
The World Something Has Changed

Dear World Leaders

In spite of many warnings from me, the ultimate program which had been prepared for more than 2000 years has finally started yesterday, March 11, 2020.

You will probably see you lose your family members and reliable colleagues out of your sight because of your hesitation and lack of determination.

Measures I can do for you are now very limited. Even though under such a situation, I still have an intention to do my best to solve your problems if you formally request me to do that with clear words.

One thing I can say to you now is that you should never fear any curses spread from the Far East Islands.


 1995年 1月:阪神淡路大震災   3月:地下鉄サリン事件
 2011年 2月:カンタベリー地震  3月:東日本大震災(世界滅亡危機)
 2020年 1,2月:関東大地震の失敗 2月:新型コロナウィルス渦始まる



With lots of love

The Sun, The Moon and The Earth
Written on the ground of Jesus Christ
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