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☆Serendipity 幸せな偶然がたくさんありますように☆

MFC's Ruhs scores against City to level the match

2021-04-25 | Macarthur FC


MFC have secured a well-earned point with a 1-1-
draw against the form team of the competition Melbourne City.
Although the Bulls dominated possession the scores
would be level at half-time.
The matched ended 1-1.

77' Ruhs (No.19) ゴール

"It was incredible.
A long time coming and to get the equaliser
against Melbourne City was a dream come true.
I tried to bring that energy back into the game
and press behind their defenders when I came on."


第19節は、4/30 19:40 アウェイにてvs Perth Glory

The draw leaves the Bulls in fifth on 26 points

2021-04-19 | Macarthur FC

36' M'Mombwa (No.24) ゴール
M'Mombwa said it was emotional to score his first goal.
"It's a very special moment for me and my family.
It's been a long road.
I hope I can continue doing this for as long as I can."

47' Puyo (No.10) ゴール
Beñat took full advantage of his good fortune to release Derbyshire
who in turn timed his cut back for Puyo perfectly,
the striker slotting it inside the left post for a 2-1 lead.

Beñat almost catches out Italiano.
Both sides pushed hard for a winner,
with Beñat going close for Macarthur inside the last 20 minutes.
He's tried his luck from distance with a wicked free-kick
that dipped late
and almost dropped under the crossbar of Italiano.

4/15 Susaeta and Beñat, sit down with James Dodd
to discuss their transition to the A-League.

"It (the pandemic) wasn't one of the main reason's,
the main reason I came here is because I wanted to play football.
It made me sad to leave them (Athletic) like that last year,
because I couldn't play as much as I wanted.
I wanted to play football
and enjoy the experience of playing football.
It's true that the pandemic is much more controlled here
that is in Europe and there are fewer cases
that did encourage me when making my decision to come here.
Yes, the games that I've played in I have really enjoyed.
Physically, teams are very strong.
It's true that the climate is tough to play football in
because it's very hot but I think the style of play of our coach
an our team and what we're doing is very good and I'm enjoying it.
For example, in our team we have young players
that are eager to learn and eager to succeed."

第18節は、4/24 19:10 ホームにてvs Melbourne City

Derbyshire’s finish from 12m was perfect

2021-04-15 | Macarthur FC

"We got beaten by a better side on the night.
We couldn’t deal with their mobility and forward runs.
We started slowly in the first half
and in the second half we got pinned back
and couldn’t get out of the back third.
At times and in patches we play decent football,
but we need to do that for longer periods of time.
Now we just have to focus on the next game at home on Sunday."

33' Derbyshire ゴール
Derbyshire fizzed one shot past
the top-right corner from outside the box,
before finding the back of the net with his next attempt.
Hollman placed a pass through three Adelaide
bodies to find the Bulls striker all alone running in on goal.
Derbyshire took a touch to control,
then placed his shot past Gauci with a simple finish.

第17節は、4/18 18:10 ホームにてvs Newcastle Jets

Macarthur to end eight-game winless streak

2021-04-10 | Macarthur FC

"It’s disappointing.
We weren’t disciplined with our possession when we had the ball,
we couldn’t keep the pressure
and in the end, we didn’t deserve anything from the game.
The speed they had in transition, we got done.
Our tactical adjustments weren’t where they needed to be.
We need to quickly regroup
and shift our focus to Adelaide on Wednesday night."

90' Rose ゴール
A crafty set up from M’Mombwa cut a ball back for Rose
who was alone inside the 6 year
box for a tap in to secure his maiden A-League goal.

Beñat has had 1,262 touches in the 2020/21 ALeague season,
more than any other player in the competition.

第16節は、4/14 19:05 アウェイにてvs Adelaide United

1041 Paolo Maldini

2021-04-07 | Football&F1
「完全無欠のロックンローラー」by アラジン

2月25日に発売されたDiego Guido氏の本↓
Grazie mille, Anna

1041 Paolo Maldini.
『Un estratto dal nuovo libro
che racconta la vita e la carriera di Paolo Maldini,
uno dei più forti –
e vincenti, checché ne dica lui – calciatori di sempre.
Paolo Maldini,
è il titolo di un libro pubblicato dalla casa editrice 66thand2nd
che racconta la storia di Paolo Maldini,
uno dei più grandi e famosi calciatori di sempre,
a lungo capitano del Milan e della Nazionale.
Il libro comprende
anche diverse dichiarazioni inedite di Paolo Maldini,
che ha parlato con Guido durante la scrittura del libro.
C’ero alla prima a Udine il 20 gennaio 1985
e all’ultima a San Siro il 24 maggio 2009
(l’ultima in assoluto la giocò il 31 maggio a Firenze).
Col Milan ha conquistato la sua prima Coppa
dei Campioni a vent’anni
e l’ultima Champions un mese prima di compierne trentanove.
L’uomo rimasto bandiera è di moda in un mondo di banderuole.
E Paolo è rimasto bandiera anche dopo,
quando ha ritrovato la strada di casa
ed ha cominciato a lavorare da dirigente.』


LE IDEE - E chiudiamo con le sue idee
"Se penso alle mie idee di quando sono arrivato,
idee sportive intendo,
e a quelle che ho adesso, è cambiato il mondo.
Ho visioni completamente diverse.
Le ho cambiate
anche grazie ai conflitti interni con la proprietà,
a confronti con idee diverse dalle mie,
con persone diverse da me.
Ho vissuto risultati che non mi sarei aspettato
così negativi o così positivi.
Avevo certezze che ho dovuto mettere in discussioni e cambiare.
Adesso la mia visione è diversa,
ma probabilmente se me lo chiederai tra
due anni sarà ancora diversa."

On his ideas
"If I think about my ideas when I arrived,
sports ideas I mean, and what I have now,
the world has changed.
I have completely different visions.
I have changed them
also thanks to internal conflicts with ownership,
comparisons with ideas different from mine,
with people different from me.
I have experienced results
that I would not have expected so negative or so positive.
I had certainties that I had to question and change.
Now my vision is different,
but probably if you will ask in two years
it will still be different."

De Marcos:Queríamos regalarle esta victoria a la afición

2021-04-05 | Athletic Club&Liga Española

4/4日 第65回 大阪杯


La final entre los dos reyes de Copas.

De Marcos
"Es un golpe muy duro.
Teníamos mucha ilusión,
confiábamos en sacarlo, pero no ha podido ser.
Perder una final es siempre muy doloroso.
Os hemos echado de menos,
siempre lo hacemos, tanto en las buenas como en las malas.
Nos hubiera gustado mucho regalaros esta victoria.
Trataremos de hacerlo el 17."

¡Volved con la Copa!

2021-04-03 | Athletic Club&Liga Española
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Aupaaaaaaa ATHLETIC!!!!!!!

因みに、20-21シーズンのCopa決勝はAthletic vs Barça。
(Sábado 17 de abril - 21:30)
(Estadio Olímpico de Sevilla)

Un 'león' reza en la capilla de San Mamés
por las finales de Copa del Athletic Club.

Susaeta and Beñat showing Genreau the way in Bulls midfield

2021-04-02 | Macarthur FC
『映画クレヨンしんちゃん 謎メキ!花の天カス学園』


"I was really pleased with the way we defended
and it starts with Derbyshire.
He brings to the team off the ball
and he starts the press for us.
It was a good collective effort from everyone tonight."
Macarthur carved out most of the good second-half opportunities.

10' & 45' Derbyshire ゴール
Derbyshire lifts Bulls to 2nd in A-League.

MFC midfielder Genreau says the experience
he's gaining alongside the likes of Susaeta and Beñat
has been fantastic for his development in a Bulls
outfit building a consistent stretch of form.
You saw those two boys tonight,
Susaeta and Beñat, they just took over the game.
"I was just sitting in the middle of the park
just cleaning up if they made any mistakes,
but they didn’t make too many of them.
For me, I’m learning so much everyday from them.
A lot of the other boys as well,
they’re very experienced and top professionals,
so to be alongside them is fantastic."

Susaeta was similarly damaging.
He won his side a first-half penalty
which led to Derbyshire's second goal,
created four chances,
dispatched three shots and took 83 touches.

Beñat put in a typically dominant shift
in the middle of the park against Perth.
He took 103 touches to play 86 passes at over 88% accuracy,
making 10 ball recoveries throughout his 90-minute
shift which included a perfectly-weighted lofted
through ball hit toward Ivan Franjic in the box
to set Derbyshire up for the opening goal.
As for Beñat,
what more is there to say about this man?
Other than the fact that he really is their conductor,
there’s no doubt about that.

The dynamic duo caught the attention of FOX Sports
analyst Mark Bosnich,
who was full of praise for Macarthur's Spaniards after the game.
"Susaeta taking up his main position -
we saw on the heat maps at the end of the game -
his main position on the outside right,
but he comes all the way across.
There were times we were looking,
(and) all of a sudden he’s over on the left side,
all of a sudden he’s at number 10,
always looking for where the space is.
Macarthur threatened to go three goals ahead
as play resumed in the second 45,
when Puyo shot over the bar from inside the box
after another combination between Beñat and Susaeta."

第16節は、4/9 19:05 ホームにてvs Brisbane Roar