

Wooden cutlery, brush hangers, my chopstics

2008-09-05 16:47:35 | Weblog
Today, protective coating continued, of course...

I at long last completed the brush hanger, as shown

My wife is very pleased, and she is asking me if I could
make another one for her calligraphy master...
I will think about it, seriously...

This is because there could be a latent demand for this
kind of brush hangers. If that were the case I might be able to
sell them to other students? I will see...

What is today's output? I could not do much today,
simply because I had to take my car to my dealer
for the annual regular checkup and had to stay put there

for a few hours.


You have seen them, of course, but, they are now
more refined, and although you may see slight dimensional
discrepancies with this image, each pair has an exact

dimensional compatibility. That is to say that each pair,
stuck together, has exactly the same dimensions.
I realise that it is difficult to see that there are

another 7 pieces underneath what you can see with this

Rowwise, there are small deviations from

the desired dimensions, but in reality these are so small,
and once seperately completed you will not be able to tell
the difference, anyway...

I will be working on them tommorrow. I do realise, of course,
that I was talking about the turning process, and I have
images, and I will do just that within the next few days.

On a brighter side of things, the DIY shop from which
I bought the brass pieces seems willing to exchange
the wider piece for 2 narrower pieces.

I will go tommorrow and that will mean less time for
fabrication, but I cannot help it...


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