

Wooden cutlery, chopstics, forks

2008-09-24 16:51:07 | Weblog
I have not been dile today, at all...

First thing in the morning I did wet sanding and
coating for the thrid time. They are drying as
you can see.

I added 10 of those two pronged forks, as they appear
to be popular at the gallery.

Coating of these had been suspended for luck of
nail bed space at one stage or another...

As I said I was not takng it easy, at all, and yet
I never came around to doing anything with the brush

I was busy all day. For a start I had to go along to the post office
to effect remittence of the polyurethane cost, then I had to
go to my bank to deposit yestterday's gain.

All in all, the only pysical output from today is
seen below. Can you see the black plastic lid
underneath these pieces?

These pieces are nearly ready for shiping, except
wanting to be rounded around the inside edges.
I was sitting on this plastic thing, doing up the outer edges

and murmuring to myself and looking across at
the above brush hanger components on my left,
"There is a limit to what I can do in a single day...etc, etc"

Yes, the language I think in while on my own is
always Englsih, occasionally Spanish, sometimes

Ever since I entered a senior high in England I have
always been thinking in English. I just cannot get rid of it!
Anyway, I did some mextra work after taking a shower.

See below...

I am determined to work on the brush hanger tommorrow,
before embarking on anything else!


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