Sound of waves.  日々舞武両道

by 後藤宏美(Hiromi Goto)HiromiEva

何気ない瞬間 The moment

2006-09-05 20:03:50 | Weblog
何気ない瞬間が輝く一瞬を、切り撮ることの出来る写真っていいよね! 宏美
Don't you think taking pictures is fantastic???
.. because We can cut the shiny and sparkling moment
when something happens to be there.... Hiromi
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映画のセットみたいな Like movie sets

2006-09-05 01:41:47 | Weblog
This is Yatsuo. This place is where I can't help seeing the borderline of the reality
itself and the feeling of the reality as if this place weren't real like
the movie sets, but it were real.
We outsiders call this annual festival as "Kaze no bon"( Bon is japanese tradition),
and this festival would last for a couple of days.
People come to this festival to escape from reality which they are in.
But for people living in Yatsuo , every happening in this festival is
just nomal.It's like every single aspect of japanese traditions in here,
and this place makes me feel the good old atmosphere.
If someone gose to Yatsuo for this festival, that person would definitely think
"I wanna come here next year,too."
The daily life itself in Yatsuo makes us feel that we want to come back again
like every year...
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