Disruptive Evolution in Monetary Policy: Prosperity, Bubbles, and Inflation
Global monetary policy has evolved most radically. Traditionally, central banks were the proud guardians of sound money, famous for taking the punch bowl away before the party got out of control. Now, Central banks everywhere are focused on pumping-up liquidity; with every crisis triggering new creative ways to buy public and private assets in the pursuit of stopping deflation; and the very attempt at ‘normalization’ or “exit” quickly raising recession fears. How sustainable are these new and radical policies? Are they adding to a rising gap between have and have-nots?
Are they the root-cause for the growing disconnect between asset prices rising and the real economy stagnating? Where are the boundaries between fiscal and monetary policy, and how can they evolve further to ensure sustainable prosperity? Japan has been a pioneer of this disruptive evolution of monetary policy; is Japan special, or does Japan offer lessons for global policy makers? Our panelists confront these important questions as the world seeks to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Panelists: »
Jennifer Corbett (Rio Tinto Fellow, Foundation for Australia - Japan Studies) »
Yusuke Narita (Assistant Professor, Yale University; Founder CEO, Hanjuku-kaso, Inc.) »
Noah Sneider (Tokyo Bureau Chief, The Economist Newspaper Limited) »
Ayako Weissman (Senior Vice President, Senior Portfolio Manager and Director of Asia Strategy, Horizon Kinetics LLC.) Moderator:
パネリスト: »
ジェニファー・コーベット(リオティント・フェロー、オーストラリア財団 - 日本研究) »
ノア・スナイダー(エコノミスト新聞社東京支局長) »
アヤコ・ワイスマン(Horizon Kinetics LLCのシニアバイスプレジデント、シニアポートフォリオマネージャー、アジア戦略ディレクター)モデレータ: