
出典:Jim FitzPatrick GALLERY「Ahed Tamimi FREE print download」




出典(経由):「World Literature Today」https://www.worldliteraturetoday.org/
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![]() 出典:2015/07/27付・Peninsula Peace and Justice Center(PPJC) 「Why I Support the BDS Movement Against Israel」 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |





![]() ![]() | 新約聖書・テモテへの手紙 第一6章3~12節 違ったことを教え、私たちの主イエス・キリストの健全なことばと敬虔にかなう教えとに同意しない人がいるなら、 その人は高慢になっており、何一つ悟らず、疑いをかけたり、ことばの争いをしたりする病気にかかっているのです。そこから、ねたみ、争い、そしり、悪意の疑りが生じ、 また、知性が腐ってしまって真理を失った人々、すなわち敬虔を利得の手段と考えている人たちの間には、絶え間のない紛争が生じるのです。 しかし、満ち足りる心を伴う敬虔こそ、大きな利益を受ける道です。 私たちは何一つこの世に持って来なかったし、また何一つ持って出ることもできません。 衣食があれば、それで満足すべきです。 金持ちになりたがる人たちは、誘惑とわなと、また人を滅びと破滅に投げ入れる、愚かで、有害な多くの欲とに陥ります。 金銭を愛することが、あらゆる悪の根だからです。ある人たちは、金を追い求めたために、信仰から迷い出て、非常な苦痛をもって自分を刺し通しました。 しかし、神の人よ。あなたは、これらのことを避け、正しさ、敬虔、信仰、愛、忍耐、柔和を熱心に求めなさい。 信仰の戦いを勇敢に戦い、永遠のいのちを獲得しなさい。あなたはこのために召され、また、多くの証人たちの前でりっぱな告白をしました。 The New Testament・The First Epistle to Timothy 6:3~12 If anyone teaches a different doctrine, and doesn’t consent to sound words, the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness, he is conceited, knowing nothing, but obsessed with arguments, disputes, and word battles, from which come envy, strife, insulting, evil suspicions, constant friction of people of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain. Withdraw yourself from such. But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we certainly can’t carry anything out. But having food and clothing, we will be content with that. But those who are determined to be rich fall into a temptation, a snare, and many foolish and harmful lusts, such as drown men in ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some have been led astray from the faith in their greed, and have pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But you, man of God, flee these things, and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you confessed the good confession in the sight of many witnesses. |
![]() ![]() | 新約聖書・エペソ人への手紙6章10~20節 終わりに言います。主にあって、その大能の力によって強められなさい。 悪魔の策略に対して立ち向かうことができるために、神のすべての武具を身に着けなさい。 私たちの格闘は血肉に対するものではなく、主権、力、この暗やみの世界の支配者たち、また、天にいるもろもろの悪霊に対するものです。 ですから、邪悪な日に際して対抗できるように、また、いっさいを成し遂げて、堅く立つことができるように、神のすべての武具をとりなさい。 では、しっかりと立ちなさい。腰には真理の帯を締め、胸には正義の胸当てを着け、 足には平和の福音の備えをはきなさい。 これらすべてのものの上に、信仰の大盾を取りなさい。それによって、悪い者が放つ火矢を、みな消すことができます。 救いのかぶとをかぶり、また御霊の与える剣である、神のことばを受け取りなさい。 すべての祈りと願いを用いて、どんなときにも御霊によって祈りなさい。そのためには絶えず目をさましていて、すべての聖徒のために、忍耐の限りを尽くし、また祈りなさい。 また、私が口を開くとき、語るべきことばが与えられ、福音の奥義を大胆に知らせることができるように私のためにも祈ってください。 私は鎖につながれて、福音のために大使の役を果たしています。鎖につながれていても、語るべきことを大胆に語れるように、祈ってください。 The New Testament・The Epistle to the Ephesians 6:10~20 Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world’s rulers of the darkness of this age, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having the utility belt of truth buckled around your waist, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having fitted your feet with the preparation of the Good News of peace, above all, taking up the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; with all prayer and requests, praying at all times in the Spirit, and being watchful to this end in all perseverance and requests for all the saints: on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in opening my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the Good News, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. |
Ahed Tamimi resisted against occupation force after her cousin received skull damage by "false rubber bullet".
The true & real "Wonder woman" isn't Gal Gadot who had enrolled in Israeli occupation force, and is "Ahed Tamimi" who has resisted the occupation force.
Ahed Tamimi is the symbol and leader of resistances and protests.
Gal Gadot is supporting occupation in Palestine territory by Israel.
“Dear Natalia Oreiro, Please cancel your concert in Tel Aviv in March 20, 2018,” from Ahed Tamimi’s father.
Lorde of singer & songwriter received requests from anti-Israeli BDS movement, and so on, and decided cancellation of a performance as a result of reconsiderations based "conscience"
「Ahed Tamimi’s Father Urges Grammy-Nominated Singer Natalia Oreiro to Respect Palestinian Picket Line」
Familiares y activistas respondieron publicando informes y fotos
Relatives and activists dealt to exhibit papers and pictures.
que demuestran que la herida la causó una bala
The injuries show that it has been caused by a bullet.
Diagnosis on Arrival: bullet injury (by Israeli Soldiers)
Status on arrival:
The above-mentioned patient presented to our hospital on 15/12/2017 immediately after a bullet injury (head trauma) by israeli soldiers (left maxillary area entrance, no outlet)
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出典:YouTube:「Israel: Verletzter palastinensischer Teenager verhaftet」
Israel:The teenager in Palestine who was arrested and damaged
YouTube:「Seriously injured 15yo among 10 Tamimi family members arrested by IDF」にも同様有
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左:診断書2017/12/18、 右:レントゲン、金属弾摘出
出典:YouTube:「Arrestan al primo de Ahed Tamimi」
They arrested cousin of Ahed Tamimi
YouTube:「جدل حول إصابة الفلسطيني محمد التميمي」にも同様有
Argument about injury of Palestinian Mohammed al-Tamimi
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出典:YouTube:「جدل حول إصابة الفلسطيني محمد التميمي」
Argument about injury of Palestinian Mohammed al-Tamimi
Next 3 Medical Records confirming is recorded top and middle at December 18, 2017, and is recorded bottom at December 18, 2017.
On 15/12/2017; Patient underwent craniectomy with bone fragments gently removed, dura sutured to the bone edges around the window. flap using the pereost and temporal muscle was placed at the base of skull defect, drain placed epidurally. Patient also underwent bullet removal with left maxillary sinus repair. Wound closed by layers, patient intubated and transferred to ICU.
Control brain CT scan (post-op) on 15/12/2017 :the brain laceration in the left temporal lobe slightly increased with slightly more blood at the region of the tentorium. Otherwise, no change from previous CT scan
Another brain control CT scan on 16/12/2017 :Small laceration with air bubbles in the left temporal lobe. No mid line shift.
Post central line insertion during surgery. Control CXR done and showed right sided pneumothorax. General surgery consulted. Chest tube inserted on 16/12/2017
Brain and Chest CT scan control done on 18/12/2017:There is right sided pneumothorax. A chest tube is seen with its tip is in the midzone posteriorly. Areas of consolidation are seen in both lungs probably due to infection. Surgical emphysema is .seen in the right side
.The bullet which was seen in the left temporal fossa has been removed
in that site low attenuation with some swelling are seen. Pockets of blood are also seen .in this area
.Some compression on the lateral ventricle on the left side is noted
.No midline shift
.The right cerebral hemisphere is seen normal
The posterior fossa is also seen normal
Medical Report
To Whom It May Concern
Name: Mohammed Tamimi
Age: 15 YO
National ID: 408327856
Date: 18/12/2017
Diagnosis on Arrival:bullet injury (by Israeli Soldiers)
Status on arrival:
The above-mentioned patient presented to our hospital on 15/12/2017 immediately after a bullet injury (head trauma) by Israeli soldiers (left maxillary area entrance, no exit wound)
History of present illness:
Patient fell down immediately after the gunshot, vomited twice (large amounts with blood).
Upon arrival to our hospital : patient drowsy confused GCS 11/15 Desaturation 64 % Blood pressure 122/80 HR 90 RR 20. Profuse bleeding at face, open wound around the left maxillary are (4・4 cm edge outside, irregular deep, there was an opening with oral cavity .Soft and hard palate normal. Oral cavity full of blood. Suction immediately done, facemask with 15 litters o2 saturation increased to 69 % Elective intubation immediately done.
我々の病院への到着時:患者は眠気で鈍く、GCS(Glasgow Coma Scale:意識レベル)11/15、(酸素)飽和度の低下で64%、血圧122/80 、HR 90、RR 20は不明確であった。顔面での大量の出血、左上顎周囲の開いた傷は(4・4cm外縁、不規則な深み、口の空洞と共に開きが有った。軟口蓋と硬口蓋正常。口の空洞が血で満たされている。直ちに吸引が15リットルの顔面に行なわれ、酸素飽和が69%に増加した。選択的挿管が直ちにされた。
Urgent brain, cervical and chest CT scan done on 15/12/2017:
Crush injury of the left maxillary, left ethmoid sinuses, and the left orbital floor.Fracture of the left lateral orbital wall also noted.-Metallic bullet noted in the left temporal lobe just lateral to the optic chiasm with small surrounding brain laceration and multiple small bone fragments.- No active bleeding.Preserved internal carotid artery.- Preserved left eyeball and optic nerve.Stranding surrounding the left inferior rectus muscle with air bubbles at the inferior aspect of the left orbit.- No mid line shift.- Normal appearance of the ventricles.- Bilateral lungs infiltrations consistent with lung.aspiration
左上顎骨、左篩骨洞および左眼窩底の圧挫損傷。左側面の眼窩壁の骨折も認めた。金属の銃弾は、多数の小さな骨片と、小さく囲んでいる目の途切れ(視力に関する部分の切れ目)までの脳裂傷で、左側頭葉の丁度側面に認められた。- 活発な出血がない。内頸動脈が確保されている。 - 左眼球と視神経が保存されている。左眼窩の下の見地に気泡で左下(目の)直筋を包囲して陥っている。正中線シフトなし。- 脳室の正常な外観。-肺呼吸との両立した両側肺の(酸素の)浸透。
Al-Rayhan - Ramallah - Palestine
パレスチナ - ラマラ - レイハン郊外
Fax +970 2 2943220
Tel +970 2 2943200
FUENTE: B'Tselem
tweeted by B'Tselem's Staff.
Medical Report
To Whom It May Concern
Name: Mohammed Tamimi
Age: 15 YO
National ID: 408327856
Date: 24/12/2017
Diagnosis on Arrival:builet injury (by Israeli Soldiers)
Status on arrival:
The above-mentioned patient presented to our hospital on 15/12/2017 immediately after a bullet injury (head trauma) by israeli soldiers (left maxillary area entrance, no outlet)
History of present illness:
Patient fell down immediately after the gunshot, vomited twice (large amounts with blood) .
Upon arrival to our hospital : patient drowsy confused GCS 11/15 Desaturation 64 % Blood pressure 122/80 HR 90 RR 20. Profuse active bleeding from the face, open wound around the left maxillary are (4・4 cm edge outside, irregular deep, there was an opening with oral cavity .Soft and hard palate normal. Oral cavity full of blood. Suction immediately done , facemask with 15 litters o2 saturation increased to 69 % Elective intubation immediately done.
我々の病院への到着時:患者は眠気で鈍く、GCS(Glasgow Coma Scale:意識レベル)11/15、(酸素)飽和度の低下で64%、血圧122/80 、HR 90、RR 20は不明確であった。顔面での活発な大量の出血、左上顎周囲の開いた傷は(4・4cm外縁、不規則な深み、口の空洞と共に開きが有った。軟口蓋と硬口蓋正常。口の空洞が血で満たされている。直ちに吸引が15リットルの顔面に行なわれ、酸素飽和が69%に増加した。選択的挿管が直ちにされた。
Urgent brain, cervical and chest CT scan done on 15/12/2017:
Crush injury of the left maxillary, left ethmoid sinuses, and the left orbital floor.Fracture of the left lateral orbital wall also noted.- Metallic bullet noted in the left temporal lobe……
・2018/03/12付:「本当の"Wonder woman" Ahed Tamimiファミリー(1)いとこが「偽ゴム弾」で頭蓋骨破損後に占領軍に抵抗 ーSkull Damage by “False rubber bullet”」
・2018/03/12付:「本当の "Wonder woman" Ahed Tamimiファミリー(2) BDS:ナタリア・オレイロ氏Israel公演中止を願うDear Natalia Oreiro, Please cancel」
・2018/03/10付:「ホンダが違法入植地でのロードレースをボイコット、ロードがイスラエル公演中止、イスラエル輸出製品ボイコット!:Boycott Israel!, Honda & Lorde boycotted」
・2018/01/10付:「“Shill” for Fake Israel and Fake Jews・・・タルムード・ユダヤに支配されている政界・メディア・キリスト教界、提灯持ち・さくらの政治家・ジャーナリスト・クリスチャン」
・2018/02/13付:「“Crises Gaza Hospitals”パレスチナ・ガザ病院閉鎖危機「良心ある人々はこれに応えるか?」―Do you owning conscience respond about them ?」
・2018/02/14付:「Gazaの子ども達『なぜ私たちは包囲され、殺され、権利を奪われるのですか?』―“Why are we surrounded , killed and deprided of our right ?”」
・2018/02/15付:「Zakat:遠く離れた東南アジアから喜捨を行う神の御心に忠実なインドネシアン・ムスリムはパレスチナの隣人ーIndonesian Muslims are Palestinian's neighbors」
・2018/02/26付:「パレスチナ人たちの謙遜・謙虚な姿勢とピュアな感性、感謝と創造主への信仰心 ― Palestinian is modest , pure , thanksgiving and faith in God」
・2018/03/06付:「日本、パレスチナ国家承認へ(1)Without Jews and US, Japan is getting for Official Approval about State of Palestine」
・2018/03/10付:「日本、パレスチナ国家承認へ(2)Without Jews and US, Japan is getting for Official Approval about State of Palestine」
・本ブログ・カテゴリー:「パレスチナ 2012~2017」 …本ページ右サイド
・本ブログ・カテゴリー:「パレスチナ 2018~」 …本ページ右サイド
・本ブログ・ブックマーク:「イスラエルのガザ侵略・パレスチナ人に対する虐殺と人権蹂躙 2014」 …本ページ右サイド
・本ブログ・ブックマーク:「アメリカ・トランプ政権に送る、エルサレムをイスラエルの首都と承認した決定に対する世界中の反対・抗議・撤回要求声明の数々 2017」 …本ページ右サイド
・2018/02/27付・Mondoweiss:「In fit of mendacity, Israeli official claims Mohammed Tamimi, 15, was not hit in the head by a bullet」
・World English Bible(eBible.org)
YouTube: Panameños exigen liberación de Ahed Tamimi de cárcel israelí パナマ人はイスラエルの刑務所からアヘド・タミミさんの釈放を要求する Panamanians requests release of Ahed Tamimi from an Israeli prison. | YouTube: Israel pretende condenar a Tamimi para enviar mensaje a jóvenes イスラエルはタミミが若者にメッセージを送ることを非難しようとしている Israel is going to blame that Tamimi sends messages to young people. |
YouTube: USA: Pro-Palestinian march hits DC as AIPAC kicks off



出典:INDEPENDENT「Al Quds Day: Protesters burn flags and chant 'death to Israel' at annual rallies held across Iran」

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