
ゆり その1 Photo by NORIKO
複製版画はもちろん オリジナル版画であっても
手元に置いて鑑賞したいという気持ちも もちろん大きいと思いますが.....
あわよくば値上がりが期待できると言われて 自分でも思い込んで
つい......という場合が 後々問題となってしまうんでしょうね。
しかし 美術品って本当はそんなに短期間で
株とは違います。 つづく
I mentioned not only reproduced Hangas but original ones have sometimes trouble.
Then why?
Perhaps people consider them affordable assets or targets to invest and buy them.
Of course, they want to appreciate them at hand.
With a little bit of luck, someone says you can expect a rise in price or you assume so.
Such a purchase may cause some problems.
You should be happy that a work you bought increases in value,
which may be one of pleasures.
However, the value of art works doesn’t fluctuate in such a short time actually.
It’s different from stock prices.

ゆり その2

ゆり その1 Photo by NORIKO
複製版画はもちろん オリジナル版画であっても
手元に置いて鑑賞したいという気持ちも もちろん大きいと思いますが.....
あわよくば値上がりが期待できると言われて 自分でも思い込んで
つい......という場合が 後々問題となってしまうんでしょうね。
しかし 美術品って本当はそんなに短期間で
株とは違います。 つづく
I mentioned not only reproduced Hangas but original ones have sometimes trouble.
Then why?
Perhaps people consider them affordable assets or targets to invest and buy them.
Of course, they want to appreciate them at hand.
With a little bit of luck, someone says you can expect a rise in price or you assume so.
Such a purchase may cause some problems.
You should be happy that a work you bought increases in value,
which may be one of pleasures.
However, the value of art works doesn’t fluctuate in such a short time actually.
It’s different from stock prices.

ゆり その2