season. I went there with my hula friends to find my hula teacher’s birthday presents. We arrived before 11o’clock and we dashed from one end of Motomachi street to the other. At about 11:30 more and more people arrived and it was getting crowded. It was lucky that we could see some shops before lunch time. After we ate lunch there were so many people, and it is impossible to find something nice. The whole street was covered up with a strange excitement. Luckily all my hula friends have got strong legs to go through this crowded street. We concentrated on the things we checked before and bought them, one by one. We got to the last place which was Aigle, me and my other friend got our own bags too, which were a kind of little treat for us. This year might be a pinky year. I bought a pink coat and a pink bag. Hopefully, this colour can help me to over this time. Yes, still I’m in a tunnel. I thought I was over that and I thought that was too easy. I really can’t find my answer. What do I have to do now? What I can do now? How can I not be scared? What am I scared of? I have to ask my husband to take me somewhere like the seaside or big park. I want to have a nap on the real ground.


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