Bosnia begins long journey to EU
1: The European Union has said Bosnia will initial a pre-membership agreement, starting a process that could lead to the country joining the EU.
2: The EU Enlargement Commissioner, Olli Rehn, said he was satisfied Bosnia's leaders had shown their commitment to implement key constitutional reforms.
3: But he stressed that the signing of the agreement would depend on further reforms and all sides working together.
4: Bosnia is divided along ethnic lines, among Muslims, Serbs and Croats.
5: "I have decided to initial the Stabilization and Association agreement with Bosnia and Hercegovina tomorrow," Mr Rehn announced after talks with Bosnia's leaders on Monday.
「明日、ボスニアとヘルツェゴビナと共に安定と連合の署名を行うことを決めました、」と、ボスニアの指導者と月曜日に話し合った後、 レン氏は発表した。
6: "I am very pleased that I did not come in vain since leaders of the country have convinced me of their commitment to finish the job concerning police reform."
7: But Mr Rehn did not say when the agreement would be formally signed and added this would depend on all sides working together.
8: Last week, Serb, Muslim and Croat leaders averted a constitutional crisis after agreeing on new voting rules aimed at strengthening the central government in Bosnia-Hercegovina.
9: Bosnia consists of two entities, the Muslim-Croat Federation and Republika Srpska, each with its own leadership.
ボスニアは、それぞれが自治を行っているイスラム-クロアチア連邦とRepublika Srpskaの二つの連邦から成っている。
10: The structure was put in place after the devastating civil war of 1992 - 1995, which led to the greatest loss of civilian lives since the Second World War in Europe.