彼女と話をしていて、丁度その時読んでいた「21世紀とイスラーム その多様性と現代的課題」という 本の内容が浮かんだ。フェルガナ地方(中央アジア、旧ソ連邦)でのイスラム弾圧の話である。
で、翌日、本の内容をアップロードして彼女をタグ付けし、お礼の文面を付けた。そしたら日本語の文面が何を言っているのかと質問があった。ああ、そうか彼女は英語で授業を受け、論文を書いているんだった。で、まあエキサイトで出てきた適当な訳を英語ぽく直してFACE BOOKにコピペ。
In line with the principle of communism 'God does not exist', extremely severe atheist propagandas had been carried out in the central Asia since the late 1920s. Meanwhile the government conducted radically repressive policies toward Islamic tradition in order to destroy the remained feudal system in Fergana. Religious institutions such as mosques and madrasas were closed or destroyed. Moreover, almost all of intellectuals imparting Islamic knowledge were purged and terminated.
Yep, my great grandfather and his twin brother were islamic scholars and teachers, both spent most of their post-soviet life in jails and the twin brother died in jail for that simple reason... There were mandatory classes and even entrance exams in Atheism, teaching that everything can be explained by science and religions were made up for ruling the people and political reasons... Tough times for all believers... Not only muslims, also christians and jews...