表面に保護クリアーをかけずに 箔の生地をそのまま活かしたので
しかし..... このまま箔をむき出しの状態にしておくと
色が変色・退化してしまうので 結局発表せず廃棄してしまいました。
娘をモデルに使った 自分でも気に入っていた作品なので残念でなりません。
美術館の収蔵環境はいいのでかなり原型を維持しているのではと 期待しているのですが....
これ以降 箔の効果を活かしつつ
なおかつ 劣化をも食い止める方法を求めて頭を悩ませつづける事になります。
I used Red shell leaf and Blue shell leaf for this work 15 years ago.
I didn’t put protecting agent on the surface to make use of leaf itself,
so, the beautiful colors of leaf worked very much.
However, as the leaf without coating eventually becomes discolored,
I gave up showing and disposed of it.
It is a shame because my daughter was the model for these little girls.
Before then I produced two prints with leaf without coating.
I underestimated the problem of discoloration then, and I put them on the market.
One of them is now housed in the South Wales Museum in Australia.
It’s frightening to imagine what’s become of it.
But I wish it were maintained as it was, because the circumstances of museums are ordinarily excellent for keeping their collections.
After that, I’ve been struggling to find a preventive against deterioration as well as
to make the most what leaf has.

薔薇とトンボ Photo by NORIKO