

親偽イスラエルのバイデンとハリスはユダヤレジームに浸り続ける/Pro-Fake Israel Biden and Harris continues to indulged in Jew regime

2020-11-05 01:00:00 | ユダヤ支配下アメリカ2020
   True posted date & time:2020/11/03 23:36>

    I changed posted date and time for my convenience.)

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 以上3点の出典:investorshub「Keep America Great !」





 右出典:2016/05/15付・Tammy Bruce「Does Joe Biden Know That Gay Marriage Is Now Legal?」

Infowars: Dementia Joe Biden Is Now The Democrat Frontrunner For POTUS Nomination

Infowars: Creepy Joe Is So Strange!

#Trump2020 #Trump2020LandslideVictory

#JoeBidenHasDementia #BidenHasDementia #CreepyJoe #DropOutJoe #IDoNotLikeJoeBiden

  Pro-Fake Israel Biden and Harris continues to indulged in Jew regime

 出典:2020/10/14付・Israel-Palestine News「38 billion reasons to vote for Joe Biden – If you're Israeli」

 2020/09/20付・The Council for the National Interest「Democrats Go All-Out for Israel. Joe is a Zionist and Kamala panders to Jewish donors」

 2020/08/12付・The Times of Israel「In Harris, Biden chooses a traditionally pro-Israel Dem as his veep candidate」

In Harris, Biden chooses a traditionally pro-Israel Dem as his veep candidate

Senator has good relations with AIPAC, is closely aligned with running...


 「Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., addressing the AIPAC policy conference in Washington DC on March 28 2017. (AIPAC)」
 出典:2019/01/11付・Jewish Telegraphic Agency「5 Jewish things to know about Kamala Harris」

 2020/08/12付・THE ELECTRONIC INTIFADA「Biden-Harris ticket a blow to Palestinian hopes」

Biden-Harris ticket a blow to Palestinian hopes

The two Democrats fought each other over civil rights in the US, but b...

The Electronic Intifada


 2020/07/31付・THE ELECTRONIC INTIFADA「Democratic Party has anti-Palestinian racism problem」

Democratic Party has anti-Palestinian racism problem

DNC platform committee votes down mild amendments intended to uphold P...

The Electronic Intifada


 2020/09/18付・THE ELECTRONIC INTIFADA「Emgage has “no courage” on Palestine, says ex-employee」

Emgage has "no courage" on Palestine, says ex-employee

Latest statement by pro-Biden Muslim group fails to stem growing criti...

The Electronic Intifada


YouTube: Pelosi: One Thing That Would Remain Is Our Support For Israel

  「Clip from the conference of the Israeli-American Council in Hollywood, Fla., Dec. 2, 2018. Sen. Chuck Schumer, left, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, center, Haim Saban, right.
QUOTE: "if this Capitol crumbled to the ground, the one thing that would remain would be our commitment to our aid, I don’t even call it our aid, our cooperation with Israel."
- Nancy Pelosi, Israel-American Council Conference」

 以下、2020/09/20付・The Council for the National Interest「Democrats Go All-Out for Israel.  Joe is a Zionist and Kamala panders to Jewish donors」より
  「Those of us who have longed for an end to America’s military engagement in the Middle East have hoped for a candidate who was not tied hand and foot to Israel, which is the root cause of the badly-broken and essentially pointless U.S. foreign policy in the region. But the real tragedy is that in spite of Israel’s near-constant interference in government process at all levels in the United States, no candidate will mention it except in the most laudatory fashion. It will be praised as America’s best friend and closest ally, but the price the U.S. has paid for all that balderdash while it has simultaneously been turning itself into the slave of the Jewish state will never surface.
  The Democratic Party leadership is owned by Israel through its big Jewish donors whose billions come with only one string attached, i.e. that the Jewish state must be protected, empowered and enriched no matter what damage it does to actual U.S. interests. Number one Israeli-American billionaire donor Haim Saban has said that he has only one interest, and that is Israel. How such a man can have major influence over American foreign policy and the internal workings of one of its two major parties might be considered the death of real democracy. At the Israel America Council’s National Conference Nancy Pelosi explicitly put Israel’s interests before America’s: “I have said to people when they ask me if this Capitol crumbled to the ground, the one thing that would remain is our commitment to our aid…and I don’t even call it aid…our cooperation with Israel. That’s fundamental to who we are.”
  Jews are not surprisingly considerably over-represented in the Democratic Party Establishment. The influence of powerful Jewish Democrats recently insured that……
 (以上、2020/09/20付・The Council for the National Interest「Democrats Go All-Out for Israel.  Joe is a Zionist and Kamala panders to Jewish donors」より)


 尚、この380億ドル/10年のパッケージに貢献したのが、ロバート・ウェクスラー(Robert Wexler)という元民主党下院議員のユダヤ人だ。

 ウィキペディア「Robert Wexler」
 Jewish Virtual Library「Robert Wexler」
 The Honorable Robert Wexler, President

The Honorable Robert Wexler, President - S. Daniel Abraham Center for Peace

Robert Wexler is the President of the S. Daniel Abraham Center for Mid...

S. Daniel Abraham Center for Peace






  ・夫でハリウッドのエンターテインメントの弁護士ダグラス・エムホフ(Douglas Emhoff)がユダヤ人。
  ・Jewish National Fund(ユダヤ民族基金)の植樹や土地開発に用いられる「ブルーボックス(Blue Box)」への寄付をして来た。
  ・オーストリア移民のユダヤ人の子、バーバラ・ボクサー(Barbara Boxer)を引き継いで上院議員となった。



 バイデンとハリス、共に従来からの路線、トランプ政権前までの政策、方針に戻り、それを継承する訳であるから、米国の偽イスラエルに対する支援は変わらず、それどころかより一層、米国を犠牲にしてまで(借金を多く重ねてまで)偽 イスラエルに奉仕し、米国の「ユダヤ・レジーム」は永遠に向かってゆく事となろう。

 2020/08/18付・Mondoweiss「Biden is most pro-Israel nominee ever (and he will ‘defeat’ ‘hypercritical’ voices in the party)

Biden is most pro-Israel nominee ever (and he will ‘defeat’ ‘hypercritical’ voices in the party) – Mondoweiss

Biden will douse Democratic criticism of Israel. “Hypercritical,...



 2020/08/28付・JEWISH JOURNAL「Doug Emhoff on How Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Will Keep Standing Up for the Jewish Community and Israel」

Doug Emhoff on How Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Will Keep Standing Up for the Jewish Community and Israel

"We need more than ever reassurance that our political leaders ha...

Jewish Journal


 2020/08/26付・JEWISH TELEGRAPHIC AGENCY「Kamala Harris tells Jewish supporters aid to Israel will not be conditional in a Biden administration」

Kamala Harris tells Jewish supporters aid to Israel will not be conditional in a Biden administration - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

The vice presidential candidate also pledged to reenter the Iran nucle...

Jewish Telegraphic Agency


 2020/08/28付・MintPress News「Biden’s Campain and the DNC Make a Mockery of Jews, Israel, and of Course, Joe Biden」

Biden’s Campain and the DNC Make a Mockery of Jews, Israel, and of Course, Joe Biden

Both the DNC and the Joe Biden campaign are woefully out of touch with...

MintPress News


  ・2020/10/29付:「カマラハリスvsギャバ―ド、大麻法とオピオイド、バイデンの犯罪法/Harris vs Gabbard, Marijuana, Mass imprisonment by Biden crime law」
  ・2020/11/04付:「嘘付きコミュニストのカマラ・ハリスは戦争屋/Liar communist Kamala Harris is warmonger 」
  ・2020/11/05付:「戦争屋バイデンとハリス、ヒラリーはロシアと北朝鮮を仮想敵国に、ネオコンは共産主義者/Warmonger Biden, Harris, Hillary. Neocons are communists」

  ・2020/02/27付:「2020米大統領選挙まとめ/US Presidential election - Trump, Gabbard, Sanders, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Biden・・・・・・ 」 ・・・または、本ページ右サイド「ブックマーク」

2020米大統領選挙まとめ/US Presidential election - Trump, Gabbard, Sanders, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Biden・・・・・・ - 頑狷曲捻者TNの日々雑記、沈思黙考


2020米大統領選挙まとめ/US Presidential election - Trump, Gabbard, Sanders, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Biden・・・・・・ - 頑狷曲捻者TNの日々雑記、沈思黙考


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