

Chopstick containers and concave surfaces

2008-05-24 17:57:11 | Weblog
Where do I start? I should perhaps show you the next photo.
Spoons are now complete, waiting for coatings. This is the
work I have been doing over the last few days.

You can see top profiles easily, but not the side
profiles, which have been ground out by the disk

Funnily enough, I have no templates for these straight
soons, why?, I do not know, really. What are
straight spoons, anyway?

To put it in a nutshell, they are the spoons with straight
stems. Stems may have various shapes, largely ornamental,
but essentially the axis of the stems is straight.

So, at this stage of development you have what you want
in the end, minus the hollow volume of space for holding
whatever you want at your dining table.

Being a physicist, however, I refer to these hollow spaces
in terms of concave surface. So, really, spoon formation
at this stage is equivalent to forming best possible concave

surfaces in your workpieces. Incidentally, the other side is a convex
and is treated by both disk and belt sanders, as shown previously.

What is shown below is one of the tools I use to obtain concave

I call this tool SPIKY, as the soft iron shpere at the end of
the rotary device is covered with lots and lots of spikes.
This is the tool that removes the mass I do not want,

forming a rough concave surface with my workpieces. How actually to use the SPIKY is for tommorrow.

In the meantime, here are two more photos. The first of these is
one of my bean curd dissolvers. The second is my first attempt
at chopsick containers, and more on that later.

Dark looking disks are ferrite magnets, more on that later, too.

パエ-リャ 5

2008-05-24 17:56:58 | Weblog
Jamy, I hate your alias! I really do. You are just J too many!

Anyway, let us continue.

それ、買えば? で、幸せになれば良いのよ!
Buy it and be happy with it!

Press in and tear back the top!

Give me a break!

That still leaves quite a lot of work to do!

Watch where you are going! , just watch!

The grey figure melted into walls!

He is a fixit man! He is a middleman!

You cannot have it both ways!

I am fed up with it!

Jamy, I, of course, realsie that some of these are
rudimentary. However, imagine a young Japanese trying
voraciously to abosrb things.

What surprises me is that dounokouno!

There is a road work going on!

Traffic is runnning!

There will be no breaking of clouds!

Yes, I will come over right away!

You must have them done professionally!

Jamy, I go now. Take care!