

【デジタル「聖徳太子絵伝」 in 法隆寺宝物館-2】

2023-05-30 06:52:16 | 日記




English version⬇

Digital "Shotoku Taishi E biography" in The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures-2
The miraculous acceptance of Buddhist thought in Japanese society as a "state of tranquility and protection". What is the "faith" of Horyu-ji Temple and its founder, Prince Shotoku? ...

The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures, whose architecture was introduced yesterday. This exhibition facility is located at the rear of the Tokyo National Museum grounds in Ueno, Tokyo. The museum exhibits and displays a group of treasures presented to the imperial family by Horyuji Temple in 1878. In other words, the treasures are the common property of the people. Naturally, it does not resemble the concept of private ownership, but is entirely shared. It is the basis of democracy for the people to share historically valuable intellectual and cultural assets and to evolve and develop their sense of value.
 The Treasure House has many Buddhist statues and other items on display, and when I visited the museum, the "Shotoku Taishi Eden" was being digitally displayed. The Japanese people, Horyu-ji Temple, and the "Shotoku Taishi faith" that exists at the core of the temple were suddenly on display in a direct manner.
 I believe that the success of the "Shinko-no-Kokoku" philosophy and the broad support of the people are at the root of the flexible change of government in Japan, where the separation of power and administration has been achieved in a relatively mild manner, rather than through revolutionary changes of government as in other countries. The adherence to the Buddhist policy of "reverence for the three treasures" has helped the country to overcome the crisis of social disintegration. The fact that the imperial lineage has survived for at least a thousand years is a miracle of the world. Although there is some controversy over the existence of Prince Shotoku, I think he is a pivotal figure in the basis of the legitimacy of royal authority.

The "Shotoku Taishi E biography" tells the story of the life of Prince Shotoku, a painting created in 1069 during the Heian period (794-1185). The painting above is one of the existing digitally processed paintings. It is a labyrinth of numerous traces of the Taishi, with the chronological order of events slightly backward and forward. According to Nelson Goodman, an American philosopher, "Sixty events are arranged as a whole in a twisted narrative," which is a curious sense of composition.
 A considerable amount of history has passed since the founding of Horyuji Temple (607). It is said that the paintings were exhibited in the E-den (Picture Gallery), which was newly built along with the Shariden (Hall of Relics) at Horyu-ji during this period, and that the paintings were displayed in the E-den like a wall painting.

A reproduction of the painting is now on display in the Horyuji Picture Hall, as shown in the photo. The Horyuji record clearly describes how the painting was created, and the painter is clearly identified as Hata Chisada, a resident of Ohnami, Settsu Province.
 It is truly a time traveler's recollection of the times (laughs). The era can be said to be the heyday of the Fujiwara family's regal government. The emperor's royal authority was symbolic, and the Fujiwara clan existed at the top of the aristocratic class as a system to control it. However, the Emperor Shirakawa, who aimed to restore the royal regency by countering the Fujiwara's monopoly of power with the Insei government, became the crown prince during this period. This was probably the period just before the rise of the samurai.
 In such an era, Horyu-ji Temple, as the root of Buddhism in Japan, may have sought to maintain and develop its exceptional status in Japanese society by widely publicizing the memory of Prince Shotoku, who was deeply involved in its founding. The existence of Hata Chisada, a "goeji" painter who was established in the late Heian period, also arouses strong interest. To be continued.
<Reference: Kanazawa College of Art Bulletin, Masako Ota, "Narrative Structure of the Illustrated Biography of Shotoku Taishi in the Horyuji Eden Hon" >.

