

a wedding ceremony

2006-05-13 | Friends
My friend from university has a wedding ceremony today.We have been friend for 10 years already.When in university, we were thinking and worrid about our life ,  playing and studying. We were always serious and not able to cut corners in our task.We had much worries but we were talking each other and then it became much lighter and lighter.She has got married to a nice man today,I remember that she said that she had not wanted to get married and wanted to keep working.She breaks her saying but it is good for her because she looks happy and is beautiful. I hope their happiness although I felt lonely a bit...  

arrived in Japan

2006-05-09 | Weblog

I have arrived at Kansai Airport.I tried not to think about the life in NZ because I could not stop crying.All I see, hear and feel is Japanese.I don't need to be afraid of anything.Nothing is about NZ.it has disappeared.I was in NZ 12 hours ago but it has gone.....I don't feel empty but strange.It is diffecult to explain myself.I have to think about my life from now onward,anyway.

Where is SeaMart?!

2006-05-06 | New Zealand
帰国前の最後の週末。とは言え、なんだかのんびりしたものである。昨日IRDという税金の番号をクローズする手続きをとりに行った際、帰国証明となる航空券を持参するのを忘れていたため、再度チケットを持って訪問。3月に確定申告をしていないので、その書類が来た場合、連絡をもらえるようにお願いした。この確定申告、義務ではあるが、申告の書類が全員にくるわけではないらしい。なので、来た人は必ずしなければならないということになっているが、来ないこともある。来るか来ないか、という不確実性はさすが、NZならではだなと改めて思う。この訪問のためにわざわざCityまで出てきたので帰りに以前友達からSeafood Chowderがおいしいと聞いていたSeaMartに行くことに。しかし、「SeaMart has closed」という大きな看板が見え、なんだかオープンしていない雰囲気。駐車場に入ると、やはり張り紙がしてあり、「SeaMart has moved」となっている。近くにあるFishMarketに移転したとのことで、吸収されたのかなと思いそちらに行ってみたが、SeaMartの影も形もない。なのでもちろんChowderもない。お寿司屋さんで「SeaMartはどこへ行った?」と聞くと、「SeaMart has closed」と言われ、「えっ?」と言うと「bankrupt」と投げやりな言い方をされる。仕方なくそのお寿司屋さんで、サーモン巻とチップスを注文。渡された番号札には「SeaMart」の文字。そして運ばれてきたチップスの箱にも「SeaMart」の文字。吸収されたのか、倒産なのかよくわからないけれど、SeaMartの資産は譲り受けているようだった。しかし、1年いて初めて食べようとしたChowderが食べられなかったのは悲しかったな。。
 We went to City toady  to go to an office for procedure of IRD and then were going to eat Seafood Chowder at SeaMart.Unfortunately, the shop has moved to FishMarket and it seemed nowhere,actually it has totally closed.We missed Chowder and ate sushi instead of it. I was able to see only logo of SeaMart on some stuff in FishMarket,... 

Friends in NZ

2006-05-05 | Friends
I met Nori for lunch,she is my friend since I came NZ. We entered school at the same day and then we went out many place that we got some information from here and there,Auckland museum,waiwera spa,cafe and so on.Everything I saw is fresh, new and fantastic and I remember that feeling even though I got used to seeing it.We had talked to each other about homestay, school,English ,,etc in cafe,When we went to cafe, we were surprised with a big cup !! It was so lovely time we had.
And then, I went out dinner with my previous coworker,I wanted to eat mussels before I leave here,so we chose a famous restaurant but we needed to show our ID.We are quite old, I mean ,18 year-old is such a long time ago.....Asian people looks young,it happens.Although she had only Japanese Driver's license they gave us permission to admit finally,I think it is not because of our explanation..Anyway,we ordered a mussels pot with chips and had a happy time.
Before I came to NZ I had not eaten salmon raw and mussels.These things are joined my favourite ones.This is one of good things that I came here.
Time I leave is coming, although I  don't really feel about my departure. 

New Zealand's Customer Service2

2006-05-02 | New Zealand
I called the shop which I got his calling yesterday this morning and asked to talk to him but a lady answered me that he was busy today ,tomorrow or the day after tomorrow should be all right.what??! ...I said to her what he called me yesterday and he said today is ok.She asked what's wrong with my(his) car ,so I needed to answer about broken window and that number ,colour ..after that,she said "OK, I will call you,,,could be tomorrow". I accepted it although I was angry and hang it up.Most of advertisements that I saw from yellow page says "Emergency help!!" ,actually they were too slow.I was quite uncomfortable.After 30 minutes,I wanted to ask another shop and I remembered the name card which one of them gave me yesterday and called.He was the nicest in all shops that I contacted yesterday and he could come to replace it today !! So, I was willing to ask him and cancelled that shop.The price was not  much different.Anyway , his car was fixed and the staff was so so so so nice to me.I was happy through him.Thank you.....Do I require too much of customer service? but ...I don't think they can help in an emergency.Actually,I got used to it....

New Zealand's Customer Service

2006-05-01 | New Zealand
Yesterday morning,we found that my boyfriend's car window was broken,not accidently....because the door which has broken door was open and his sunglasses were lost(stolen).We needed to replace it , unfortunately yesterday was Sunday...it seemed all shops were closed(this is New Zealand's style).For that reason, we had to repair today but he works from Monday to Friday and I have nothing to do because I've already quit my job.And then, I called some glass shops but it was too hard to explain the condition or answer their question by phone.To begin with my English was not excellent;secondly this is the first time to ask about car repairing here.That's why I didn't understand what they asked me.(any names of parts ,any numbers and so on)So,I wrote their address down and decided to go there directly.I went the nearest one in my memo the first and then I said to a receptionist.She said "we don't but I let you know one shop" and gave me another address.And then, I went the shop next but the staff said "No, we don't but I will give you the number and you call him ,then he will check and tell you the price."He gave me a name card.I didn't call him and  drove 2 more shops.I just wanted to know about price and compare it.But both of them said to me " I will call you back later soon."even I asked a rough price.I killed time over 1 hour(I was sleeping in the car).When I woke up I checked my mobile and found they hadn't called me,so I called each of them.Both of them seemed to hear from me the first they said again."I will call you back later soon."It passed another 1 hour and I almost gave up and went back to home.On the way to home,one of them called me and he said the price and tomorrow should be fine,after I hang it up, I kept waiting another calling ,although price was not bad.But I didn't need to wait it because he never called me...what's it customer service?


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