


2024-05-21 07:34:43 | 日記



English version⬇

A mere 120 years ago, a mere shadow of the time of the settlement of Hokkaido.
In Japanese society, where the concept of "ancestral land" is strongly rooted, there is a psychological lamentation at the thought of leaving the land. Contrast this with the development of the American West. The contrast with the settling of the western United States.

I am fascinated by these early photographs of Hokkaido, and I am captivated by them.
 My family immigrated to Hokkaido from the Fukuyama area of Hiroshima Prefecture in the early years of the Taisho era (1912-1926) during my grandfather's generation. There are no photographs or other evidence of this fact.
 The photo above is an old photo that reminds us of that time. My siblings and I have only hearsay from our grandfather and grandmother. I myself do not remember the faces of my grandfather and grandmother with my own eyes. Therefore, I do not have a physical sense of the atmosphere of this migration to Hokkaido.
 However, now that I face them, I find it difficult to find words to describe them.
 I can only imagine what it must have been like to move far away from the land of one's "ancestors" in a time when people were completely different from those of today.
 People of my father's generation seem to have had two choices after death. One is where they would like to be buried after their death, and the other is how they would like to be buried. Even my father's siblings have two choices: they can choose the place of their "ancestors" or they can choose to "bury their bones" in Hokkaido. My father built a grave in Hokkaido with some of my grandfather's bones, and my uncle built a grave in his ancestral place with some of my grandfather's bones.
 These thoughts keep haunting my mind.
 On the other hand, if one imagines what it must have been like for the people who moved here, it must have been a series of completely new experiences for them. For the first time in their lives, they had to travel long distances across the archipelago by boat, so everything they experienced was in uncharted territory. The fact that they could finally reach land after several days of travel must have been a more immediate psychological experience for them.
 First of all, the feeling of being at home. If we think about it in terms of the passage of time, the move for emigration was, surprisingly, more like a "head-full" response to the reality of the situation, and we may not have fallen into the mood of lamentation.

In the second photo, the building of houses in the settlements began immediately, similar to the settling of the western part of the United States. This is consistent with the fact that the Hokkaido Settlement Administration's major administrative task from the beginning was to build houses.
 In the U.S., the so-called "two-by-four" construction method was developed so that even a novice could easily build a house. In Japan, the pioneers themselves had no time to develop construction methods and were forced to build houses using the traditional construction methods of the mainland.
 The reason why the U.S. was able to take the time to develop construction methods was largely due to the positive attitude of European immigrants seeking a "new land," and it seems that the U.S. had well-developed measures to deal with this situation. In contrast, Japan's Hokkaido immigration policy seems to have been inadequate, especially in terms of housing policy.
 First of all, the urgent issue of colonization for national defense against Russia was probably a major factor.