


2019-02-12 | アメリカ事情

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私はしきりに鳴っている公衆電話に応答しました。 明らかに間違った番号を架けたようでしたが、もう一方の端にいる少女の天使のような声に私はあっという間に惚れてしまい、かれこれ一時間以上話していたでしょうか。彼女はアイオワ州出身、私はフロリダ州出身で、たまたまその夏私はニューメキシコ州の山々で過ごしていました。 私はすぐに彼女についてもっと知りたいと思いました。 私達は手紙を交換し、ペンパルになりました。 6ヵ月後、私はその謎の少女に会うために中西部に旅行しました。 それは一目惚れでした。 9月に、私たちは結婚30周年を迎えます。




Isn't It Romantic

by Michael Feinstein

I've never met you, yet never doubt you
I can't forget you
I've thought about you
I know you're profile and I know the way you kiss
Just the thing I miss
On a night like this
If dreams are made of imagination
I'm not afraid of my own creation
With all my heart my heart is here for you to take
Why should I quake
I'm not awake
Isn't it romantic
Music in the night
A dream that can be heard
Isn't it romantic
Moving shadows write
The oldest magic word
I hear the breezes playing
In the trees above
While all the world is saying
You were meant for love.
Isn't it romantic
Merely to be young
On such a night as this
Isn't it romantic
Every note that's sung
Is like a lover's kiss.
Sweet symbols in the moonlight
Do you mean that I will fall in love perchance?
Isn't it romance.
Isn't it romantic
Soon I will have found
Some girl that I adore
Isn't it romantic
While I sit around
My love can scrub the floor
She'll kiss me every hour,
Or she'll get the sack
And when I take a shower
She can scrub my back
Isn't it romantic
On a moonlight night
She'll cook me onion soup
Kiddies are romantic
And if we don't fight
We'll be sure to have the truth
We'll help the population
It's a duty that we owe to dear old friends
Isn't it romance