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イェール大学の教授は、日本の高齢者の集団自殺を提案しました。どういう意味ですか?  (2)

2023年02月13日 12時25分47秒 | ブログ・電脳社会

In broaching euthanasia, Dr. Narita has spoken publicly of his mother, who had an aneurysm when he was 19. In an interview with a website where families can search for nursing homes, Dr. Narita described how even with insurance and government financing, his mother’s care cost him 100,000 yen — or about $760 — a month.


Some surveys in Japan have indicated that a majority of the public supports legalizing voluntary euthanasia. But Mr. Narita’s reference to a mandatory practice spooks ethicists. Currently, every country that has legalized the practice only “allows it if the person wants it themselves,” said Fumika Yamamoto, a professor of philosophy at Tokyo City University.


In his emailed responses, Dr. Narita said that “euthanasia (either voluntary or involuntary) is a complex, nuanced issue.”

“I am not advocating its introduction,” he added. “I predict it to be more broadly discussed.”

At Yale, Dr. Narita sticks to courses on probability, statistics, econometrics and education and labor economics.




Neither Tony Smith, the department chair in economics, nor a spokesperson for Yale replied to requests for comment.


Josh Angristwho has won the Nobel in economic science and was one of Dr. Narita’s doctoral supervisors at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said his former student was a “talented scholar” with an “offbeat sense of humor.”


“I would like to see Yusuke continue a very promising career as a scholar,” Dr. Angrist said. “So my main concern in a case like his is that he’s being distracted by other things, and that’s kind of a shame.”


Motoko Rich is the Tokyo bureau chief, where she covers Japanese politics, society, gender and the arts, as well as news and features on the Korean peninsula. She has covered a broad range of beats at The Times, including real estate, the economy, books and education. @motokorich  Facebook

リッチ・モトコは東京支局長で、日本の政治、社会、ジェンダー、芸術、朝鮮半島のニュースや特集を取材しています。彼女はタイムズで不動産、経済、本、教育など、幅広いビートをカバーしてきました。@motokorich • フェイスブック

Hikari Hida reports from the Tokyo bureau, where she covers news and features in Japan. She joined The Times in 2020. @hikarimaehida



ただいま成田悠輔氏の「老人は集団自決せよ」という言葉だけを切り取られ、問題視され批判者が出ていましたが、ニューヨークタイムズ紙に記事を載せた記者がいて、批判者がますます批判に自信を強めています。残念です。皆さんはどう思われますか? by空を飛ぶカバ


NYTの記事。さすが。 ”エール大学教授が日本の老人に集団自殺を勧めた” by Motoko Rich and Hikari Hida MIT時代の指導教官のコメントまで👏👏👏 私はユースケの学者として有望な将来に期待している。彼の場合、他のことに気をそらすことが心配でそれは残念なこと。 愛のあるコメント。これは痛烈。
google scholar citationsではまともなメガネのアイコンなので→https://scholar.google.co.jp/citations?hl=ja&user=EPQZFzwAAAAJ あれは、日本でのプロモーション用の小道具でしょう。
川上先生はpcr検査の拡大を推奨されている方で、私は支持をしているので文脈から離れて批判されるのは実に残念です by空を飛ぶカバ
Almost all sensible Japanese understand that Mr. Narita does not seriously believe that the elderly should commit suicide. His intention is to give some sway to the rigid Japanese political world and media.
賢明な日本人のほとんどは、成田氏が高齢者の自殺を真剣に考えていないことを理解している. 彼の意図は、硬直した日本の政界とメディアに影響を与えることです。
And it is probably only for those living in Japan to realize that the comments discussed in this article are from the past, and that they were spread in retaliation for an internet programme in which he discussed his opposition to Japan's reflationary policies.
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