我が家には避妊手術をした時 外に一度出たことがあるだけで
他は一切外出した経験のない猫 「ゴミ」がいます。
As I mentioned before, our beloved cat “Gomi” has never gone out except being fixed.

ちょっと怖い顔をしています。11歳 もうおばさんです。
She looks a little fierce. She is 11years old, so already middle aged.
外界がどんなものなのか 今でもまったく興味が無いようです。
好きな食べ物も 安いキャットフード・鰯・鯖・秋刀魚のアラだけで
人見知りも激しく 私と相方だけいればいいようで
ある意味 我々人間も見習うべきところがあると思いますね。
She isn’t interested in what is the outdoors like at all.
Her favorite foods are bone of sardine, mackerel, saury and cheep cat food.
She doesn’t eat other fish, meat or expensive cans of cat food either. ( budget-pleasing!)
She is surprisingly withdrawn and narrow-minded, but looks satisfied enough with
being by our side.
We, human beings should sometimes learn her attitude.
Besides this indoor Gomi, two outdoor cats have come to us these days
―already live in our yard.

Elder sister, she looks a half-year-old.
Look at the heart mark on her back.

後ろにいるのが姉 右の黒い箱は相方が作った二軒長屋風の猫小屋
Younger sister
The black box is their house my partner made.
二匹とも人懐っこく 私たちが庭に出ると足に絡み付いて
Both are so affectionate and cute that they cling to us whenever we go to the yard.

我が家には避妊手術をした時 外に一度出たことがあるだけで
他は一切外出した経験のない猫 「ゴミ」がいます。
As I mentioned before, our beloved cat “Gomi” has never gone out except being fixed.

ちょっと怖い顔をしています。11歳 もうおばさんです。
She looks a little fierce. She is 11years old, so already middle aged.
外界がどんなものなのか 今でもまったく興味が無いようです。
好きな食べ物も 安いキャットフード・鰯・鯖・秋刀魚のアラだけで
人見知りも激しく 私と相方だけいればいいようで
ある意味 我々人間も見習うべきところがあると思いますね。
She isn’t interested in what is the outdoors like at all.
Her favorite foods are bone of sardine, mackerel, saury and cheep cat food.
She doesn’t eat other fish, meat or expensive cans of cat food either. ( budget-pleasing!)
She is surprisingly withdrawn and narrow-minded, but looks satisfied enough with
being by our side.
We, human beings should sometimes learn her attitude.
Besides this indoor Gomi, two outdoor cats have come to us these days
―already live in our yard.

Elder sister, she looks a half-year-old.
Look at the heart mark on her back.

後ろにいるのが姉 右の黒い箱は相方が作った二軒長屋風の猫小屋
Younger sister
The black box is their house my partner made.
二匹とも人懐っこく 私たちが庭に出ると足に絡み付いて
Both are so affectionate and cute that they cling to us whenever we go to the yard.
