English version⬇
The Asuka to Heijo-kyo area, the atmosphere, and the Japanese language.
When the poet Princess Nukata left the Asuka area, she composed a poem of regret and regret. Another characteristic of the area is that the residuals of the original Japanese language remain strong. The Mahoroba of the country. ・・・・.
The capital of modern Japan is Tokyo. Before that, it was Kyoto. For a time, Kamakura was also the center of samurai politics. And before that, Nara. Further back, we come to Asuka. In the Asuka period, the concept of capital meant "the place where the emperor resided" and not necessarily a city.
During the Asuka period, which we have seen in the Shotoku Taishi Pictorial Biography series, there was a capital function or center of power somewhere in the Nara Basin or in the Kinki region. Heijo-kyo, Japan's first "metropolis" built under a system of monks, was a major milestone, and there are significant differences between Asukadera and Horyu-ji temples and Todai-ji temple in terms of temple architecture. The construction of Todai-ji Temple was completely different from the Asuka period, and the Great Buddha Opening Ceremony, which marked the culmination of the construction, is said to have been an occasion to invite distinguished guests from around the world and to show off the majesty of the metropolis as a newly emerging East Asian nation.
Since the time of Prince Shotoku, the process of nation-building has been a process of catching up with the "world standard" of the introduction of Buddhism and the Ritsuryo system.
However, I prefer the atmosphere of Asuka.
Princess Nukata, one of the most famous poets of this period, wrote a poem about Asuka when the capital was moved to Omi and the world was changing. The poem is titled "Miwasan wo dama dake kaumo datamo kokoroaranamo kakifushiya" ("Even the clouds that hide Mt. Miwa must hide the heart of Asuka").
Although many of the royal family, including Asuka, had no choice but to move further inland after the upheaval of the defeat at the Hakumura River, her sentiments may have expressed the inner feelings of many of the people.
Later, after the death of Emperor Tenchi, who had led the relocation of the capital to Omi, Emperor Temmu, who had fought against Emperor Tenchi's legitimate successor in the Jinshin War, returned to Asuka again after winning the war. There must have been various reasons for this, but it can be assumed that many people were emotionally attached to Asuka and the Nara Basin.
Later, Asuka was moved to Heijo-kyo because of its poor water supply, but it remained in the northernmost part of the Nara Basin. Could it be said that Princess Nukata's wishes bore fruit?
Another thing is that the Asuka period's sense of language is rich in remnants of the original Japanese language.
When I was walking around Asukadera Temple and heard the name of a nearby shrine, Asukani-no-Izumi-jinja, I was greatly comforted by its gentle sense of language. Well, "isu" is a very common reading of the Chinese character "za," but the continuity from the ancient language is very impressive.
When I toured Asuka, I was greeted by such a sense of language in various places. There are many place names and events that are not called in the Chinese style. Is this truly the Mahoroba of the country?
On the wall of the restored Daigoku-den Hall in Heijo-kyo, there are paintings of dragons and other animals of the twelve Chinese zodiac signs, and I feel that this sense of Asuka's atmosphere is faintly conveyed in the designs by modern painters.