岩佐和裁のブログ、裁縫記:IWASA WASAI's blog, SAIHOUKI


A single kimono with a Chojugiga pattern.鳥獣戯画の単衣の着物

2024年09月22日 04時49分51秒 | 単衣の着物
A single kimono with a Chojugiga pattern.鳥獣戯画の単衣の着物

10月に着物が似合う行事といえば 行事ではないですが衣替え、銭湯の日、スポーツの日、十三夜、読書週間、ハロウィン、紅葉狩りなどですか。
Events in October that look good with kimonos include, although not a formal event, the change of seasons, public bath day, sports day, the 13th night of the lunar month, reading week, Halloween, autumn leaves viewing, etc.
This Choju Jinbutsu Giga kimono is made from natural and tasteful cotton fabric that matches the Japanese atmosphere well, woven with slightly thick uneven threads with varying thicknesses.
It is a casual kimono with cotton pockets.
It is made with fabric cuffs, a lining, and a thick hem, so it can be worn in October by layering it up to adjust the fit.
It was made assuming a person with a height of 163 cm, bust 81 cm, hips 90 cm, and a sleeve width of about 1 shaku 8 sun (68 cm).
The size of the kimono is 167 cm from the shoulder, 68 cm from the sleeve width, 39 cm sleeve width, 29 cm shoulder width, 53 cm sleeve length, 29 cm back width, and 23 cm front width.
The kimono weighs 1,050g.
It is on sale at Iwasa Japanese Sewing for 25,000 yen.

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