つい先ほど 我が家の庭に狸がやって来たところを撮影できたので早速掲載してみます。
Raccoon dogs just visited our back yard suddenly !
I was able to take pictures, so I’ll post them in a hurry.
私の仕事部屋の窓から撮影 その距離3メートル前後です。
先週あたりから 夜仕事を終え母屋に戻る時 猫より大きく しっぽの太い動物を
見かけていたのですが やはり狸であったようです。
Shot out of the window in my studio.
It was about 3 meters distant from them.
I saw an animal bigger than cats with a big tail returning the main house in the evening last week.
I was not sure that it was a raccoon dog then, but it was just as I had thought.
後ろの狸は右足を怪我しているらしく 手前の狸も毛がかなり抜けて病気のように見えます。
The one behind looked injured its right leg.
The other in front whose fur was lost a lot looked ill.
While my partner was preparing food for them, they were gone.
About ten minutes stay.
I hope they will come to us again.
This has apparently shown that we live in the countryside with a capital C.
つい先ほど 我が家の庭に狸がやって来たところを撮影できたので早速掲載してみます。
Raccoon dogs just visited our back yard suddenly !
I was able to take pictures, so I’ll post them in a hurry.
私の仕事部屋の窓から撮影 その距離3メートル前後です。
先週あたりから 夜仕事を終え母屋に戻る時 猫より大きく しっぽの太い動物を
見かけていたのですが やはり狸であったようです。
Shot out of the window in my studio.
It was about 3 meters distant from them.
I saw an animal bigger than cats with a big tail returning the main house in the evening last week.
I was not sure that it was a raccoon dog then, but it was just as I had thought.
後ろの狸は右足を怪我しているらしく 手前の狸も毛がかなり抜けて病気のように見えます。
The one behind looked injured its right leg.
The other in front whose fur was lost a lot looked ill.
While my partner was preparing food for them, they were gone.
About ten minutes stay.
I hope they will come to us again.
This has apparently shown that we live in the countryside with a capital C.