

Wooden cutlery, spoons and forks

2008-09-26 16:53:21 | Weblog
Since Friday is a swimming pool day for my wife
I had all day to spend my time on my projects.

Immediately below is my latest project. There is
no stannding order for most of these, but then
I should prepare myself for opportunities arising...

Can you see that almost all of these look dull at the moment,
and this is because they are still undergoing penetration
coating. Polyurethene has not saturated up to the surface

of the material, and for that reason their surfaces are
not yet grossy enough to reflect the sunlight.

A stark contrast is seen in this image above. They have
come thorough to protective coating stage and are very
grossy, already...

Most of my time today was spent on these above. They are
to be yogart spoons, pretty soon, all 14 of them, although
my standing order is for 12 of these.

Now, if you are talking about only a few of these you could
get away with not having a proper template for their side profile.
However, with the premonition that I will keep

receiving a lot of orders for these I decided to make a
template for the side profile, which is one at the top, and in fact
it is seen to be upside down!

I had some time still left for breaking up for the day and
did up the remaining 6 of the bootsholders. As I mentioned before
there is a limit to what one can achieve in a day.

Today was not exceptional...


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