Crypto of Covid-19
This is not a kind of prophecy but one of the materials with which you can think of a better future in the middle of the terror for coronavirus.
Making an anagram of "Covid-19". Note that the letter "9" is equal to the letter "6" in shape.
Covid-19 -----> Co-div 16
"Co" means "Cooperation" and "div" means "division". The number 16 shows the symbol of the ancient Sumer which means 16 princes of the great king dispatched to the world to create the current civilization.

Image: The Symbol of Ancient Sumer. Do you know that a long time ago we Japanese call our emperor "Sumera" and the imperial house raises the emblem of chrysanthemum by the design of 16 petals today?
According to the above, we can derive a following metaphor from the very short word, that is saying.
"Dear descendants of the great king. It's the time to make a choice, go forward cooperatively(1) or separately(2)."
In addition, we can have another anagram as below.
Covid-19 -----> C void 16
The gematria number of letter "C" is 3. This number can be read "Choose not going forward" or "Stay on current state" based on the analytic logic above.
The general meaning of "void" is "No Effect", in this case, "No Choice". If we chose this unallowed answer "staying on the current state or avoiding change", where our world will go?
For everyone in the world, It's time to make a choice.
The Sun, The Moon and The Earth
Written on the ground of Jesus Christ
Making an anagram of "Covid-19". Note that the letter "9" is equal to the letter "6" in shape.
Covid-19 -----> Co-div 16
"Co" means "Cooperation" and "div" means "division". The number 16 shows the symbol of the ancient Sumer which means 16 princes of the great king dispatched to the world to create the current civilization.

Image: The Symbol of Ancient Sumer. Do you know that a long time ago we Japanese call our emperor "Sumera" and the imperial house raises the emblem of chrysanthemum by the design of 16 petals today?
According to the above, we can derive a following metaphor from the very short word, that is saying.
"Dear descendants of the great king. It's the time to make a choice, go forward cooperatively(1) or separately(2)."
In addition, we can have another anagram as below.
Covid-19 -----> C void 16
The gematria number of letter "C" is 3. This number can be read "Choose not going forward" or "Stay on current state" based on the analytic logic above.
The general meaning of "void" is "No Effect", in this case, "No Choice". If we chose this unallowed answer "staying on the current state or avoiding change", where our world will go?
For everyone in the world, It's time to make a choice.
The Sun, The Moon and The Earth
Written on the ground of Jesus Christ
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