とおいひのうた いまというひのうた


フォーチ博士は、アメリカはコロナウイルスの「第一波のひどいところ」であり、米国は1日約50,000件の症例と130,000人の死者を出すので、発生は「本当に良くない」と言います 2020/7/07

2020年07月08日 23時12分44秒 | 感染症
米国WHO脱退の背景: 感染の再拡大 (*Google翻訳を単に貼っておきます。修正していません)

MAIL OM LINE   UPDATED: 20:56 BST, 7 July 2020  
  • US recorded 47,126 new cases of coronavirus Monday, bringing total to 2,935,712
  • There were 337 new deaths compared with the day before, making total 130,284 
  • Despite fears of a second wave, Dr Fauci said country is 'knee deep in first wave'
  • Cases 'went up, never came down to baseline, and now we're surging back up,' Fauci said as he warned of a 'very dangerous situation' 

Dr Anthony Fauci has warned that America is still 'knee deep in the first wave' of coronavirus as daily case totals continue to push the 50,000 mark as states reopen. 


The recent surge in infections has led many to fear that the US is experiencing a 'second wave' of the virus, but Fauci said that is far from the case because the first wave never ended.
'If you look at the graphs from Europe, the European Union as an entity, [the case total] went up and then came down to baseline,' he said.
'Now they're having little blips, as you might expect, as they try to reopen. We went up, never came down to baseline, and now we're surging back up, so it's a serious situation that we have to address immediately.'


There were more than 47,000 new cases reported across the country Monday along with 337 new deaths, bringing the totals to 2,935,712 infections and 130,284 fatalities - the highest totals of any country in the world.
Fauci continued to urge people to wash their hands, wear masks and socially distance in public in order to avoid catching the virus.
He also warned younger people that they are not 'invulnerable' to getting serious infections, as crowds flock back to bars and other public places amid the reopening.


Even if they escape a serious infection themselves, then they risk passing the disease on to someone who might not survive it, he added.
Fourteen states have now hit record-high numbers of new daily infections since the start of July, with hospitals in two Texas counties hitting capacity over the weekend.
The number of people dying from the virus has remained stable or has declined, though deaths tend to lag behind cases because of the time it takes for someone to get sick enough to die.
Florida has now surpassed Arizona with the steepest and most alarming rise in cases in the US.

In just two weeks, the number of total infections there has doubled from 100,000 to more than 200,000 as of Sunday.
Arizona and Nevada also hit their respective record-high numbers of hospitalized coronavirus patients on Sunday, as the Mayors of both Austin and Houston, Texas, warned that their hospitals are on the brink of being overwhelmed.
Daily new case records were also set with alarmingly steep increases seen in states where the virus has been relatively quiet until recently: West Virginia, Tennessee and Montana.
Last week, national attention turned to Arizona and Texas, which each surpassed their previous record numbers of new cases in a single day over and over again.

Despite the spike in cases, falling death rates prompted White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany to claim on Monday that the world is looking to the US as a 'leader' on coronavirus.
'It's because of the extraordinary work that we've done on therapeutics and getting PPE and leading on ventilators and having excess ventilators that we were able to deploy around the world and help other countries,' she added.
'So that's what I would have to say on COVID.'
Meanwhile Donald Trump tweeted insisting that schools must reopen in the fall, and accused Joe Biden of wanting to keep them close 'for political reasons'

症例数の急増にもかかわらず、死亡率の低下は、ホワイトハウスの記者ケイリー・マケナニーが月曜日に世界がコロナウイルスの「リーダー」として米国に期待していると主張するように促しました。 「私たちが治療法とPPEを取得し、人工呼吸器を導き、過剰な人工呼吸器を手に入れたことは、世界中に展開し、他の国を支援することができた並外れた研究のおかげです」と彼女は付け加えました。 「だから、それがCOVIDで言わなければならないことです。」 一方、ドナルド・トランプは学校が秋に再開する必要があると主張してツイートし、ジョー・バイデンを「政治的な理由で」それらを近くに保ちたいと非難した 

Biden hasn't advocated for keeping schools indefinitly closed, though on Friday he indicated that might be a reality because of recent spikes in COVID-19 cases.
Trump also has limited powers to keep schools open, since their operation mostly falls under the remit of state governors and local politicians. 
Educators have struggled with decisions over opening schools considering the risk of infection to both students and faculty.
Some municipalities have pitched that students have a rotating schedule where they would have in-class learning part-time.
It will be largely up to the status of the outbreak and the physical size of the schools, so social distancing measures can be kept in place.


With the school year fast approaching, some governors have decided to prioritize school reopening over other businesses.
Last week, for instance, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer again ordered bars in the lower peninsula not serve patrons indoors, following several COVID-19 outbreaks.
'If we want to be in a strong position to reopen schools for in-person classroom instruction this fall, then we need to take aggressive action right now to ensure we don’t wipe out all the progress we have made,' Whitmer said.
Colleges and universities have announced a number of plans for the fall semester, including changing the calendars and holding some courses online.
Harvard University announced earlier on Monday that all of its courses would be held online for the upcoming academic year.


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