

【聖徳太子の死と偶像化 法隆寺宝物館-17】

2023-06-15 05:54:25 | 日記



English version⬇

The Death and Idolization of Prince Shotoku: The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures-17
Japanese history may have utilized the traces of this man to the nation's own "religiosity". The deeply penetrated "faith" of Prince Shotoku. ...

The 17th and final article in the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures, "Shotoku Taishi Eaden. It is about the death of Prince Shotoku and his subsequent idolization as a state religious figure.

The fact that Japan has long held in high esteem the regent King Umato-oh as a member of the imperial family who was deeply involved in the founding of Japan, which placed the spread of Buddhism as the basis of its "state of tranquility and protection," and that he donated the honorific title "Shotoku" to Japan and continued to be revered for a long time, tells us something important about our history and spirituality. This is a rather unusual theme for a blog post, and it has been covered in a total of 17 articles.
 It has been kept as a treasure of Horyuji Temple, which is a unique symbolic existence in Japanese architecture, and it has been presented to the Imperial Family, and now it is kept in the "inner sanctum" of the Tokyo National Museum, where it is regarded as the core treasure.
 Even today, Horyu-ji is probably the most common destination for high school excursions. This temple is not so much a Buddhist temple as a symbol of the Asuka period, the original period of the Japanese nation, and its architecture has been continuously imprinted on the Japanese people.
 Prince Shotoku's role in the establishment of such an overall national and religious consciousness is enormous. For Japanese Buddhists, his presence was like that of Jesus Christ in Christianity. His presence in Japan was like that of Jesus Christ in Christianity, and his presence in Japan has been repeatedly publicized by the Buddhist side as evidence that Buddhism has not been ostracized and has continued to take root in this country.
 After his death in 622, the first personal record of his life, perhaps in Japanese history, was produced in the form of a "pictorial biography" of the event. There is no doubt that for the imperial family as a power structure, the traces of such persons have continued to function as the basis of legitimacy. In addition to the traces of his life, his posthumous symbolism is also miraculous.
 Prince Shotoku died at about the same time as his beloved wife. It is said that the emperor participated in the funeral. 
 The last picture shows him riding in an imaginary vehicle to Mount Eizan in China, where he had Ono Imoko bring back a sutra he had "left behind in a previous life. It tells of a situation in which the Japanese nation has elevated its own power base to religious authority.
 The purification of ethnic DNA is possible in an island nation like Japan, but not in a continental nation. There exists a kind of ethnic mentality that is not possible in a continental nation. I believe that the first sentence of the Seventeen-Article Constitution, which proclaimed that "harmony is the key to nobility," was imprinted on the Japanese people in the years that followed. I would like to continue to think about and look at what was hypothesized in these figures.