Sound of waves.  日々舞武両道

by 後藤宏美(Hiromi Goto)HiromiEva

夏が終わっちゃうよ!!!Summer is about to be over!

2006-09-09 10:23:26 | Weblog
夏が終わっちゃうよ!!!たまには変顔もしてみたくなる私。私は真面目ばかりではないわ!意外とユニークなんですから。(b^-゜) でもイメージって難しいわね。。おしとやかで和風な部分だってある。大人びた声色で電話に出ることだって。。。でも、アクティブで、ボーイッシュで、元気いっぱいの私もいるの。。どれも本当の私。 宏美

Summer is about to be over! I somertimes want to make some funny faces.
I 'm not always so serious!! I could be as unique as evelyone eles,you know?
But my image kind dose prevent from doing things that don't fit to it.
Basically, my image is mild, kind and traditional...But from time to time,I could answer the phone with adult-like voice, not always girly one, can you imagine?
I could be active, boyish, and super-energetic. What ever they are ,I am always who I am.
Everything is real me... Hiromi
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