ono hiroshi @hiroshimilano 37分前
両国の関係を煽ってる悪役は日本だとはっきり読み取れる記事ですよね。随分日本国内の報道と違いますよね。外から冷静に見ればこういうことです。はい。 Letter threatening to hunt Koreans sent to South Korean embassy in Japan: media
Relations between the two countries have been overshadowed by Japan’s 1910-1945 colonization of the Korean peninsula, and recently a dispute over Korean forced laborers spilled into trade and then into security when South Korea scrapped an intelligence sharing pact last month.
“I’ve got a rifle and I’m hunting Koreans,” said the letter that was delivered to the South Korean embassy in Tokyo last week, the Kyodo news agency reported.
It contained what appeared to be a bullet, the news agency said, adding that police were investigating.
Police declined to comment.
A member of staff at the embassy confirmed that the letter had been delivered but declined to give any details.
The tension between the two countries has spilled over into travel and culture, with a Japanese airline announcing last week it would halt some flights to South Korea.
みっち♡桜咲かせましょう♡ @angellamicchi 19時間前
今日話した人25人中23人が愛子様(敬宮様)に天皇になって貰いたいと言ってた。 2人は興味なしだったが圧倒的な支持。
エリック C @x__ok 16分前
望月衣塑子 @ISOKO_MOCHIZUKI 17時間前
山崎 雅弘 @mas__yamazaki 2時間前
この政治家は何を言っているのか? 平和的なスポーツ競技大会のオリンピックを、国威発揚の軍事パレードと勘違いしているのか?
第三者がこの歴史的経緯の説明と「自衛隊の誇りだから問題ない」という日本の外務副大臣の居直りを読んで、どちらに説得力を感じるか。 https://edition.cnn.com/2019/09/06/asia/japan-korea-olympics-rising-sun-flag-intl-hnk-trnd/index.html …