考える英語 (英作で英会話上達!)



2015-08-19 17:21:15 | 英作 解答

5. 廃墟のホテルへ行き肝試しする若者がいる。

→『廃墟のホテル』とは、古い建物(an old building)で、前はホテルだった(before)ということ。

・There is an old building. It was a hotel before.

・There is an old hotel. Nobody's staying. Nobody's working. It closed many years ago.

・The building was a hotel before. But now no one comes. No one stays. It's closed, and it's just empty.


・go to see if there are really ghosts.

・find ghosts.

・see gohsts.


・go there to see if you are brave (enough).
(brave= 勇敢)
brave の類語として、courageous, gutsy などもある。


・There's an old building. It was an hotel. Nobody is there now. People say they saw ghosts there. Young people go there. They even cry because there might be ghosts there.


・Some young people like to go to buildings like an old hotel that closed many years ago. They just go there to see if they can find ghosts inside.

There are brave young people who want to go and see if they can see ghosts there, in a place like old hotels where there's no one working or staying now.


6. お盆には、先祖の霊がこの世に帰ってくるとされている。

→先祖とは、ancestors 。


先祖とは、まず家族である(family)。すでにこの世にいない(not in this world)。死去している(die)。die の婉曲表現にpass away がある。

・In Obon season, our old family, who are not in this world any more, come back to this world.

It is believed that~、We believe that
Japanese people believe that~

先祖を、死者一般に拡げて、死者の魂(a soul)を使ってみる。

Obon is the time when the dead people's souls come back home( to this world).

・All those people, who are dead, will come back and we can see them again.


・You can feel them close.
・You can feel them so close to you.


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