反戦の共鳴、トゥルシー・ギャバード米大統領候補支持が急上昇/Antiwar sympathy, Tulsi Gabbard presidential candidate in support rise
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出典: Eventbrite「New Hampshire for Tulsi 2020」
YouTube: I love our country
出典:2020/01/15付・The IRANIAN「Must Watch: No War With Iran Discussion Hosted By Tulsi Gabbard」
YouTube: Tulsi talks IRAN with Guests Stephen Kinzer & Dennis Kucinich - Intro by Kim Iversen - Concord, NH
2020/01/14 にライブ配信
Sympathy to antiwar action!
Before New Hampshire Democratic preliminary election
The most influential person Tulsi Gabbard candidate for US president is in sharp rise of support & cheer
Serving in Iraq my fellow soldiers & I had each other’s back & worked side-by-side. My personal commitment to you is that I'll always have your back & treat you with respect. When we as Americans work side-by-side we can accomplish anything #StandWithTulsi https://t.co/Zct4twYUfX pic.twitter.com/XiHMXIOvle
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) February 6, 2020
YouTube: Tulsi's Inspiring Speech at New Hampshire Dem Party Dinner
YouTube: A Progressive Appeal To New Hampshire Libertarians, With Tulsi Gabbard
YouTube: Tulsi Gabbard LIVE - Tulsi Town Hall - Portsmouth, NH
YouTube: Pints & Politics with Tulsi Gabbard
YouTube: Tulsi Gabbard on Iowa caucuses, importance of New Hampshire primary
We made our ambitious $1M goal for January & with your help we can make $1.5M by NH election day and stay competitive in the final stretch! This is your hard-earned money and our hard-won movement. We are here because of you. Thank you. https://t.co/02bnPM333s
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) February 2, 2020
We’re exactly $158,410 away from reaching our $1.5 million goal and it’s up to all of us — right now — to once again go all-in and make New Hampshire our best showing yet. Can you chip-in for our first-of-the-nation final push? --> https://t.co/IXzGXOeLa5
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) February 9, 2020
Thank you to our incredible supporters! #highfivesfortulsi https://t.co/9XUoGdwM4i
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) February 9, 2020
— 𝒢𝓇𝓊𝒷𝓈 🌺 #Tulsi2020 #UnusualAmerican (@26Grubs) February 9, 2020
One-time contribution:
February 9, 2020 at 10:47 AM pic.twitter.com/oFYmBU9CR9
We set an ambitious goal of $1.5M before the New Hampshire election. Now we're only $100,000 away from reaching our goal! Please donate what you can and share with your friends --> https://t.co/Hjn1nN2Fu9
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) February 10, 2020
・2016/11/06付:『アメリカ大統領選 : トランプ氏の票がクリントン氏に盗まれる「不正選挙」 & ヒラリーとサタニスト・カルトとのネットワーク』
・2019/10/28付:『トゥルシー・ギャバード米議員「民主党を取り戻す」/MP Tulsi Gabbard "Taking Back the Democratic Party"』
・2020/01/24付:「凋落トランプも応援したギャバード米大統領候補はヒラリーに反撃/Declined Trump cheered, President candidate Gabbard counter Hillary」
・2020/02/05付:「エスタブリッシュメントはショック!米民主党予備選アイオワ州党員集会結果公表されず/Establishment feel shock!, 2020 Iowa Democratic caucuses」
・2020/02/05付:「米大統領選挙:凋落トランプに代わる最有力候補トゥルシー・ギャバード/US presidential election, Most influential Tulsi Gabbard candidate」
・2020/02/06付:「米国はゲイの国へ!大統領選アイオワ、ブーテジェッジの不正選挙/ To gay's country USA! Iowa Dem caucuses, Buttigieg "unjust election"」
・2020/02/09付:『「トランプビッチ!」トゥルシーギャバード米大統領候補はトランプを叱る/"Trump Bitch!", US President candidate Tulsi Gabbard scolds Trump』