

【天武帝・飛鳥浄御原宮「エビノコ郭」 奈良・飛鳥探索-6】

2022-04-21 05:26:30 | 日記





English version⬇

Emperor Temmu, Asuka Jomihara Palace "Ebinoko Kaku" Nara, Asuka Exploration-6]
This is the central building of national power where Emperor Temmu, the founder of the Japanese name "Japan" and "Emperor", was enthroned. The humor of the name is also very Japanese. ...

Emperor Temmu stands out in Japanese history.
His birth year is uncertain, and his death date is October 1, 686.
His life was marked by the Taika Reformation, the Battle of Hakumurage and its defeat, and the establishment of a national defense system by his elder brother, Emperor Nakataiohito, and the future Emperor Tenchi.
His elder brother, Prince Nakataio, later Emperor Tenchi, established a system of national defense.
The battle over the succession to the throne between Emperor Tenchi's son, Prince Otomo, and the emperor was the Jinshin Rebellion, which Tenmu won and ascended to the throne.
Emperor Tenmu was victorious and ascended to the throne.
The country name "Japan" and the title "Emperor" are said to have been established during his reign.
There are various theories, but it is said that Ise Jingu took on a special status for the imperial family during the reign of Emperor Temmu.
The reason for the special status of Ise Jingu for the imperial family may be attributed to the actions of the Emperor Temmu at the time of the Jinshin Rebellion.
He is said to have played a major role in the creation of the substantial national structure that has existed to this day.
The Emperor Tenmu then ascended to the throne at the Asuka Jomihara Palace.
The location of this palace and its relationship with the earlier Asuka Itabatamiya Palace is a major point of controversy in ancient history.
The location of this palace and its relationship to the Asuka Itabatamiya Palace, which preceded it, have become major points of controversy in ancient history.
On the occasion of visiting the Kashihara Museum of Archaeology exhibition, I was able to learn about the "archaeological" findings of the Asuka Itabatamiya Palace.
The Asuka Jomihara Palace was constructed by renewing the Asuka Itabatamiya Palace.
The model of "Ebinoko-kaku Shoden" was also shown as a quasi-structural model of the "Daigoku-den".
The name of the place (Ebinoko) from which the name of Ebinoko-kaku is derived is
The name "Ebinoko," which is also the origin of the name of Ebinoko-kaku, is said to be the name of a small village near the present Asuka Village Office.
The result of a series of archaeological empirical studies on the theme of ancient history.
A large hottate-bashira (dugout pillar) building measuring 29.2 x 15.3 meters with eaves on four sides was excavated in this area.
A rectangular plot with a 5 ken x 2 ken gate on the west side. Inside is a 9 ken x 5 ken Ebinoko Da-den (large hall).
On the south side of the plot, a chodo is presumed to have existed. Recent research has led to the theory that it was newly built at the stage of Emperor Temmu's Asuka Jomihara Palace.
The most likely theory is that it was newly built during the Asuka Jomihara Palace of Emperor Temmu. It probably had the character of the later Daigoku-den.
If we believe this theory, we can confirm the existence of the first
If this is believed as it is, it is considered to be the first "Daigoku-den" that can be confirmed in Japan.
This is so, given the circumstances in which Emperor Temmu, the master of the building, established the Emperor's name and the name of Japan.
As an architectural structure, Daigoku-den has a certain symbolism.
Needless to say, it signifies the center of the social system and power, and is the ultimate example of "prestige architecture.
At least in East Asia, it is the ultimate architectural concept.

This photo was shown in the National Museum of Japanese History 2009 "Is Japanese Architecture Peculiar?
Above: Taihe Dian, Forbidden City, Beijing. This was the core power structure of the Qing Dynasty.
Below: Shikikiden Hall of the Imperial Palace in Kyoto. Needless to say, this is the core architecture of imperial court authority.
Although there is a big gap in time, it reminds us of the early days of the Japanese nation.
Whereas the Forbidden City in China is on a lofty platform
The Forbidden City in China is built on a lofty platform, whereas the Japanese royal palace architecture is less intimidating.
The capital building also has an exterior device that softens the impression of tachibana on the right side and cherry blossoms on the left side.
Even today, the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party is coiled around this area.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leadership is still coiled in the surrounding areas.
The difference between the Chinese imperial power, with its strong tinge of tyranny and dictatorship, and the Japanese imperial family, with its emphasis on harmony, is expressed beautifully in the architecture.
The difference between the Chinese imperial power, which is strongly tinged with tyranny and dictatorship, and the Japanese imperial family, which values harmony, is expressed beautifully in the architecture.
Even with such architecture, the seemingly humorous name of the place, "Ebinoko
The fact that the name "Ebinoko," a seemingly humorous place name, is now used as a synonym for the original architecture is also enjoyable.