

When and is the justice in the Allied Powers justice?

2013年07月04日 | 歴史捏造による日本包囲網の闇
When and is " the justice in the World War II victory Allied Powers " justice!?

The historian for the contemporary history in Japan should present an answer to this proposition.

Above all, until " the sin to the sidewalk " " the peacefully facing sin " that Japan is a judged reason in the International Military Tribunal for the Far East ( so-called Tokyo Tribunal of War Criminals ) results in today, will the other country not committing at all?

Moreover, who if saying " the sin to the war " " war crime ", will have assumed the war crime of " the Vietnam War " after that?

The " Iraqi-Iranian War "? " Gulf War "?

The end because Saddam Hussein was executed about " the Iraqi war "?

Is the massive weapon which was in the petition made to have appeared by it?
In what sin in , is Hussein made executed by him?

Who including the regional conflict which was done after World War II, assumes the sin of all war crimes ?

Is it a? victorious country = justice about what, saying " the justice " which you declare it is?

The permanent member of the Security Council in the United Nations Security Council which is World War II victory Allied Powers thinks that there is a duty which answers this question.


