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Asuka Palace "Site Arrangement" Time Capsule Exploration of Asuka, Nara - 10
The wooden construction method, which allows for the recyclability of construction materials, may have strongly influenced the relationship and culture between the Japanese royalty and the people. ...
The more we explore the Asuka Palace, the more we are reminded of the "Mahoroba" of the Japanese nation.
As I was visiting from a remote place, I let my questions flow freely at the Archaeological Museum of Kashihara.
I am sorry to say that I asked a lot of questions to the curator of the museum.
I was very grateful to the curators for their courteous response.
I mainly asked questions about the "garden pond" that I was interested in.
It seemed that there were still many points that had not yet been clarified.
I would like to continue my efforts to solve questions and dig deeper from time to time.
I was able to purchase some of the materials from the museum, and I found the following
I was surprised to read a book titled "The Stage of Ancient State Formation" written by Yasutoshi Tsurumi, chief curator of the museum.
As I was reading the book, there was a surprising passage in the book that made my eyes water.
As I was reading the book, I was struck by a surprising passage: "Asuka Palace was closed down in December 694, when the capital was moved to Fujiwara no Miya.
The Asuka Palace was abandoned in December 694 when the capital was moved to Fujiwara no Miya, but the site was cleared and covered with soil when the facilities were dismantled.
The site was then cleared and the land continued to be used as cultivated land until the present day.
Oh, yes.
I had never heard much information about the fate of royal palace buildings when they are discarded.
I had never heard that much information about the fate of palace buildings when they were discarded.
But as a museum of archaeology, it is natural that they are doing such research.
Today, we see a peaceful rural landscape in Asuka Town.
However, just a little below the surface, as if it were intended to be a time capsule, there are the ruins of an important royal palace in Japanese history.
The ruins of an important royal palace in Japanese history is hidden just a little below that covering, as if it were intended to be a time capsule.
The royal court showed such consideration in its abolition.
In China, where the revolutionary revolution took place, bloody wars were the norm in changing kingdoms.
Many court buildings were generally destroyed by fire in revolutionary wars.
Many of them were authoritative "keystone buildings," and since the keystones were masonry structures, they were not intended to be moved.
It is likely that the relocation of these buildings was not intended.
Also, many of them are authoritative "platform buildings," and since the platforms are masonry structures, it was probably difficult for them to be intended for relocation.
The fact that the platforms are masonry structures may also be a major reason why relocation was not intended.
In Europe, where architecture is also built of stone, the idea of relocation is not very common.
As a result, the buildings are abandoned in the form of "ruins.
This is apparently due to the fact that Japanese royal palaces are basically wooden buildings with dugout pillars, which makes it easy to relocate them.
This is apparently due to the fact that Japanese royal palace buildings are basically wooden, dugout-pillar structures that can be easily relocated.
In the same book, it is stated that the handling of materials at the time of demolition of the royal palace building depends on the degree of decay.
The book even confirms the fact that the materials used in the demolition of the palace were sorted into two categories according to the degree of decay.
The timber that was to be moved was carefully excavated, while the timber that was to be discarded was cut down.
The fact is that the timbers that are to be used for relocation are carefully dug up, while those with advanced decay are cut down and a part of the root part is left behind.
The post holes are then covered with "yellowish-brown soil" and the ground is cleared.
The soil was then "covered" with a layer of soil.
As a result, this Asuka Palace was preserved as a time capsule over a period of 1,500 years.
This site has been used for agriculture and preserved for many years.
I feel as if I am seeing the characteristics of Japanese kingship there.
In Asuka, Prince Shotoku set forth his political policy of "Harmony is the key to nobility.
This is not authoritarianism or authoritarianism, but a more "democratic" attitude.
Of course, I do not think this was an "intentional" measure of the royal authority.
but it seems to me that the architectural style involved a relationship between the people and the royal power that is unique in the world.