母屋/切妻造茅葺き 桁行9間 梁間3間
内蔵/土蔵造り本瓦葺き 2階建て
English version⬇
A "Half Trader, Half Farmer" Townhouse under the Former Takatori Domain Castle, Yamato Historical Testimony-18
The Nara Basin has a different regional character from the active Kyoto-Osaka economic zone. A blend of farmhouse and merchant-style lattice design. Simple functional appearance. The house is a mixture of...
Former Usui Family Residence (Designated by the national government as an important cultural property)
Main house / Gabled roof with thatched roof, 9 ken (girder length), 3 ken (beam length)
Tile roof with eaves on two sides
Gut: 2 stories, earthen storehouse style, tile roofing
As I travel around Nara Prefecture more and more, I notice that
Nara Prefecture is a mountainous region in the southern part of the prefecture, and the northernmost part of the basin is called "Nara-bon", which is separated by the mountain range.
The city of Nara was located in the northernmost part of the basin, and the capital was eventually moved to Kyoto.
The capital was eventually relocated to Kyoto, and the history of Nara shows that the capital gradually moved northward from the southern edge of the plain.
The city of Mimamukai is located on the eastern edge of the basin.
Mato-mukai is located in the eastern part of the basin, but once there, the royal power moved southward to Asuka, and then moved northward to Kyoto.
The royal power once moved southward to Asuka, and then began to move northward with the construction of the Fujiwara-kyo capital.
The construction of the Heian-kyo and Nara-kyo metropolises marked the era.
The construction of the Heian-kyo and Nara-kyo metropolises marked the era, and eventually, the capital moved to Kyoto in a great leap forward.
It is said that this house was built in the Edo period, about 300 years ago.
The third floor plan and the map show the house on the northwest side of Nara Prefecture.
The third floor plan and map shows the area to the northwest of Nara Prefecture, but the general geographical sense of the area can be defined as follows
The Nara area, as the southern capital of Japan, was an area where religious forces had unusual power.
Even during the Kamakura, Sengoku, and Edo periods, it was a very difficult area to govern.
There is no doubt that it was a difficult region to govern even during the Kamakura, Sengoku, and Edo periods.
During the Toyotomi period, the area was the hinterland of Hideyoshi's government, which controlled Kyoto and Osaka.
In the Toyotomi period, the area was ruled by Hideyoshi's younger brother, Dainagon Hidenaga, who also ruled Kishu, which was located behind Hideyoshi.
Hidenaga also avoided Nara, the southern capital of Japan, and used Yamatokoriyama, adjacent to Nara, as his base of operations.
It is said to have been such a difficult region to govern by military authority.
A castle was built in Takatori, which is adjacent to Asuka Village and Kashihara City.
In the Edo period, the Takatori clan was at its peak, with a total of 100,000 koku in stone.
At first, it was ruled by feudal lords from the line of Hidenaga's vassals.
Eventually, vassals of the Tokugawa clan came to rule as the parent clan.
A warrior clan called the Uemura clan acted as the Emperor's faction at the end of the Edo period, and
The family continued to hold on to their house safely even after the Meiji period.
This "old Usui Family" house is located facing the Ote Highway in the castle town of Takatori Castle, and is said to be the residence of the clan's "official messenger".
While serving as the clan's "official messenger," the family also sold sake and shoyu, and prospered as the "Oenyoyomi" of the castle town.
The family was said to have been the "Oenyoro" of the castle town.
Yesterday, I took a close-up look at the "okudo-san" that sits on the earthen floor of the house.
The two rooms on the left side of the house are latticework in the style of a merchant house.
The house is said to have a "lattice structure" in the style of a merchant house between the two rooms on the left side, while having a farmhouse-like plan and appearance.
The Takatori domain faces the old highway from the Nara basin to Yoshino.
It is not a purely commercial area.
It is not a purely commercial area, but it is basically an agricultural area, but it also had a commercial character as a highway.
The house seems to express the character of the district.
The simple form of the house, which follows simple functionality, is very beautiful.