翌日のカレーはなぜ旨い?カレーは、作り立てよりも一晩寝かせたほうがおいしいとされますが、その理由は、具材のもつうまみ成分や甘み成分が溶けだしてコクが増し、素材のうまみ成分がよく混ざり合って熟成が進み、奥深い香りと風味になるからだそうです。 Why is curry tastier the next day?Many people believe that curry is much tastier the next day than it is hot and freshly made. The reason is that the ingredients' flavor, umami and sweetness seep out into the sauce and make the taste more intense. Also the ingredients have more time to mix together creating a mellower and richer flavor.🍛