Happy English Yokohama days


Hot summer

2007-08-27 06:46:31 | Every day life
Hot summer.
Well, I don’t have anything to write on my blog. I was in the house all this weekend. Because out side was so hot! I was even scared I might faint when I was walking outside. One reason is this year is hot. Another reason is I stopped to go to the hula class this spring. Usually, I had to practice in summer and my body could have the chance to get used to the heat. But not this year. I went to the ashtanga yoga classes, but I suppose that was little bit too late. I strongly hope this summer goes back to normal temperature. Otherwise I ‘m going to watch all 2 seasons of ‘Lost’ soon. And I have to buy the third season’s of Lost from Amazon USA.
When I walked outside, I felt amazed that so many people were wearing the long pants and layered tops. They don’t feel the heat? Or Their bodies are as cold as an ice? I wasn’t surprised so many people fainted because of the heat. I sometimes think the word of ‘gaman’ and the word of ‘torture’ are the same meaning in Japan.