When I Dream


ディープステート達のテーマ 👠 insane, insane again 👠

2023-03-22 23:55:55 | 戯言/独り言



まっ、期待通り、思いを馳せていた通り、とはならない可能性も多分にあるとは思うけどさ、ディープステートの断末魔一歩手前や足掻きの状況にはあるんじゃないのかな??とは思う。ってわけで、思い切り皮肉を込めて、ディープステートの輩達に副題の1曲を送りたい一心で今夜は書いた(微笑)副題のその曲は、The J. Geils Bandの81年リリースのアルバム…Freeze Frame…に収録されている♪邦題 : 狂気の季節♪。歌詞はホントにわけが解らない感じ…。DSはホントにわけ解らん、狂ってんな…、と思ってもらっていいのでは??(微笑)↓↓

Mad dog in the hallway and my head is filled with fire
Panic rules the moment with no mercy or desire
Ran across the blackened sand to get a soft ice cream
And now my mouth is burning crimson in a long and bloody dream
Sometimes I wonder 'bout these physical disorders
My only contact is with TV news distorters

Glancing over quickly at the words from brain to pen
All that I can tell you, I'm insane, insane again
Relax, relax, relax, relax, relax, relax

Puppets with directions they whisper in my ears
Circled stairs around me drip with long forgotten tears
Nothing done without a motive, proving they were smart
Every path they traced for me another kind of chart
Corporate Christie says it all the meeting is a-twist
My pulse is fading quickly you can feel it on my wrist

Glancing over quickly at the words from brain to pen
All that I can tell you, I'm insane, insane again
Relax, relax, relax, relax, relax, relax

I need some breathing room
I need some breathing room
I need some breathing room
I need some breathing room

Open fire, shell shock, knee jerk, lock step
Shrink rap, clap trap, mind bend, echo send
Chicken coop, drug soup, nerve food, solitude
Back track, meat rack, cardiac, yakety, yakety, yak

Breathing room, I need some breathing room
Relax, relax, relax, relax, relax, relax

Mama, won't you tell me please, please what is goin' on?
I have seen with madhouse vision
No conclusions can be drawn
My mind is inside out and all the clarity is gone

Glancing over quickly at the words from brain to pen
All that I can tell you, I'm insane, insane again
Bending over backwards in a rush to comprehend
Help me, help me, mama, I'm insane, insane again

J. Geils Band - Insane, Insane Again (The Jeffrey Goines Experience Pt.1)


PS  YouTube、gooでどうやったら埋め込めるんだろうと思ってたんだけど、出来た~(喜)是非見てくださいね(微笑)出演者が…、ちょっと意味深になっちゃうけど(爆)

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