Sound of waves.  日々舞武両道

by 後藤宏美(Hiromi Goto)HiromiEva

内装はInterior decorations are...

2006-08-29 23:56:14 | Weblog

Interior decorations are graceful,and the feeling of this space was like touchy -feely
and somehow exotic.I could feel the air from the southern islans.The colar of the space
was showing the owner's personality.If you are interested in,please let me know.
One of a talent from the same agency took this picture for me. Hiromi
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2006-08-29 12:38:29 | Weblog
事務所関係の方が代官山にスタジオを開かれて、その御披露目パーティーへ行って参りました。 宏美

A stuff from my talent agency opened a studio in Daikanyama.
I just went to an opening ceremonial party.
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