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The Burial Site of Kofun's Tomb of Chopstick Tomb and "Diplomacy" in Wei Wei's Biography: Yamato Historical Testimony-14
Himiko is a "Miko of the Sun"? Intentional imprinting of the perception of a powerful "queen nation" motivated by diplomatic security operations against China. ...
Yesterday's blog post triggered a comment from someone who said, "I'm starting to get paranoid.
So I'm going to write about the current stage of my imagination today.
The progress of the excavation of the Sumimukai site has provided more and more clues to ancient history.
The Chopstick Tomb Tumulus is the first forward-rear round burial mound that marks the beginning of the so-called Kofun Period.
She served as the daughter and maiden of the 10th emperor of the Sun Goddess of the Sun Goddess as a real and certain emperor.
The tomb is believed to be the tomb of "Yamatotsuki Yamato," the daughter and priestess of the 10th Emperor Takamatsu, who served as the actual emperor.
The tomb of the Queen Himiko has recently been likened to the Queen Himiko as a symbol of the Yamato theory of the Yamato kingdom of Yamataikoku.
The Makimuku site is dated to the late 100s or early 200s.
Dating from archaeological excavations. The emperor Chosin must have been a personage of this period, apart from the notation in the Chronicles.
What is the inevitability that a woman, who is believed to be his daughter, was buried as the founder of a forward-rear round burial mound?
After visiting the site, I was curious about the relationship between the Chopstick Tomb Tumulus and the summit of Mt.
I was curious about the location of the tombs and the summit of Mt.
The map is shown on the top of the Google Map.
The locations of the ancient kingships are almost aligned in a straight line in terms of east-west, north-south, and south-south.
I think that the ancient royal authority had the primary role of guiding agricultural work above all else, so it is not surprising that the Ise Shrines are located in a straight line.
The calendar, astronomical observation, and surveying are the best "science" of ancient times.
and surveying were recognized by the people as the basis of legitimacy. From this inference
I think there is a basis for the coincidence of the directions of the tombs of Chopstick Tomb, Mount Miwa, and Ise.
Ancient front-recessed circular tombs were designed to instill a sense of legitimacy in people by having a king standing at the top of them.
The ancient forward-rear burial mound is said to have been a ceremonial site where a king stood at the top to instill a sense of legitimacy in the people.
If the summit of Mt. Miwa is located beyond the tomb mound, and the sun rises in the background
It seems to me that this was the best solution for an ancient royal legitimacy imprinting event.
The ancient scientific legitimacy appeal of the ruler of the sun's movement.
The importance of the priestess role for such a royal authority is also understandable.
of a diplomatic visitor to Yabataikoku, as recorded in the Wei Shihwaden, which is said to have been issued in the period 280-294.
It is also understandable that such a miko woman would be recognized as a "queen" in the eyes of the Chinese.
The ancient kingship would have had no need to deny such recognition.
Perhaps the Chinese would treat their visitors with the highest level of diplomatic security motivation.
<There is a high probability that they would show them rituals such as divination by Himiko.
The goal is to make them realize that they are a powerful nation that would be difficult to invade.
The archaeological excavations at the Makimuku ruins are chronologically consistent with this situation.
As I mentioned yesterday, the first shrine of the Ise Jingu Shrine was founded in Miamukai during the reign of Emperor Sujin.
It is strongly believed that the shrine was moved to Ise during the reign of the next Emperor Taruhito.
In the process of relocation, it is believed that the shrine was recommended to Ise by following the direction based on the "scientific knowledge" of the time.
I think it can be inferred that the shrine was moved to Ise by following the direction based on the "scientific knowledge" of the time.
Although it is a delusion and inference with no clear basis at this point
As a historian, I have great expectations for further clarification based on modern science.