


2021-07-15 03:01:42 | Atwiki
計 47565 ページ / 1 から 100 を表示

アイドルマスター ポップリンクス
劇場版 少女☆歌劇 レヴュースタァライト



run for money 逃走中
カズマ(この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!) (43日前)

シャークネード5 ワールド・タイフーン



ページ一覧 (作成日時(新しい順))

2021-07-15 02:58:45 | 時事

ページ一覧 (作成日時(新しい順))

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計 47565 ページ / 1 から 100 を表示

蒼藍の誓い ブルーオース (1時間前)
乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった…/コメントログ (1時間前)
こわれたブレーキ(きかんしゃトーマス) (1時間前)
新幹線変形ロボ シンカリオン THE ANIMATIONの登場人物 (2時間前)
シンカリオン(ロボット) (1時間前)
原賀胡桃(君のことが大大大大大好きな100人の彼女) (3時間前)
ベビー(バイオハザード ヴィレッジ) (1時間前)
牧場物語 3つの里の大切な友だち (2時間前)
未来への逆転(逆転裁判5) (6時間前)
楠芽吹 (4時間前)
カローシスUQ/楼堂丈二 (12時間前)
MAO(高橋留美子) (21時間前)
パワーレンジャー・ターボ (5時間前)
ミサイルマン(ロボット刑事) (3時間前)
装動(仮面ライダージオウ) (11時間前)
ソロン(FE) (17時間前)
ゴールドシップ(競走馬)/コメントログ (1日前)
腐敗の賢老クヴァール (3時間前)
レックス(FE) (3時間前)
赤兎馬(Fate) (3時間前)
あの夏のルカ (6時間前)
上級武器トレーニング(Mass Effect) (2日前)
マルチェロ(DQⅧ) (10時間前)
ふたごのきかんしゃ(きかんしゃトーマス) (1日前)
邪悪の石 本当は恐ろしいハリー・ポッター (3時間前)
ディートバ(FE) (1日前)
おおかみこどもの雨と雪 (19時間前)
デューク(バイオハザード) (8時間前)
ジンジャー(きららファンタジア) (2日前)
ラチェット(G1) (2日前)
マルバス(メギド72) (1日前)
帽子世界(フリーゲーム) (2日前)
コマンドー(映画)/コメントログ (3日前)
相良克彦 (2日前)
坂上あゆみ/キュアエコー (10時間前)
墓守のウェザエモン (2日前)
ハンター(run for money 逃走中) (2日前)
樋口真嗣 (2日前)
ブラミモンド(FE) (14時間前)
レンアイワルド (11時間前)
嵐の騎士トールギス/凶戦士エピオン (3日前)
関谷真澄 (10時間前)
翼の騎士ゼロ/銀翼の騎士ゼロカスタム (3日前)
IPポリス つづきちゃん (1日前)
西園寺琴歌 (17時間前)
楔(BORUTO) (3日前)
バイナリー ドメイン (1日前)
ハピネスチャージプリキュア!のプリキュア一覧 (3日前)
グランディア (3日前)
バテテモーダ (3日前)
ストリウス(仮面ライダーセイバー) (14時間前)
バドー(ロボット刑事) (1日前)
マネネ登場!休息の館!(ポケモン) (4日前)
九太/蓮(バケモノの子) (4日前)
仮面ライダーエボル (2日前)
ゴジラVSコング (30分前)
カブラギ シンヤ(ウルトラマンZ) (4日前)
ギャラクシートラベラー(シャングリラ・フロンティア) (13時間前)
熊徹(バケモノの子) (3日前)
愛田間七(忍者と極道) (5日前)
熱核連結 ガイアトム・シックス (4日前)
Thunderbolt Fantasy 東離劍遊紀/コメントログ (6日前)
河童 (4時間前)
サバーク博士 (5日前)
勇者ヒンメル (1日前)
first flash(飴色紅茶館歓談) (7日前)
アズサ・アイザワ (5日前)
第11の使徒(ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版)(削除予定・主観項目) (4日前)
国鉄マニ30形客車 (6日前)
悠久のティアブレイド -Lost Chronicle- (10時間前)
ヨーグルト(食品) (5日前)
ワンデ星人ニワンデ (6日前)
"超記憶術”でメダリスト!?の巻(こち亀) (3日前)
一郎彦(バケモノの子) (1日前)
黒川あかね (4日前)
リズム天国 ザ・ベスト+ (2日前)
甲冑武者(SEKIRO) (2日前)
赤嶺友奈 (1日前)
ジョー・ベイカー (6日前)
黒森峰女学園(ガールズ&パンツァー) (6日前)
天穂のサクナヒメ/コメントログ (7日前)
タイホウマン (9日前)
ヤーナム市街(Bloodborne) (5日前)
超神(キン肉マン) (1日前)
八神マキノ (8日前)
ミマモロール! (9日前)
獅子猿(SEKIRO) (3日前)
傭兵団の料理番 (3日前)
クロニエ(FE) (1日前)
アイドル始めちゃいました!/約束やぶっちゃダメぷりっ(プリパラ) (9日前)
モグルマン (7日前)
愛する人はずっと見守っている(ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン) (6日前)
聖魔連結王 ドルファディロム (1日前)
2020年F1イタリアグランプリ (1日前)
SCP-4282 (7日前)
超世界転生エグゾドライブ -激闘!異世界全日本大会編- (2日前)
カリュブディス(仮面ライダーセイバー) (2日前)
神月アンナ (9日前)
もりもりぼっくん (5時間前)
君のことが大大大大大好きな100人の彼女/コメントログ (3日前)
計 47565 ページ

ベビー(バイオハザード ヴィレッジ)
邪悪の石 本当は恐ろしいハリー・ポッター
牧場物語 3つの里の大切な友だち
シリーズ(SCP Foundation)
ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ストーンオーシャン 超常心理分析書
ウマ娘 プリティーダービー
劇場版 マジンガーZ / INFINITY
ゴジラ S.P<シンギュラポイント>
SCP Foundation

Google people

2021-07-14 04:21:20 | 🇫🇷思想
今 画期的なアイデアを思いついた

Franz Kafka

Thomas Mann

Jean-Paul Sartre

Marcel Proust

Ernest Hemingway

James Joyce

Edgar Allan Poe

Stefan Zweig

Leo Tolstoy

Jorge Luis Borges

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Bertolt Brecht

Milan Kundera

Max Brod

Gabriel García Márquez

Samuel Beckett

Hermann Hesse

William Shakespeare

Anton Chekhov

Vladimir Nabokov

Hermann Kafka

Dora Diamant


2021-07-10 20:27:41 | 時事

表示の並び替え 閲覧数順 コメント数順
0 9 まい 2021-07-10 17:10
誰でも歓迎 !
気になる相談に登録 共感 応援 2

毒親 778
自分は無能な人間です。 何もできません。いや、むしろ人の足…
0 27 栞 2021-07-10 07:16
誰でも歓迎 !
気になる相談に登録 共感 10 応援 9
自分は無能な人間です。 何もできません。いや、むしろ人の足を引っ張ってしか生きていけません。 よく、人の命は大切だだの、必要のない命はないだの、人は誰かに必...

初めて相談します。 長文になるかと思いますが、お付き合いい…
0 34 りーちゃん 2021-07-09 22:50
誰でも歓迎 !
気になる相談に登録 共感 11 応援 12
初めて相談します。 長文になるかと思いますが、お付き合いいただけると嬉しいです。 普段はダンサーやステージの仕事がメインでかなり運動をしていましたが、コロナ...

精神科 1226 カウンセリング 523 罪悪感 689 食欲がない 63 承認欲求 63 実家暮らし 255 気分変調症 22 過食 794 コンプレックス 186 過食症 205 辛い 2376 嘔吐 269 HSP 51 コロナ 276
1 37 春 2021-07-09 21:28
気になる相談に登録 共感 6 応援 13
4歳の時、私の母親はエホバの証人という宗教に身を託していました。私自身が何故母親が宗教に存在を託したかも理解はしていました。 私の家庭は父親の暴力に支配され逃げる...

離婚 960 暴力 750 宗教 91 課題 247 エホバの証人 2
「身内からのハラスメントについて」 西尾市緑町在住の31歳…
5 28 いりエリア 2021-07-09 19:52
気になる相談に登録 共感 11 応援 7
「身内からのハラスメントについて」 西尾市緑町在住の31歳、女(自認性FtX)です。母からのモラルハラスメントを受けている可能性が出てきたので、相談してみたく...

精神科 1226 無職 298 生活保護 144 ハローワーク 71 ムカつく 87 クリニック 137 LGBT 40 愚痴 658 メンタルクリニック 84 パート 518 面接 377 嫌がらせ 145 保険証 8
0 23 rei k 2021-07-09 19:12
誰でも歓迎 !
気になる相談に登録 共感 16 応援 16
私は中1女子です、それで、女子より男子といるほうが楽しいって変ですか、? 女子といると、自分なりのふざけ方ができないし、微笑むくらいしかできなくて…だけど、男子と...

本当の自分 129
今週から職場で新たな仕事を覚えてやっています。 委託されて…
0 12 せいなん 2021-07-09 18:34
誰でも歓迎 !
気になる相談に登録 共感 17 応援 10
今週から職場で新たな仕事を覚えてやっています。 委託されている通販業務における出荷作業をする際に伝票や送り状を発行したり、発注内容の変更などを担当しています。 ...

無視 684 パート 518 パートリーダー 13 辛い 2376
今週、ようやく精神科を受診することができた。 それに伴って…
0 42 無鬱 2021-07-09 11:19
誰でも歓迎 !
気になる相談に登録 共感 10 応援 11
今週、ようやく精神科を受診することができた。 それに伴って、アルバイトを辞めた。 うつ病傾向にあると言われた。話を聞いてくれた看護師さんは、うつ病にならなく...

うつ病 1130 精神科 1226 アルバイト 670 看護師 167
辛いです 何がってもう自分でもなんだかわかりません。多分話…
0 31 あああ 2021-07-09 10:25
誰でも歓迎 !
気になる相談に登録 共感 20 応援 13
辛いです 何がってもう自分でもなんだかわかりません。多分話を聞いてほしいんだと思います 病院の先生は優しいけど、実際会うと言いたいことの半分も話せていない気がし...

辛い 2376
安定剤を飲んでいる方はいらっしゃいますか? 発達障害の過…
0 28 名無し 2021-07-09 00:19
誰でも歓迎 !
気になる相談に登録 共感 9 応援 13
安定剤についてです。 発達障害の過敏さを抑えるため、エビリファイの0.1グラム(1%)を処方されました。 量により副作用は違うと思いますが副作用と、一度飲ん...

副作用 145 エビリファイ 25 発達障害 720 安定剤 26
0 44 くみ 2021-07-08 22:14
誰でも歓迎 !
気になる相談に登録 共感 16 応援 23
初めまして。くみと申します。 私は今高3で塾に通っています。その塾の先生(大学3年)に一目惚れしました。先生と言っても直接習っている訳ではなく、代理として来てくれ...

めんどくさい 254
1 22 カラス 2021-07-08 21:35
気になる相談に登録 共感 10 応援 11
小学生の時にいじめを受け、少し人間を信用できず疑を持ち始めました。 中学生の時に小学生の時に虐めてきた相手から再度いじめを受けた。 小学生の時に先生に相談し...

いじめ 1258 中学生 906 高校生 1259 悪口 951 相談できない 334 めんどくさい 254 小学生 681
最近はいろいろ相談に乗ってもらってすごく感謝しています。 …
1 33 みゆう 2021-07-08 21:12
誰でも歓迎 !
気になる相談に登録 共感 16 応援 18
最近はいろいろ相談に乗ってもらってすごく感謝しています。 ありがとうございました❗️ 今回の相談は初めて会った人などから毎回と言っていいほどぶりっ子と呼ばれるこ...

私は職場で浮いてると思いながら仕事をしています。 理由:未…
1 28 ゆい 2021-07-08 19:16
誰でも歓迎 !
気になる相談に登録 共感 11 応援 14
私は職場で浮いてると思いながら仕事をしています。 理由:未婚、子なし 周囲は家庭を持ち、常に、子供の事ばかりです。 「結婚していない私おかしい?」「子供が苦手...

死にたい 2471 転職 667 辛い 2376 結婚 816
こんばんは。 ゆいと申します。 誰かに悩みを見て欲しいと思…
0 27 ゆい 2021-07-08 19:11
誰でも歓迎 !
気になる相談に登録 共感 10 応援 8
こんばんは。 ゆいと申します。 誰かに悩みを見て欲しいと思い綴っていきます。 今日、仕事でミスをしました。正直、明日を迎えることが怖いです。 伝達ミスで私が...

上司 1004
9 70 かっちゃん 2021-07-08 17:29
登録済み 共感 12 応援 13

うつ病 1130 精神科 1226 いじめ 1258 殺したい 213 担任の先生 181 毒親 778 自己肯定感 263 無視 684 孤立 126 通院 374 HSP 51 弁護士 55
1 77 トモ 2021-07-08 16:45
誰でも歓迎 !
気になる相談に登録 共感 17 応援 9
今までずっと生き辛さを感じて生きてきて、ここ数年でちょっとひどくなっていて…。 周りに迷惑もかけて、自分自身もしんどくて、「そろそろ本気で病院にかかりたい」と思っ...

カウンセリング 523 ADHD 447 HSP 51
9 49 ねむ 2021-07-08 16:32
登録済み 共感 10 応援 8
何か食べたら、最低でも3日はなにも食べないようになりました。 前までは、チューイングや下剤2桁を入れてたんですが、下剤のカロリーも怖くなって、食べないになりました...

下剤 182 自傷行為 397 チューイング 28 辛い 2376
1 28 りく 2021-07-08 01:03
気になる相談に登録 共感 7 応援 10
自分の中では好きな部類の業界で仕事につけたけど一般社会人としての振る舞いがどんなに確認してもミスしてしまうことが多い。 上司にタスクを見られている状況が正直辛い。...

上司 1004 研修 126 辛い 2376

Portal:Current events

2021-07-09 11:00:02 | 時事
Portal:Current events
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Worldwide current events Sports events Recent deaths
Topics in the news
Andrei Vasilevskiy
Andrei Vasilevskiy
In ice hockey, the Tampa Bay Lightning defeat the Montreal Canadiens in the Stanley Cup Finals (Conn Smythe Trophy winner Andrei Vasilevskiy pictured).
Indian actor Dilip Kumar dies at the age of 98.
President of Haiti Jovenel Moïse is assassinated and interim prime minister Claude Joseph assumes leadership.
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Air Flight 251 crashes on approach to Palana Airport, Russia, killing all 28 people on board.
A Philippine Air Force C-130 transport aircraft crashes in Sulu, killing at least 53 people.
Ongoing: COVID-19 pandemic
Recent deaths: Abul Kalam Qasmi Gillian Sheen Raffaella Carrà James Kallstrom Suzzanne Douglas Robert Downey Sr.
Nominate an article
July 9, 2021 (Friday)
July 8, 2021 (Thursday)
Armed conflicts and attacks

War in Afghanistan
2021 Taliban offensive
Withdrawal of United States troops from Afghanistan
U.S. President Joe Biden announces that the United States will end its military mission in Afghanistan by August 31. Also, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki says that the Biden administration will evacuate Afghan interpreters from the country. (CNBC) (Politico)
Afghanistan–Tajikistan relations
Taliban spokesperson Mohammad Suhail Shaheen says that the organization does not plan to attack the Afghan-Tajik border. (TASS)
Sixty-nine Taliban fighters are killed during clashes with the Afghan government in the town of Qala e Naw. (The Times of India)
Assassination of Jovenel Moïse
Four people suspected of being the assassins of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse, who was killed yesterday, are shot dead during a shootout with police in Port-au-Prince. Six others are arrested, including an American citizen. Three officers are hospitalized. The attackers are described as foreign mercenaries, but there are believed to be Haitians among their accomplices. Authorities claim that there are no more attackers on the run, and that the manhunt is now under way for the masterminds of the assassination. The motive behind the assassination is unknown. (BBC News)
American diplomats and troops in Iraq and Syria are targeted in three rocket and drone attacks in the past 24 hours, including at least 14 rockets hitting an Iraqi airbase, wounding two American soldiers. (Al Jazeera English)
Health and environment

COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 pandemic in Asia
COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia
Indonesia reports a record for the fourth consecutive day of 38,391 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, thereby bringing the nationwide total of confirmed cases to 2.41 million. (Yahoo! News)
COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia
Malaysia reports a record 135 deaths from COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, thereby bringing the nationwide death toll to 5,903. The country also surpasses 800,000 cases of COVID-19. (CNA)
COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea
South Korea reports a record 1,275 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, thereby bringing the nationwide total of confirmed cases to 164,028. (Al Jazeera English)
COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand
Thailand reports a record 75 deaths from COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, thereby bringing the nationwide death toll to 2,462. (Bangkok Post)
COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam
Hanoi suspends all public transport services to and from 14 provinces impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak and urges people to stay at home after the country reports a record 1,314 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours. (Reuters)
COVID-19 pandemic in Europe
COVID-19 pandemic in Hungary
Hungary surpasses 30,000 deaths from COVID-19. (Hungary Today)
COVID-19 pandemic in Luxembourg
Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel is discharged from hospital after being in a serious but stable condition due to COVID-19 for several days. Bettel thanks the medical services and announces that he will resume activities through telework until the end of his isolation period. (RTL)
COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom
The United Kingdom reports 32,551 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, which is the highest single-day total of new cases since January. (ITV News)
The global death toll from COVID-19 surpasses 4 million. (MSN)
International relations

China–European Union relations
The European Parliament votes 578–29 to pass a 28-point nonbinding resolution condemning the tightening restrictions on the press in Hong Kong following the shutdown of the pro-democracy tabloid Apple Daily. The resolution also calls for the European Commission to take punitive actions in response, such as sanctioning officials responsible for drafting and enforcing the national security law, and refusing invitations to the Beijing Winter Olympics next year. (South China Morning Post)
Evo Morales government resignation
Bolivia denounces claims that Argentina provided weaponry to the military and police of Bolivia during the repression and subsequent Senkata and Sacaba massacres. The Bolivian government also accuses former president of Argentina Mauricio Macri of wanting the assassination of Evo Morales during his ousting. Argentina was among the first countries to recognize the interim presidency of Jeanine Áñez in 2019. (A24)
Uruguayan Foreign Minister Francisco Bustillo announces that his country will continue to negotiate with third parties or blocks independent of the MERCOSUR bloc, including extending preferential tariffs to other countries even if doing so contradicts the bloc's consensuses. President Luis Lacalle Pou, while calling for the bloc to be reformed, states that Uruguay will still remain a full member of the bloc. (MercoPress)
Law and crime

Belarusian attacks on journalists and censorship
Belarusian authorities block the website of Nasha Niva and detains two of the newspaper's journalists. The journalists' apartments are also searched by authorities. A spokesman for the website said that it is the latest crackdown on democracy activists and independent journalism in the country, conducted in the "worst way of the Soviet era". (AP News)
Politics and elections

2021 Samoan constitutional crisis
The Faatuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi party asks the Supreme Court to recognize the impromptu swearing-in of newly elected officials because, according to party leader Naomi Mataʻafa, all other venues were blocked when her party was locked out of parliament. The Supreme Court had earlier rejected a similar petition but had granted a review. (RNZ)

2020 Summer Olympics, Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on sports
The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games announce that the games will be held without spectators following a state of emergency declared in the Tokyo area beginning on July 12 following an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in the Japanese capital. (BBC News)
July 7, 2021 (Wednesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks

War in Afghanistan
Taliban insurgency
Taliban insurgents enter Qala e Naw, the provincial capital of Badghis Province, with heavy fighting reported as the militants move "towards the centre of the city". All government officials in the city have been moved to a nearby army base, while the Taliban have freed about 400 prisoners from the city's prison. (BBC)
2019–2021 Persian Gulf crisis
The United States Armed Forces report that two personnel were injured in rocket attacks on Al Asad Airbase in Iraq, which houses US troops. (Al Jazeera)
Assassination of Jovenel Moïse
Haitian President Jovenel Moïse is assassinated by a squad of gunmen at his home in Pétion-Ville. His wife, First Lady Martine Moïse, is also shot and critically wounded. (AP News)
Health and environment

COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 pandemic in Asia
COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh
Bangladesh reports a record 201 deaths from COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, thereby bringing the nationwide death toll to 15,593. (Dhaka Tribune)
COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia
Indonesia reports a record for the third consecutive day of 34,379 new cases and a record for the fourth consecutive day of 1,040 deaths from COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, thereby bringing the nationwide total of confirmed cases to 2.37 million and the nationwide death toll to 62,908. (
COVID-19 pandemic in Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan authorities ban all public gatherings and protests under the instruction of the Director General of Health Services due to an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases. (ANI News)
COVID-19 pandemic in Fiji
Fiji reports a record for the second consecutive day of 791 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, thereby bringing the national total of cases to 7,940. The Ministry of Health also reports three deaths from COVID-19, all in Suva. (RNZ)
The Fiji police warns citizens that those caught not wearing a face mask when outdoors or in lockdown or containment areas will be arrested under possible penalties of five years' imprisonment, a fine of up to FJ$10,000 or both, as the country faces a wave of cases of COVID-19. (FBC)
COVID-19 pandemic in Tunisia
Tunisia reports a record 9,823 new cases and 134 deaths from COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, thereby bringing the national total of confirmed cases to 464,914 and the nationwide death toll to 15,735. (Tunisie Numérique)
COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom
The United Kingdom reports 32,548 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, which is the highest single-day total of new cases since January 22. (The Independent)
Law and crime

Centerra Gold files additional claims against the Kyrgyz government in binding arbitration and asserted claims against state-owned Kyrgyzaltyn JSC in response to the seizure of the Kumtor Gold Mine in Kyrgyzstan. (Lethbridge Herald)
The Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo votes 89–0 to pass a resolution officially condemning the Srebrenica massacre and establishing a commemerative holiday for its victims. Serb minority-interests party Serb List boycotted the vote. (RFEL)
Politics and elections

Political impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi dismisses 12 cabinet ministers, including Health Minister Harsh Vardhan, following intense criticisms over his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ravi Shankar Prasad, who held multiple concurrent positions as Law, Information Technology, and Communications Minister, also resigns. (South China Morning Post)
2020–21 Malaysian political crisis
The United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), the largest party in the ruling Perikatan Nasional coalition, withdraws its support for Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and calls for his resignation. The move occurred despite Yassin appointing UMNO vice-president Ismail Sabri Yaakob as Deputy Prime Minister and major party stalwart Hishammuddin Hussein as Senior Security Minister earlier in the day in order to prevent this. UMNO president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi says that the decision was due to Yassin's poor handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, with Hamidi specifically singling out the ineffective and contradictory implementation of the lockdowns as the main point of contention. (The Straits Times) (South China Morning Post)
2021 Swedish government crisis
Prime Minister of Sweden Stefan Löfven is narrowly re-elected to stay in power after losing a no confidence vote last month. (Euronews)
2021 Israeli presidential election
Isaac Herzog is sworn in as the President of Israel in a ceremony at the Knesset, where he takes the oath of office using the same 107-year-old Bible that his father Chaim Herzog used when he assumed the presidency in 1983. (The Times of Israel)
Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, warns Hungary to repeal its controversial amendments to its Child Protection Act, which bans the dissemination of content in schools deemed to "promote homosexuality", or else face "the full force of EU law". Poland is expected to block any attempt to impose the maximum EU penalty of suspending Hungary's voting rights. (Reuters) (Euronews)

UEFA Euro 2020
England defeats Denmark 2–1 after extra time to reach the UEFA Euro 2020 Final. (BBC)
2021 Stanley Cup Finals
The Tampa Bay Lightning wins the Stanley Cup Final four games to one against the Montreal Canadiens. It is their second consecutive Stanley Cup victory and their third overall. Andrei Vasilevskiy won the Conn Smythe Trophy as the MVP during the playoffs. (NHL)
July 6, 2021 (Tuesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks

War in Afghanistan
Spillover of the War in Afghanistan, Afghanistan–Tajikistan relations
Tajikistan President Emomali Rahmon orders the mobilization of 20,000 military reservists to secure the border with Afghanistan in response to recent Taliban advances. (Reuters)
Withdrawal of United States troops from Afghanistan (2021)
The Pentagon says that 90% of American troops have withdrawn from the country. (CNBC)
Tigray War
Rebels of the Tigray Defense Forces mobilize to retake western Tigray from Amharan militias. (The Guardian)
Disasters and accidents

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Air Flight 251
Kamchatka Aviation Enterprise Flight 251 crashes near the sea in Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia, killing all 28 people on board. (Al Jazeera)
A government warehouse near Karaj, Iran, catches fire after an explosion, where an attack recently occurred targeting a nuclear facility allegedly used to produce uranium enrichment centrifuges. (Israel Hayom)
Health and environment

COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 pandemic in Asia
COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh
Bangladesh reports a record 11,525 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, thereby bringing the national total of confirmed cases to 966,406. (
COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia
Indonesia reports a record for the second consecutive day of 31,189 new cases and a record for the third consecutive day of 728 deaths from COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, thereby bringing the nationwide total of confirmed cases to 2.34 million and the nationwide death toll to 61,868. (detikNews)
COVID-19 pandemic in Europe
COVID-19 pandemic in Russia
Russia reports a record 737 deaths from COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, thereby bringing the national death toll to 139,316. (The Moscow Times)
COVID-19 pandemic in Spain
The Catalonian regional government announces that indoor nightlife venues will be closed beginning on July 9 for at least 15 days, and that anyone who wants to attend events for more than 500 people must have proof of a negative test result or a full vaccination certificate due to an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in young people. (El País)
COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom
The United Kingdom reports 28,773 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, which is the highest single-day total of new cases since January 29. (Sky News)
COVID-19 pandemic in Oceania
COVID-19 pandemic in Australia
Australia reports its first case of the highly contagious Lambda variant in an overseas traveller who had been in a New South Wales quarantine hotel in April. (
COVID-19 pandemic in Fiji
Fiji reports a record 636 new cases and six deaths from COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, thereby bringing the national total of cases to 7,149 and the national death toll to 39. (RNZ)
COVID-19 pandemic in Tunisia
Tunisia reports a record 7,930 new cases and 119 deaths from COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, thereby bringing the nationwide total of confirmed cases to 455,091 and the nationwide death toll to 15,601. (Tunisie Numérique)
International relations

Belarus–Israel relations
Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemns comments made by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko after he said that the "whole world bows" to the Jews, "due to the Holocaust", during a speech given on Independence Day. Israel's government says that Lukashenko's comments were "unacceptable" and has summoned the interim supervisor at the Belarusian embassy. (The Jerusalem Post)
Nuclear program of Iran
The foreign ministers of the United Kingdom, France and Germany condemn Iran for planning to enrich uranium to 20 percent, which goes against the 2015 nuclear deal that the United States withdrew from in 2018, following the release of the information in a statement by the International Atomic Energy Agency. (The Algemeiner)
Law and crime

Murders of Bibaa Henry and Nicole Smallman
Danyal Hussein is convicted at London's Old Bailey of the murders of Bibaa Henry and Nicole Smallman. (BBC)
Nine people between the ages of 15 and 39 are arrested in Hong Kong during a police operation, and are accused of building bombs and planning attacks on the city's courts, transport networks and streets. Police said that they seized the explosives and stated that a hotel room was used as a laboratory for the construction of bombs. The motive behind the planned attacks is unknown. (BBC)
A court in Minsk, Belarus, sentences former presidential candidate and opposition politician Viktar Babaryka to 14 years' imprisonment on charges of bribery and tax evasion, which he denies. (DW)
Dutch investigative journalist Peter R. de Vries is seriously wounded in a shooting in Amsterdam. (BBC)
Politics and elections

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces that Inuk leader Mary Simon has been appointed to be the 30th Governor General of Canada, the first Indigenous person to assume this role. Simon will succeed Chief Justice Richard Wagner, who has been acting as Administrator since the resignation of former Governor General Julie Payette in January. (CBC)

UEFA Euro 2020
Italy defeats Spain 4–2 on penalties after the match finished 1–1 in extra time in order to reach the UEFA Euro 2020 Final. (BBC)
July 5, 2021 (Monday)
Armed conflicts and attacks

War in Afghanistan
Afghan presidential advisor Hamdullah Mohib says that there will be a counter-offensive against the Taliban in the north after the group captured six districts in Badakhshan Province. On Sunday, at least 1,037 Afghan troops abandoned their positions and fled into Tajikistan. (Al Jazeera)
Chikun kidnapping
Bandits abduct around 150 students, a parent and the administrator of a boarding school in Chikun, Kaduna State, Nigeria. The army has rescued at least 26 people. (Reuters)
Disasters and accidents

An explosion and fire at a factory in Bangkok, Thailand, kills at least one person and injures 29 others. Thousands of residents are evacuated. (Al Jazeera)
Health and environment

COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 pandemic in Asia
COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh
Bangladesh reports a record of 9,964 new cases and 164 deaths from COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, thereby bringing the nationwide total of confirmed cases to 954,881 and the nationwide death toll to 15,229. (
COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia
Indonesia reports a record of 29,745 new cases and 558 deaths from COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, thereby bringing the nationwide total of confirmed cases to 2.31 million and the nationwide death toll to 61,140. Active cases also surpassed 300,000 for the first time. (detikHealth)
COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam
Vietnam surpasses 20,000 cases of COVID-19 after a record 1,102 new cases are reported in the past 24 hours. (The Star)
COVID-19 pandemic in Europe
COVID-19 pandemic in Norway
The Norwegian government delays a final phase of reopening the economy until the end of July at the earliest because of concerns about the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant. (Reuters)
COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine
Ukraine authorizes the usage of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. (Kyiv Post)
Law and crime

LGBT rights in Georgia (country)
Anti-LGBT right-wing groups storm and ransack the offices of an LGBT+ organization in Tbilisi, Georgia, ahead of the city's pride march. Activists say that equipment was lost during the attack. (Reuters)
The pride march is later cancelled amid more homophobic attacks against LGBT people. Police have promised to investigate the attacks. (DW) (The Guardian)
Violence against LGBT people, LGBT rights in Spain
Protests across Spain occur in the aftermath of the murder of a 24-year-old man who, according to his friends, was killed because he was gay. The murder sparked widespread condemnation from LGBT organizations and politicians. (CTV News)
Indonesian police say that loss due to the burning that occurred in Elelim, the capital of Yalimo Regency, Papua, on 29 June was estimated at Rp 324 billion ($22.5 million). There were 34 offices, 126 shops, 115 motorbikes and 4 cars that were burned and 1,137 people have been displaced. The burning was carried out shortly after the Court's decision to order a re-voting without the participation one of the regent candidate. (VOI)
Peruvian prosecutor Jose Domingo Perez opens a investigation into Keiko Fujimori and the Popular Force party for allegedly engaging in money laundering during the 2021 Peruvian general election following audio tapes of former Alberto Fujimori advisor Vladimiro Montesinos bribing election judges. (The Rio Times)
July 4, 2021 (Sunday)
Armed conflicts and attacks

War in Afghanistan
Taliban insurgency
The Taliban takes control of several further districts overnight as Afghan troops abandon their posts and flee into neighboring Tajikistan via Badakhshan Province. The State Committee for National Security of Tajikistan reports that more than 300 Afghan troops crossed the Tajik border as Taliban spokesperson Zabiullah Mujahid confirms that most of the territory was gained without a fight. (AP)
Withdrawal of United States troops from Afghanistan
Taliban spokesperson Suhail Shaheen warns that all foreign troops must leave Afghanistan before a NATO deadline on September 11 amid reports that the U.S. military plans to keep 1,000 troops in Kabul in order to protect both its embassy and the Hamid Karzai International Airport. (BBC)
Mali War
Four Malian soldiers are killed in an ambush on their patrol. No group claims responsibility for the attack, which comes as France resumes joint military exercises with members of the Malian Armed Forces, which had been suspended following the coup d'état this year led by Colonel Assimi Goïta. (Reuters)
Disasters and accidents

2021 Philippine Air Force C-130 crash
Fifty people are killed and 49 others are wounded when a C-130 transport plane of the Philippine Air Force carrying 92 passengers and attempting to land at an airport in Jolo, Sulu, crashes in the nearby town of Patikul. Among the dead there are three civilians on the ground; four more are among the injured. (BBC)
2021 Atlantic hurricane season
Tropical Storm Elsa passes through the Caribbean, downing trees and blowing off roofs, killing two people in the Dominican Republic and one in Saint Lucia. (Al Jazeera)
2021 Atami landslide
Twenty-three people are rescued from their ruined homes after a landslide struck Atami, Japan. Two more people are found dead, bringing the death toll to 4. (Al Jazeera)
Surfside condominium building collapse
The remainder of the Surfside condominium is demolished. (ABC News)
A huge wildfire spreads through Limassol, Cyprus, killing four people and forcing the evacuation of several villages. It is described as the worst wildfire in the country's history. (BBC)
A mud volcano eruption in the Caspian Sea, near an oil platform off the coast of Azerbaijan, causes a massive explosion and fireball, which is seen across the region. There are no reports of injuries or damage to any oil platforms. (BNO News)
Health and environment

COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 pandemic in Asia
COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh
Bangladesh reports a record 153 deaths from COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, thereby bringing the national death toll to 15,065. (Dhaka Tribune)
COVID-19 pandemic in India, COVID-19 vaccination in India
Police arrested 14 people for administering fake vaccine shots of salt water instead of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine at nearly a dozen private vaccination sites in Mumbai. The organizers, including medical professionals, charged between $10 and $17 per dose. More than 2,600 people paid to receive the vaccine. (The New York Times)
COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia
Indonesia reports a record 555 deaths from COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, 137 of them from Central Java, thereby bringing the national death toll to 60,582. (
COVID-19 pandemic in Iran
Iran orders the closure of non-essential businesses such as public parks, restaurants, dessert shops, beauty salons, malls and bookstores in 275 "red" and "orange" zone cities, including the capital Tehran, due to the spread of the highly contagious Delta variant. (Egypt Independent)
COVID-19 pandemic in Israel
COVID-19 vaccination in Israel
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett says that around 100,000 teenagers have received a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. (Lokmat)
Bennett also announces that he has spoken with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla about swapping doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to other countries. (The Times of Israel)
COVID-19 pandemic in Europe
COVID-19 pandemic in Luxembourg
Prime Minister Xavier Bettel is admitted to a hospital as a precautionary measure, one week after he tested positive for COVID-19. (The Guardian)
COVID-19 pandemic in Russia
Russia reports 25,142 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, which is the highest single-day total of new cases since January 2, thereby bringing the national total of confirmed cases to 5.6 million. (The Moscow Times)
COVID-19 pandemic in Fiji
Fiji reports a record 522 cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, thereby bringing the national total to 6,161 cases. Fiji has seen a substantial increase in the number of cases since an outbreak occurred in April. The Ministry of Health and Medical Services also reports three deaths in the past 24 hours, thereby bringing the nationwide death toll to 30. (RNZ)
Politics and elections

Politics of France
The National Rally party re-elects Marine Le Pen without opposition in a bid to strengthen her candidacy for the 2022 French presidential election after the party performed poorly in regional elections. The party also hosts a rally in Paris. (DW)
Presidency of Jair Bolsonaro, 2021 Brazilian protests
The Social Democratic Party's founder Gilberto Kassab says that there is proof "each day to impeach President Jair Bolsonaro" after massive protests and Bolsonaro also announcing his candidacy for next year's presidential election. (Notícias UOL)
The Chilean Constitutional Convention is inaugurated in Santiago with Mapuche representative Elisa Loncón elected as President of the Convention. (Bloomberg)
Human rights in the State of Palestine
Hundreds of people gather in Ramallah to demonstrate against Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, as part of a protest movement sparked by the death of political activist Nizar Banat.(Israel Hayom)
July 3, 2021 (Saturday)
Armed conflicts and attacks

Iran–Israel proxy conflict
An Israeli cargo vessel travelling towards the United Arab Emirates in the northern Indian Ocean is struck by an "unknown weapon" and damaged. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack, but Iran is blamed. (Jerusalem Post)
Israel-Gaza conflict
In response to arson balloons launched from the Gaza Strip into Israel, the Israeli Air Force strikes Hamas military targets in Gaza. (i24NEWS)
Business and economy

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on aviation, COVID-19 pandemic in Argentina
Aerolíneas Argentinas and low-cost carrier Flybondi resume domestic flights in Argentina after a 15 month suspension due to COVID-19 restrictions. The first flights to resume are between Córdoba and the southern city of Bariloche, and from Córdoba and Rosario to San Martín de los Andes. (MercoPress)
Disasters and accidents

2021 Atami landslide
Two people are killed and at least 20 others are missing after mudslides damage dozens of houses in Atami, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. The military is deployed to the area as Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga organizes an emergency task team. (BBC)
European migrant crisis
At least 43 migrants die in the Mediterranean Sea during a shipwreck. The boat had departed from Zuwara, Libya, carrying migrants from Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea and Bangladesh. Eighty-four others were rescued, according to the Red Crescent. (Reuters)
2021 Atlantic hurricane season
Hurricane Elsa downgrades to a Tropical Storm and heads towards the Dominican Republic and Haiti followed by Cuba, the Cayman Islands, Jamaica and the U.S. state of Florida. Heavy rains and high winds are expected. (CNN)
Health and environment