Happy English Yokohama days



2007-12-31 10:27:44 | Every day life
What kind of year was this year? I can’t say this year was a peaceful year. I can’t say this year was a wonderful year. For me, this year was the year, I need a lot of patience, and I was hurt a lot. I couldn’t understand why so many people are thinking of only themselves. Why so many people can’t think about the other people. I felt people are hard and selfish. Now, at the end of the year, a lot of things that happened to me this year were calming down. Finally, I can think back and recover from this year. I think this year was the first time I was completely stuck and I’ve just let the time move. If I was thinking about only me, I wasn’t hurt and I was all right. This blog’s title is ‘Happy English’, but not this year at all. Never mind. I don’t want my son to grow up like that way, so I think I did things the right way.

This week is my ‘Detox week’. Tidy up, taking detox homeopathy remedies, try not to think of the past and let it go. We got a bunch of flowers yesterday. I missed that. When we feel bad, we never thought of buying flowers. I put a new bath gel in my bath last night, that’s another thing I haven’t done for a long time. I suppose this year was a cleaning year. I think I’ve finally started to feel a lot of things again.


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